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Everything posted by Graydog

  1. If in doubt throw it in the hold bags. I am still amazed I can carry a sword in hold baggage and don't even have to declare it.
  2. Rum? Rum? <---Perks up Aye, welcome aboard lad. Pull up a chair and feel at home. Now, ye be handin rum about I do believe? -Greydog
  3. Monty Python and the Search for the Holy Grail It is a line spoken by the Black Knight with a response from King Arthur Here's one (might have already been done, I havent read all 108 pages here) "Badges!? We don't need no stinking badges!" The line actually is in several movies, but do you know the first movie that used it?
  4. To quote TSA: When carrying formula, breast milk, or juice through the checkpoint, they will be inspected, however, you or your baby or toddler will not be asked to test or taste breast milk, formula, or juice. Our Security Officers may test liquid exemptions (exempt items more than 3 ounces) for explosives. I guess travelling nursing Moms bigger than a D Cup had best be prepared to be inspected and tested!
  5. Tis a meal of gibbet and hemp that I would find to be most posioning to me health.
  6. Here is an article that talks breifly to the subject in the American Colonies: (It points out lead comes from the rums contact with lead pipes in the distilling aparatus - (therefore laws were passed making making lead pipes in distilling against the law.) and if kept in an earthware container, lead bleed from that container. It also notes that lead, in the form of an acetate, was a delibrate addition to fortified wines of the time.) Put some lead in your tank As fer me its not so much lead posioning I fear as it is a hemp contact high! -Greydog
  7. Well of course it be that right wonderful smell of Rotten Eggs. Cause rotten eggs be the smell of burnt powder. When I smells burnt powder the booty be near by and I be right happy! So, ladies, if ye smells like rotten eggs I be goin fer yer booty! Tar har har har -Greydog
  8. Its a SQUID................not to worry, it's gone now. Oh, this har be my mistake, I thought ye be askin what be eatin me right now. -Greydog
  9. Graydog


    I be bringin a hiccupping haughty Hawaiian harlot in case anybody wants a lei.
  10. Female minimum grab standards= She must be within reach! - Greydog Oh, ye said garb, not grab. I be stickin with grab, it be a lot more fun!
  11. Salt pork with mashed peas, a side of hard biscuit and a tankard of grog. It be a right nice time, it be, if'n there be enough grog. -Greydog
  12. Thar be pirates in this film and in one scene they kick the arse of...well I won't be spoilin the plot. Be thar more of a reason to see a movie than pirates? How about Robert DeNiro as a pirate? Aye, that be a sugar topping on the deal! -Greydog
  13. I be goin green in most strong gales. Tis an ugly site, it is.
  14. Sounds like the defintion of a real pirate. Iron Bess's knowledge is in keeping with what I have read about him in regards to business and treatment of people. I'd add that sometimes the actual measure of a man's life is not the wealth he had at his death, but who weeps at his funeral.
  15. The MSN review says this movie is done with a lot of tongue in cheek. Which sounds like a lot of fun to me if true.
  16. Yes, the NASA bug was found by the NSA wire tap!
  17. Can I get this room at a Government Rate? :angry:
  18. Here's an article discussing desalination for So-Cal: Desalination is Premature
  19. When they find earth, to their surprise they will discover that earth actually is more advanced than the Colonies. That it has formed a United Federation of Planets. At which point Star Fleet will blow the Cylon's out of the water (in a manner of speaking.) Then just as the Cylon's are near defeat an ominious planet size device will appear that can destory whole planets with a single shot. Its only after the Robot warns Will Robinson of the vulnerabilites of this "Death Star" that he contact's Buck Rodgers. Buck then flies a suicide mission with COL Deering to get this information back to a part of earth's moon that was blown into space after a nuclear accidnet in 1999. On Moon Base Alpha there is a data up link to Babalyon 5. On Babalyon 5 they shuttle down to a near-by planet. On the planet via a Stargate the USAF in Colorado, USA becomes informed. They then contact the FBI. The FBI then sends the X-Files team to the Battlestar Galactica story room and have the whole Death Star Story arch taken out of the script in the nick of time just barely avoiding a copyright infringment law suit from George Lucas. Aye, they get told to stop pyrating story lines!
  20. Look dhmo is closely related to dihydrogen Dioxide (dhdo). That stuff is used to make nuclear weapons! This stuff is dangerous. Heck, if its closely related element is used to make nukes, I'd recommend steering a wide berth of this stuff. I have no desire to glow in the dark nor burst into flames. Remember, you can only render this deadly substance safe by getting it out of a pure status; mixing with C2H6O is a viable option.
  21. The problem with dihydrogen Monoxide is owing to the hydrogen component there is a possibility of explosion. This get’s exacerbated that if you have a dihydrogen Monoxide fire you can’t use water to put it out. It just crazy, you put water on a fire like that and it only intensifies. That thar danger be why we always cut dihydrogen Monoxide with Ethanol at a rate of two parts of the former to one part of the later. This will render the concoction safe for shipboard use.
  22. Lad, ye did the right thing now ye did. So, whar exactly did ye tie up this har abandoned vessel? Be it a well lite area? Oh, in the future, ye can just be tellin me alone about these things. I wouldn't want ye embarassed from doin the right thing.
  23. Wow, so much helpful information on where one can get a bottle! Thank you! This be running a bit off the subject of rum getting more respect, but as to its container- A question- why is green the preferred color for rum bottles?
  24. This raid be comin along right nice she be. We have been havin work parties to be settin the site up and have been emplacin the cannon. Don't be afeared to go to the website at the link at the top of this har column.
  25. Now if someone put it in a nice green onion bottle........ Lookin at the link below, This har Pyrat XO Rum not be in a green bottle, but the hand blown bottle do be somewhat of a start in what ye be askin and the rum inside..tis to die fer! This be a rum best consumed straight, the smell be strong and sweet, just like the rum be. Pyrat XO Rum
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