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Everything posted by Graydog

  1. menage a trois (meant in a clean way, like in a hot tub)
  2. LOL, now I have to say, which one? There are at least two movies with that name! Then again no need to nit-pick, yer turn. Yes, The Alamo
  3. Here we go: "You tell the general I'm willing to discuss the terms of surrender. You tell him; if he'll order his men to put down their weapons and line up, I'll take them to Sam Houston and I'll try my best to save most of them. That said; Sam's a mite twitchy, so no promises. "
  4. Cantankerous Jan and I are now "offically" registered at Pyrate Con. We done gone out and bought the three day boarding pass fer $85 a person. Thar still be room at the inn (Hampton) at the Pyrate Con rate of $99 a night (a $50 savings). Be sure ye get yer "secret" code that will get ye that rate after ye buy yer tickets. Thar be a bit of an ill wind blowin in air fares. Right now they be runnin at $350-450 (with taxes and other things attached) a person from just about any place in So-Cal. So,we be passin on our airplane tickets fer now and plan to get them a wee bit latter bettin that they be droppin in price. -Greydog
  5. Gods & Generals
  6. I tried four times with two different E-mail accounts and the system at CD Baby seems not to send to me the E-mail with my password to post. This means while I can read the board there, it won't let me post. Ergo, I can not leave a review despite an intention to do so. I guess there must be some kind of protocol issue with both AOL and Hotmail as their confirmation E-mail with the access password was never received at either of my accounts, despite repeated tries on my part to register. Sorry -Greydog
  7. This was the music at our "Raid" on October 6 and a new CD given as a prize at the end of the night. EVERYBODY loved this CD and very much wanted to say thank you to all those that made it possible. -Greydog
  8. Why Graydog? Graydog is an ancient Scandinavian compound notional name that actually comes before the Vikings in the pre-Norse language of Pahrump that has the following meanings: Gra- The prefix used when denoting a great weather event such as a wind of gale intensity Yd- This is the power word. It refers to the ancient Pahrump God Ydidd. The god of powerful fire and rhyme Og- This is the amplifying word. It refers to stealth and thievery. Latter when combined with mischief this was to be turned into the Norse God Loki, but in Pahrump the concept of mischief was absent. Archeologists associate the lack of a mischeif word with the incredibly cold winters that Scandinavia suffered in the pre-Norse period. All together the word is Graydog- meaning – one who posses great and powerful fire, stealth and skullduggery. What better reason to have Graydog for a pirate name? -Greydog P.S. All that and the fact that Greydog had already been taken and just changing the E to an A got the system to accept it as a logon.
  9. I think that's $280.00 sweetie..... (unless youwere looking at it in Platinum...) Have a drink. Calm your nerve. Actually a drink is in order, for the SILVER (!) version of the Janus ring costs $3,500. I can't seem to find on the page what kind of stone is in that mounting. Yup, the platinum version of the same ring is a whopping $28K. Look at the bright side, it's only $56K for two. Yar, that thar be some booty!
  10. Wow, what a great site! Actually, my favorite is this one: Friendship Ring or is that a Fiendship Ring? A ring of friendship that is based on death, is both funny, and eerie. One change I'd make though is to remove the cross bones under the skull as they obscure the heart.
  11. Piracy in the 21st Century: Captain, "Mr. Gibbon I see a fat slow Spaniard, I do." Gibbon, "That be true Cap'n" Captain, "Hoist the Jolly Roger and uncase the lawyer. Give'em a writ dead amidships!" Lawyer, "Under sub provision three of International Law, the afore mentioned Spaniard is here-by ordered to cease and desist under penalty of....." Gibbon, "That did er! She be dead in the water and lower'in her colors!" Captain, "Grapple her lads! Boarders away!" Lawyer, "Captain, make sure the men have all signed releases, boarding a ship at sea is highly hazardous and there are certain liabilities to be considered." Captain, "Gibbon you fool! Recase that dang blasted Lawyer before I heave him over the side!" Gibbon "Aye Captain." Ok, kidding aside, when I did a tour with NATO in Bosnia in 2000 we had to raid an illegal Bosnian Serb TV station. The raid went like this; the perimeter was surrounded with two (2) mechanized infantry companies. We had a platoon of tanks providing covering fire from an opposing ridged line. There were Apache gunships on call if the tanks couldn’t handle the situation as it developed. If need be further air support from fast movers was possible. The raid started and our assault track roared to the front door of the TV station. It dropped its ramp and a squad of soldiers providing security piled out. Then with everything in place from the back of the track our Lawyer walked out and served a cease and desist order on the operator of the TV station. Sad but true, our primary weapon was actually a lawyer! Their having a lawyer on board was actually a pretty good idea IMO, but what a world we have today. -Greydog
  12. I too have never seen an arrest at a public event for weapons, (I have seen the arrest of a person in costume for being drunk just outside a beer garden inside a Ren-Fare event) however, I am well aware of arrests or near arrests not at public events that involved either living history activities or going to and from events: 1997, we were doing a timeline event at USC. It was Revolutionary War to Desert Storm. The event was for local elementary schools and middle schools that gave awards for the annual history days at USC each year. This was a private event that utilized the USC Auditorium and had displays in front of the library. We had many displays and started off with flintlocks and then wound up with Humvee’s and machineguns that we had coordinated with the Army Reserve. Despite the proper authorities in the Campus Police Station being fully informed and consenting, the local Campus Police threatened to have us all arrested for having weapons on school grounds. Here we are, some of us in full modern military uniform with military ID cards, release paperwork for the weapons, & vehicles, invites from both USC and the history group we were supporting and the cops are talking about arresting the whole group of us, from the flintlocks to the M-60 machineguns! The situation was surreal, they were threatening to arrest us, but never attempted to disarm us, the event organizers were screaming at the police, the early arrival kids were starting to become a mob because they couldn’t get through to the exhibits (us) and all the while we were standing around drinking coffee and eating doughnuts the event had provided. Geeze, we lost over an hour in setup as the police argued among themselves and then finally left us alone. 1999 two (2) cannon were seized on different occasions from the Boy Scouts during camping trips in the California high desert. Even though the cannons were not firing live ammunition they were seized and destroyed as public nuisances. The interesting part of that tale is that the cannon were not being used illegally; the cops just misapplied the law because the station's captain didn't like the idea of civilians having cannon. The charges against the Boy Scout Troop Leaders were dropped, but the cannon were still destroyed as a nuisance. 2000 a friend of mine, on his way back from a World War I event, was arrested for several hours and then released all because he walked into a Mickey D's in a German World War I uniform, unarmed but wearing a helmet. Somebody at the restaurant called the cops on him! The amazing part of that discussion was that the arresting officers didn't know World War I had been fought and had no idea what side the US was on. My friend was trying to explain the history of World War I and the officers thought he’s was just some nutcase come to shoot up the place. They arrested him for legally transporting an unloaded firearm in the trunk of his car (bolt action Mouser)! Many hours later they realized no laws were broken and let him go, in this case with his weapon. I wonder if they ever bothered to find out about World War I? I have a couple more instances I could list, but I don’t want to bore everybody. Now, with the above pointed out, let me add we have a police officer in our group who is new to the pirate side of the hobby. He saw a belaying pin and became very upset. Why? Because a belaying pin looks like an old fashion police nightstick and its a felony to carry a nightstick in California without proper accreditation. After we explained its use was as part of a ship. He took a step back and said that it’s no problem to have one. However, he went on to add, if you got stopped on your way to or from an event it could be the officer involved might not be so open minded and you'd have to wind up in court to show the law was misapplied if you got arrested. In other words, it’s that World War I situation all over again. Of course, for each of the above items I have 30 years of no problems whats so ever. Most law enforcement enjoy the events or tolerate them very well. My examples are when you interface with law enforcement away from an event or in a stitutation where the officers had not been informed of what was happening. I am sure my friend at Mickey D's was trying to talk history and the cops were concerned about a man with a gun, so they were talking but not hearing each other, at USC the beat cops hadn't gotten the "word" and in the case of the cannon, yup, there are indeed some jerk cops in the world. The only purpose of listing these items is to point out that common sense, weapons, and the reaction by law enforcement should not be taken for granted. -Greydog
  13. Ask Jeff Miller, he lives all of two miles from the site, is a docent for the lockhouse, and is a pirate ship's doctor. If you see him tell 'em Greydog says hello. -Greydog
  14. I'd post a picture, but I am a Pirate not a webdesigner. The raid didn't generate enough interest to go through as paid event. However, the many folks that organized it had a right fine time on the site we did. We raided with what little we did have and there were bigger shares had all around and the rum it flowed freely it did. -Greydog
  15. Thank ye fer the kind words. Of course ye would be very welcome! -Greydog
  16. The links on the page you provided are updated to say she safely made it into port. This is the Tallship with the red sails. Glad to see it made it in safely and hope they can get her repaired.
  17. It is a US 1841 six pounder cannon. It is not a howitzer. If folks would like to talk equipment spec's, we love doing that, but we are equally happy if they just enjoy that it makes a loud bang. Please come by our setup and say hello.
  18. The big howizter is our 6 pounder cannon. The tube weighs close to 1,000 pounds and it's firing 8 oz of blackpowder with each shot. The crew loves to talk about cannon, so please come on by if you are interested. -Greydog
  19. At one point they roped four Jacks together and paraded them around camp. I wanted to put four gay guys together and then confront the four Jacks. Why? Well, four queens beat four jacks, of course. P.S. The six pounder is from my group and will be there next weekend. Our person that owns the cannon is in the process of getting it on to a naval carriage and we hope to have that accomplished by next year. However, that's a lot easier said than done.
  20. If you are interested har be a party in San Diego, CA at the Maritime Museum, it be takin place on the Star of India and the HMS Surprise. Oct 20, San Diego, Pirate Party I am not organizing this event, just saw the website and passed it on.
  21. Its not a porno pirate movie and yet, the best actor in the movie is Ron Jeremy.
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