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Everything posted by Graydog

  1. Correct you will not. This is a proposed policy of the California State Park system that is in the process of being finalized. They have by-passed the State Park hearing system that a regulation would require, even though this is plainly a regulatory guidance. Since it is a pending policy it will not appear anywhere as a "bill". As this is not an adopted policy at this time it can still be blocked. However, even if adopted you will not find it in "law" as it is a policy of an operating department within state government. If you want offical confirmation of this item, you will have to contact the State Park Service Hq's in Sacramento or have somebody do that for you. Point of contacts on this item are in the State of California Parks Hq’s telephone numbers (916) 653-4643 (This is the person in charge of the State's interpetive history program) or (916) 324-0348 (if you get voice mail it answers as deferred maintenance, sounds odd but you're in the right place), this is the portion of the Park System that deals with Interpretive History and are responsible for this item. Please call them to verify this is no hoax or if you are against this item call and leave comment. You'll want to talk to them about- State Parks Proposed Guidelines for the Use of Historic Weapons Policy, October 3, 2007: “Reproduction Black Powder Firearms and Edged Weapons use in California State Parks” If you call, understand these are the sponsors of this pending policy. Please be polite. They state that it is preferred that you send in written comment rather than phone or E-mail: California State Parks Attn: Jonathan Williams 704 O Street Sacramento, CA 95814 They ask you to provide comments before December 15, 2007. It would be great if the folks you dashed the E-mail off to get involved. I doubt if they will know of this item, as it is not a bill before the legislature. The more people that complain, the less likely this will happen.
  2. You can get more with a kind word and gun, than you can get with just a kind word. -Al Capone
  3. Ojai is a water district and it does not fall under control of the State Park System. Information on Ojai (Lake Casitas Recreation Area)
  4. The following only applies to events in California and specifically the State Park System. If you do not live in California, please excuse this posting. All forms of “combat” pending banning from California State Park System. This has not been implemented yet, but its in the final stages of staffing prior to implementation. State Parks Proposed Guidelines for the Use of Historic Weapons Policy, October 3, 2007 “Reproduction Black Powder Firearms and Edged Weapons use in California State Parks” Main Points 1. Battle reenactments and/or demonstrations of battle tactics that involve firing at opposing lines, taking of casualties, or any form of simulated warfare are absolutely prohibited in all areas administered by California State Parks. The rest of the “guidelines” almost become superfluous after point one, however, they are listed at the bottom of this note. These proposed guidelines (which have the effect of regulations but by-pass all the legal open hearing requirements because they are policy, not regulations) only apply at State Parks, if this policy will impact your local event will really depended on whether that event is on state property as opposed to county, city, or private property. The odd observation is that these are normally “cash cow” events for the state and they will take a revenue loss as a result of this policy. Off the top of my head- this effectively kills the 40 year old Fort Tejon Civil War Program and the several year old San Pasqual Mexican American War Program to name just two (2) locations. If you object to the policy, or object that regulations are being proposed that by-pass the open hearing requirements under the name “policy”, you can contact either the governor’s office or your state representative. If you don’t care about this proposed policy, you may want to read item 6 below. That item while speaking to weapons initially could be used as a pretext to prevent pirate events at any of the State Parks that does not have a “pirate” theme. Here’s the rest of the policy: 2. All staff, volunteers, and special event participants who have access to, or possess a firearm or ammunition on department property must be prescreened for any convictions specified in the state's gun control statutes. 3. Use only reproduction black powder firearms and edged weapons in interpretive demonstrations in California State Parks 4. Undertake all uses of reproduction historic weapons in parks with a major focus on visitor, demonstrator, and employee safety. Physical barriers must be used to keep visitors at safe distances. Demonstrators will wear both safety glasses and hearing protection. 5. Individuals performing black powder firearms demonstrations in State Parks may wear period-appropriate attire or protective modern clothing. 6. All black powder and edged weapons used in demonstrations will be consistent and appropriate to the interpretive theme and interpretive period(s) of the park unit. 7. Prior to performing any demonstrations within State Parks, all employees and volunteers of the department will be trained in the safe use of reproduction black powder firearms and edged weapons. 8. Inspect all reproduction black powder firearms and edged weapons used in demonstrations annually. 9. Maintain all reproduction black powder firearms and edged weapons in a safe, clean, and rust-free condition. 10. Black powder storage, handling, and transportation will conform to the State Fire Marshall and Department of Transportation regulations. 11. Check all reproduction black powder firearms to ensure weapons are unloaded and that no projectiles are in evidence prior to use in State Parks. Use only blank ammunition in firing demonstrations. 12. No person under 18 years of age, while in possession of firearms, shall fire, or be in possession of, black powder. 13. No person shall use or handle explosives (e.g., black powder, percussion caps. Or fuses) while under the influence of alcohol or drugs. 14. Use of reproduction black powder firearms or edged weapons shall no affect any Cultural or natural resources negatively. 15. Consult local zoning codes and authorities before designating demonstration ranges in state parks. 16. Keep accurate records of black powder use and transactions. 17. Follow all department requirements for safely loading, unloading, and preparing powder charges, as outlined in the Guidelines for the Use of Historic Weapons and provided in training and certification programs. 18. All Department-certified Historic Weapons Lead Persons and Inspectors shall attend a Department- approved certification program every four years. 19. Report all accidents involving the use of black powder and edged weapons to the District Superintendent. A Historic Weapons Accident Notification and Review report shall be completed. 20. Each district will maintain an inventory of its reproduction black powder firearms and provide a copy of the inventory to the Public Safety Division in Headquarters. 21. All non-state owned black powder or cartridge weapons transported on California State Park property for use by park staff, volunteers or special event presenters, will be registered within the first thirty minutes upon arrival to the site. 22. Visitors may handle and unloaded weapon, providing the demonstrator maintains control with one hand. 23. Expose edged weapons only under controlled conditions. Visitors will NOT handle edged weapons. 24. If misfires occur, the standard misfire procedures drill will be followed. 25. Use only sporting grade black powder in interpretive demonstrations. California State Parks will not accept responsibility of any non-government owned weapons or equipment. Any violation of these policies or standards by the individual or group shall result in immediate removal of the individual or group from further weapons firing demonstrations in the park. Where did I get this information? From a State Park Employee that runs one of the volunteer programs. -Greydog
  5. Candy (as in Pixie Sticks, they even make those anymore?)
  6. Correct and your turn!
  7. Well good grief, everybody has it, they just won't say it! If this keeps up, you know what will happen? You'll have to answer to the Coca-Cola Company.
  8. Well of course we be runnin up a flag denoting good will and comradeship. It be havin X to mark the spot and a beautiful head image to show we were intellectuals don't cha know. Har be a link to er: http://www.frappr.com/pyracypub/photos/8464746
  9. Make sure you're right and then go ahead.- Davy Crockette
  10. 1. meerschaum pipes! That is the place to get the real deal. 2. Rugs 3. Look at brass, in shops, not the major department stores, maybe they have some thing nice for events. 4. That's a big country I assume you are going to Istanbul from your comments. If you have not been there before, worry about the antiquity laws. Its a felony to remove anything from the country they consider an antique. Be sure if buying anything old looking you get a certificate that it is not an antique. We had an American tourist, 40 year old lady, get life in prison for violating that law when she tried to take a lamp back onto her cruise ship. At that time there was super relations with the US so, she got her charges over turned, but never-the-less, it was unpleasant for her for several weeks. Have fun!
  11. Thank ye me hearty. Har ye be: "Well, I've been to one world fair, a picnic, and a rodeo, and that's the stupidest thing I ever heard come over a set of earphones."
  12. I was merely exercising me rights of salvage, which by the way are internationally recognized on the high seas as it were, when these people on board the ship be takin umbrage of me exercisin me rights. They started yellin, “we stopped when we saw yer colors rise, ye didn’t need to fire across our bow, that belong to me dear sweet mother, give it back”…well boo hoo. Only brigands would interfere with somebody in a lawful and peaceful act such as I was conducting. An that be the Lord’s truth as it were. So, I ask ye, what was I suppose to be a doin with brigands on the high seas? Why ye toss ‘em over the side ya do. Ker plunk in the water did they go. So then, I bring this har abandoned ship in, makin the waters safe fer navigation. Mind ye, a lot of work on me part to do this er task and it be done simply to benefit others in society. Nobody needs an abandonded ship runnin amuck up and down the coast, why it could endanger children that had ventured to far off shore. All I asked in return was to be allowed to be a sellin a few baubles that were found way back hidden in the hold. Nay, do I get to sell these er things or even a simple thank you? Oh, no, fer me simply exercising my dutiful rights as a good sailor they call me a pirate! The injustice of it all. -Greydog
  13. "The Black Swan" ?
  14. All I know is that's a right fine flag at the end of the bit. -Greydog (The Skull of the Double Cross Flag is ours)
  15. I am a retired Lieutenant Colonel, U.S. Army. Currently, I have a tank less job as a Human Resources Manager, which old fashion me keeps calling a personnel director postion.
  16. Yup, go ahead and list a quote.
  17. Hold your breath Matusalem, I do not care much for Key Largo. I like Bogart but, that movie is not one of my favorites. I thought Robinson, while an excellent actor, played the character without enough evil (and he WAS evil). I like Bogart best as a heavy or private dick, with Sahara being an exception to that preference. Thought he was great with Cagney in "Angels with Dirty Faces". The three of them Bogart, Robinson & Cagney virtually defined the movie gangster and brought a charisma to the screen seldom seen today. -Greydog
  18. Mine: Adventures of Robin Hood (Errol Flynn) Back to Bataan Blazing Saddles Das Boat Dr. Strangelove Invaders from Mars (1953) Little Caesar (Edward G. Robinson) Monty Python & the Holy Grail Phantom of the Paradise The Public Enemy (James Cagney) Sahara (With Humphrey Bogart) Star Trek II, The Wrath of Kahn The Maltese Falcon The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance The Tanks are Coming! They Died with Their Boots On Titanic Treasure of Sierra Madre Gosh I could keep listing them! MUST STOP! -Greydog
  19. Apparently the U.S. Navy assistance in this case is helping in regards to North Korea and nuclear weapons: Washington Times November 1, 2007 Pg. 14 U.S. Navy Rescue Features In Nuke Talks By Nicholas Kralev, Washington Times The U.S. Navy's rescue of a North Korean vessel from pirates figured yesterday in talks between chief American negotiator Christopher R. Hill and his North Korean counterpart, who finalized plans for disabling the North's main nuclear facility. A U.S. team was due in the reclusive state today to oversee the disabling process. Mr. Hill, speaking to reporters in Beijing, confirmed that the nuclear negotiators had discussed an incident Tuesday in which the USS James Williams helped several North Koreans after their vessel, the Dia Hong Dan with 22 sailors and a cargo of sugar, came under pirate attack off the coast of Somalia. Two gunmen died and three crew members were badly wounded in gunbattles as the North Korean seafarers fought off the attackers, a maritime official was quoted by wire reports as saying. "Six gunmen were also seriously injured in Tuesday's heavy fighting," said Andrew Mwangura, head of the Mombasa, Kenya-based East African Seafarers' Assistance Program. The U.S. Navy confirmed that the wounded North Koreans had been taken on board the James Williams to be treated. Asked about the incident in Beijing, Mr. Hill said he and North Korean chief nuclear negotiator Kim Kye-gwan had "discussed the events that took place off the coast of Somalia ... with the incident involving the attempted takeover of the North Korean vessel by Somali pirates and the intercession of the U.S. Navy vessel." Other U.S. officials said it was standard procedure for the Navy to provide humanitarian assistance in such a situation and that the nationality of the North Korean sailors had not influenced the decision to intervene. Nevertheless, the action appeared likely to have established good will at a critical stage in the negotiations to end Pyongyang's nuclear programs. "The incident will have a positive impact as a result of the efforts by both the U.S. and North Korea to normalize their diplomatic ties," said an unidentified South Korean Foreign Ministry official quoted by the Yonhap news agency. Mr. Hill said yesterday's talks in Beijing went smoothly and that the American inspection team was on its way to North Korea. "We weren't negotiating. We were more comparing notes. We are at a phase now where we're talking a lot about nuts and bolts," Mr. Hill said, according to a transcript provided by the State Department. "There are three facilities in Yongbyon, and there are some procedures that have been agreed on to take apart the equipment there," he said. "So we think that will begin actually this week. We've had two site surveys by some technical teams. So we know precisely what is involved in that and what some of the measures need to be." Diplomats close to the negotiations said the heads of delegations in the six-nation talks on the North's nuclear programs were expected to meet later this month, and that the foreign ministers could meet in mid-December. Pyongyang has promised to disable Yongbyon and declare all of its nuclear efforts and materials by the end of the year, and to begin dismantling its programs next year in exchange for political and economic incentives, including better relations with the United States.
  20. HEY! If it wasn't for snivelers we wouldn't have lawyers! Yea, and then where would we be? Oh...nevermind.
  21. Germany home of Oktoberfest!
  22. I give the honor of providing the next quote to Red-Handed Jill in recognition of her naming Billy Bob Thorton as Davy Crockett in the Alamo.
  23. Spoiler If you freeze the water how do you tell which jug it is from? You just have two frozen blocks of ice, which is which? Now, it would be far easier to fill one jug with H20 (water) and the other jug with H2O2 (Heavy Water), that way you could always tell down to the molecule which jug the water came from. Simply determine which molecule has the extra oxygen atom and eureka that water molecule is from the heavy water jug. If need be you could seperate all the water with a pair of very small tweezers.
  24. Top Secret! Yes, Red-Handed Jill, it was the Billy Bob Throton version of the Alamo. I thought Billy Bob had a dead on portrayal of Davy Crockette, plus he was the right age being 50 years old.
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