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Everything posted by Graydog

  1. This is a general note to all who participated with us at Swallows Day. Please forward as is possible. The Alliance of the Double Cross wishes to thank all the fine pirates that were with us at the Swallows Day Parade. Of Special note as groups are the Buccaneers of Trotuga and the Port Royal Privateers. Thank you for all your help and support. It was a fine day, great parade and we won 1st Place for Historical Depiction. While that is a wonderful award, both I and my group say it pales in comparison with all the pirates we got to be with and spend joyful time among during the day. I don't have every one's e-mail to send a person thanks, nor can I find everyone on My Space. Please take this as a heartfelt thanks from our group for all of you that made this day so special for us. Thank you all very kindly, -Greydog P.S. (This is being written just a few hours after the parade by a beat up old tired pirate who's wits may not be all in one place. I might have not listed a group that was with us. If so, please let me know so I can publicly express our thanks.)
  2. Actually, the pub already had a Greydog as a member when I joined.

  3. Yer profile name says "Graydog" but yer persn'l scribblin's say "Greydog". I reckon the rum's te blame!

  4. Graydog


    Add bacon and the butter help to keep this crane moist and give it an old world fire roasted taste. This is as traditional as it gets when it comes to crane. Prep Time: 30 minutes Cook Time: 3 hours Ingredients: • 1 whole crane, about 5 pounds • 4 slices bacon • 3 tablespoons butter • salt and pepper to taste Preparation: Sprinkle the inside of the crane with the salt and pepper. Truss the crane. Place securely on rotisserie skewer. Dry thoroughly with paper towels. Rub with butter and sprinkle with salt. Blanch bacon in boiling water for one minute. Secure the strips of bacon over the breast and thighs with string. Preheat your grill and prepare you rotisserie. Place a drip pan under the place where the crane will be and fill it half full with water. Keep water in this pan during the cooking rime. Place crane on grill with a medium heat. Cook until the center of one breast reached 165 degrees F. about 2 hours. Remove bacon about 15 minutes before the crane is done and baste with drippings from the pan.
  5. "...a smart businessman"? Do go on...It'll be interesting to see how they twist that silly idea around. (I'd say he was more of an effective marketer than a smart businessman.) Actually they are running with that ball and have cast Donald Trump as Black Beard. In fact as he rows off and abandons his crew on the Queen Anne's Revenge he shouts "You're FIRED!"
  6. What about her twin sister Salma Hayek? (Ok, they are not related, but geeze, they look a lot alike.)
  7. How much for the map? I have this cow my mom wanted me to take to the market to sell. But, a magic map! That sounds a lot better because I don't know beans. -Jack
  8. More for the rumor mill: http://insidemovies.moviefone.com/2010/02/10/penelope-cruz-may-join-pirates-of-the-caribbean-on-stranger-tides/ Penelope Cruz May Join 'Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides' February 10, 2010 |By: Scott HarrisComments (28) That's the latest word from the Hollywood Reporter, anyway, which is reporting that the acclaimed Spanish actress is currently in negotiations with Disney to co-star in 'Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides.' That top secret project, of course, is the fourth entry in the wildly popular -- and equally profitable -- 'Pirates of the Caribbean' franchise, which has earned over $2.7 billion worldwide since the first installment set sail back in 2003. But while Johnny Depp is known to be on board for the latest go round, other 'Pirates' stars, including swashbuckling love interest and rival Keira Knightley, have declined to the chance to return, leaving the door open for others to strap on the eye patch. Enter Cruz, who, despite worldwide acclaim for her work in dramas such as 'Volver' and 'Vicky Cristina Barcelona' has yet to become a bankable star in America; her highest grossing film domestically was the animated rodent film 'G-Force,' with 'Vanilla Sky' being the only other Cruz film to crack the $100 million mark. 'On Stranger Tides,' then, gives Cruz a chance to establish herself stateside as a blockbuster actress while also giving Disney the benefit of her overseas renown, a significant advantage considering over $1.5 billion of the franchise's take has come from foreign receipts. The movie would also re-team Cruz with Rob Marshall, who directed Cruz to an Oscar nomination in last year's musical dud 'Nine.' Marshall, who will be directing 'Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides' under the auspices of returning producer Jerry Bruckheimer, plans to have cameras rolling on the film this summer in order to meet a May, 2011 release date for what is sure to be one of the tentpole films of next year. Just how rich the film's booty is, though, may depend on Cruz.
  9. I was perplexed by this show with it’s handling of hundreds of years old antique firearms by people in the “know” that take them out to ranges and shoot them. Arrrrg, you don’t do that and you don’t handle them without gloves, geeze, antique weapon 101 guys. Come on, at least get an x-ray before risking some problems here. It'd be different if it was your gun and had been firing it for years, but these are walk-ins. But, that isn’t a good show and that gets to the following fascinating bit of information. I have a buddy that worked a long time with the History Channel dating back to when it was primarily using the Greystone production company (Now defunct as far as I know). Anyhow he got to know a great deal of reenactors across the country as they shot various shows like “Civil War Combat” or “Tales of the Gun”. So, when he see’s the guy in the Yankee Artilleryman’s hat selling his Hotchkiss cannon on “Pawn Stars” he exclaims, “Hey, I know that guy from when we filmed whatever. I still have his phone number.” and he gives him a call. The phone call was VERY interesting. According to my buddy the fellow selling the Hotchkiss cannon was contacted by the production company that does “Pawn Stars” and paid to drag his gun in (actually two guns, watch the episode and you see the wheels of a tarpped gun in the background) and later to shoot it. At no time did he actually try to pawn or sell his cannon. It was a paid gig and acting performance for the show. So, how much of those items coming in are actually pawn items and a real discussion? I have nary a clue. I just have good reason to suspect that one wasn’t. However, the gun was real. I am just speaking to the act of pawning and the manner in which they present how they shoot the antique weapons. It’s a very well done show and entertaining, just take a huge grain of salt when watching.
  10. This is very good news, Rum all around! Now, with that said, I hope those other items do not ammount to a significant loss. If they do and PRP wanted to do some sort of fund raiser to fund replinishment that loss, you can count on the Alliance of the Double Cross to support you all. If ye be needing of certain items until replacement be coming, do drop a note and we will look in our cache's to see if we can assist. Fair winds, -Greydog
  11. Yes, the Alliance of the Double Cross would be interested. I will bring the dice, but I can't promise I WON'T lie.
  12. Actually, I would dearly love to attend this event. Yer fellows impression is spot on and it would be a true privledge to be with ye. The problem be that it's on a Thursday Night. It being 180 miles away makes a week night event just beyond me reach. Now if it were a Saturday, then bein thar with bells on be not an issue. Fair winds, -Greydog
  13. It sounds like people be dyin to get into this event.
  14. Indeed, let's hope for the best.
  15. Mon Deui, do I look french, no wait..I'm French. Why do think I have this outrageous accent, no? Marde.... French and a Red Shirt! I'd give up but it wouldn't do any good.
  16. February 5th, 2010 | Sea Shanty Concert with Simon Spalding & James Hendricks Whale & Ale 327 West 7th Street San Pedro, CALIFORNIA (310) 832-0363 http://www.whaleandale.com/ Simon & James are multi-instrumentalists with a repertoire that includes Sea Shanteys, Celtic music, ragtime/jazz & 200 years of popular music. Simon plays fiddle and is a world-renowned performer of maritime & historical songs, having performed throughout North America & Europe. James sings & plays concertina, tinwhistle & piano - among others. He performs a variety of historical & maritime music, particulary music of the Civil War. Greydog's Note- Yes, come and listen to Jimmy Hendricks, (of course ye call him that and ye will wind up out in the alley on yer arse) No, seriously, these folks are very good. I can’t think of a better endorsement than James was the singer for my son’s wedding. A first rate time to be had here!
  17. Damn it Mission! You're a doctor not a pirate! Now, where did I put my red shirt? Red shirt...I am doomed, doomed.
  18. Here's one song: http://lair2000.net/Mermaid_Lyrics4/lyrics/Professional_Pirate.html
  19. Yes, it doesn't go bad. Especially, if it has never been opened. I have kept "beverages" for 10 years unopened and when opened they were right fine. (It was one of those special edition deacnter containers)
  20. All VERY difficult questions, but I'll giver er a go. Is it possible for good rum to go bad? Yes. Letting some body else drink yer rum is an example of good rum going bad. How can one ensure their fine bottle of rum will last for more than a year. A very perplexing question. I feel like a native with a backstaff not sure what it's all about. But er goes, I reckon if ye could put more than a years supply of rum in a bottle then indeed it could last fer more than a year. But that thar will be one big bottle! Do you store it like wine, with the cork covered by the liquid? Or sitting up? If by that ye mean in some cheese eating frog cellar that be right out. Ye best store it like a firelock, under lock and key and out of reach of children. Now, if the cork be coverd by liquid there is the possibility that the bottle be upside down. Fair warned says I if ye plan to open it, besure and turn er right side up. As to sittin up, yea, that be how I start out drinkin rum and that be the best position. Can't say that be how I end up though. Do I need to worry about 'sediment'? AYE! Don't let yer mates back flush when ye share a bottle, right nasty it be. Do corked rum need to be drank right away or can it be stored for a year or more? Indeed it does, indeed it does! The very sight of a rum bottle with a cork makes think it needs to be drunk right away.....STORED!? I fail to comprehend the meaning of the word when applied to rum. How do you know if rum has gone bad? The bottle is empty. Now I hope ye be findin all this valuable information worthwhile. However, if ye still be in doubt if yer rum is good or bad, please ship to me and I will render ye an opinion right quick and be returning it to ye right away. (Not responsible for any rum lost in transit.) Fair winds, Greydog
  21. Never discount the power of the .50 cal machine gun (based on the movie not the book)
  22. So, ye want a cannon lad? http://www.gunbroker.com/Auction/ViewItem.aspx?Item=153805695 This is a 7.75 foot - Full Size - Black Powder 9 pounder Naval Project Cannon! This is a very hard to find full size reproduction of a 9 pounder Naval cannon. The very heavy duty custom made duel axle trailer with a spare tire is available to the winner if he wants it for an additional $1,500 US$. The trailer is 17 1/2 feet long and 8 feet wide and includes ramps. It needs tires and work! This cannon is about 25 years old and needs to be restored. The carriage is good, but needs repair to the front axle which is made of oak. Overall barrel length: 93 inches (7.75 feet) Bore: 4.25 inches Steel Wheels: 14 inch diameter The ammo and tool boxes, implements, etc., are included. Complete set-up without the trailer is priced at to sell fast with a starting price of only:$6,995 US$ This is a NO RESERVE auction. Plus reasonable delivery costs or pick up FREE in Southern Maine. Note: The trailer is not licensed and needs new tires and temporary lights to move it. Payment by Bank Wire Transfer or COD if picking it up yourself with a deposit!
  23. Indeed, indeed. LMAO
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