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Everything posted by Graydog

  1. Well, I just got hit with a new round of fraud, this time on a different card. However, what these cards have in common is that they were used at the same location during my time in New Orleans. They also have in common a very good security system that nipped the charges in the bud. Once again, you may want to be checking yer charge/bank accounts if in New Orleans April 17 - 21 of this year. -Greydog
  2. Me humble apologies. T'was a natural mistake. Me wife refers to me as "it" in most situations. Naturally, I thought it be a term of endearment used by the fairer sex. I just wish she wouldn't point and use that word all at the same time, as it were. -Greydog
  3. I am so sorry to hear this! Say, how is the hermit crab doing and have you started dating again? -Greydog
  4. For what its worth from: The Crackling Pig Cooking meat over a fire isn't a new idea, but the practice of gathering for a barbeque of cooked meat found its roots in the south of colonial America. and the earliest recorded entry of the word in The Dictionary of American English was in 1733. While the origins of the term barbeque are much debated, the most plausible root of the word is a West Indian term barbacoa which describes a method of making a grating of thin green sticks to place over a fire. Thin strips of meat were then layed on this grating and cooked over the hot coals. Records of colonial settlers in america adopting the practice of cooking on a barbacoa predate the year 1600. Makes good ol'BBQ sound piratey to me when you add in where they were sailing around and hence would be going ashore during the GAOP.
  5. Mail Order: COONIE'S BLACK POWDER Box 2062 Hobbs, NM 88241 (800) 713-6321; Fax (505) 393-6060 Ask for Coonie, Patty or Sean. They don't take Charge Cards, but do take M.O. or check, 25 pounds minium order (price over $12 a pound). Note- if you order 25 pounds and you are going to keep it all (vs. doing a group order that you hand out right away), then you need to check with either your local Police or Fire to see how much you can maintain without a magazine. You can receive by ground shipment the 25 pounds no problem. The issue is local regulations for storage. The amount you can keep on site really varies by location in California, in some places its as low as one (1) pound! (I am sure as soon as our state legislature finds out there is a loophole that allows 25 pounds of powder to be shipped directly to citizens they'll make this illegal. But for now, they haven't figured it out.) Or you can order on line from: Track of the Wolf Or if you are in the greater Los Angeles area: Martin B. Retting's 11029 Washington Blvd. Culver City, CA 90232 (310) 837-2412 www.retting.com (Will order powder for you) or Walker `47 95 E Orangethorpe Ave Anaheim, CA 92801 (714) 871-8171 www.walker47.com (Will NOT order powder for you. You are stuck with what they have on hand as to grade of black powder.) or DAVE'S GUN & ARCHERY 766 South Lugo Avenue San Bernardino, California 909-884-5584 Info site, not a website http://www.gunshopfinder.com/bytownresults.asp?ID=4021 (Will NOT order powder for you. You are stuck with what they have on hand as to grade of black powder.) Price at each of the above local shops is around $20 a pound and they can't keep much powder on hand and can only sell you one (1) pound a day. That's per person, so go in a group.
  6. You can try these lads: Great American Coin Company- Spanish Reals
  7. I didn't like it. This isn’t a horrible movie, it just isn’t very good. If you walk out right after the first major event (first 10 mins) then you’ll leave feeling good about the movie. It went beyond formula to the point of- let's repeat many of the stunts form the previous movies, but now new and improved with CGI! On the other hand if you really love ok done CGI, then by golly this is the movie for you. With Spielberg directing, this is a well-constructed, beautiful movie with clarity on screen that is his hallmark. It’s just that the story is dull, the action is predictable, and the heroic characters don’t seem all that heroic (Exception for the first sequence.) The character of Indy is flat. The movie suffers from a feeling that this is the plot I must follow it, instead of the feeling of unperdictability the twists and turns gave in the previous movies. The character is now a man controlled by destiny, instead of a man that makes his own destiny. In each of the other movies at the end you go, wow, what will Indy do next? At the end of this movie you go, goodbye Mr. Jones have a nice retirement. This movie is not a terrible movie, it just fails to meet the thrill level expected in this series of movies. If you are a fan of the series, unfortunately, you'll have to go just to complete the series. If you don't care about the series and just want to go see a good movie; from back in the days when Lucas was young and had some originality left in him, let me paraphrase- "This is not the movie you are looking for. Move along." On a scale of 1-5, I'd give it a 3.
  8. DO NOT DO THAT! By going all the way to the gangplank they can be seen from on land. This will attract homeless German children that will go up your gangplank and attempt to eat your ship! Oh, boy, don't even think about trying to stop those little "children" by cooking them in your oven! They'll call you a witch! On the other hand, its not all bad, that's how I met my first wife. Oh, wait! -Greydog
  9. Hedgehog, it's not just for breakfast! However, as every nation, Gypsies have their national dishes. The specialty of the Gypsy's national cuisine is hedgehog. This is a very tasty and healthy dish, which one must know how to properly prepare. Small hedgehogs are used to prepare soup. The most delicious is stewed hedgehog with seasonings. The skin with the needles is flayed off, the meat is washed in water and placed into an earth ware pot, flavours are added and than stewed. The flavours are various depending on the individual taste of people. Romany like spicy food, but they also use wood sorrels, dills and blackberries. Especially healthy is to prepare food with hedgehog oil. Romany Cuisine
  10. This is typical liberal claptrap. Pirates are not decreasing they are INCREASING. This is obvious. For example, let’s take PyrateCon in 2007 there were 350 pirates, and then in 2008 there were 2,000 pirates. That’s an increase of almost 600% in a single year. Of course this does fall short of an expected 3,000 pirates. While anecdote it can be fully extrapolated into a definitive trend that in 40 years we may have pirate overcrowding. Yet in typical liberal bias they have assumed an increase short of expectations constitutes a decrease. Poppycock and balderdash. By the end of this century we may be so overrun by pirates that they will be left floating about, and running amuck on icebergs in the north Atlantic. We aren’t facing global warming, it’s global cooling my friends. Plush Limbaugh Your Counter View Point Person
  11. Here's the flyer for the event: Pirate Invasion It gives a telephone number for the Pirate Ship information.
  12. Please excuse the length of this post. Here's the law for California: ARTICLE 2. UNLAWFUL CARRYING AND POSSESSION OF WEAPONS 12020. (a) Any person in this state who does any of the following is punishable by imprisonment in a county jail not exceeding one year or in the state prison: (1) Manufactures or causes to be manufactured, imports into the state, keeps for sale, or offers or exposes for sale, or who gives, lends, or possesses any ..., any metal military practice handgrenade or metal replica handgrenade... (This is a very long section, excuse my edits) Here's the link to the above: Dangerous Weapons Laws Possess and Carry However, first offense can be treated as an infraction as follows: However, a first offense involving any metal military practice handgrenade or metal replica handgrenade shall be punishable only as an infraction unless the offender is an active participant in a criminal street gang as defined in the Street Terrorism and Enforcement and Prevention Act (Chapter 11 (commencing with Section 186.20) of Title 7 of Part 1). Time for the Holly hand grenade: ( Subdivision (a) does not apply to any of the following: (15) Any plastic toy handgrenade, or any metal military practice handgrenade or metal replica handgrenade that is a relic, curio, memorabilia, or display item, that is filled with a permanent inert substance or that is otherwise permanently altered in a manner that prevents ready modification for use as a grenade . I would add in this already overly long post. The "grenade" addition to PC 12020 is only a few years old and was not publized worth a hoot before it was added to the books. Basically one of our wonderful state assembly people "found out" that inert grenades were legal to sell and "took action". Not telling people of the law change and then enforcing the law seems to be a norm anymore. So, the grenades being sold by historyfanatic are an excellent way to go for us California types.
  13. If it has a metal body, without those holes, it's a felony to possess these grenade replicas in the People's Republic of California. So, depending on where you are, those holes can be important. Late addition to my own post. I have never seen people given problems for what they carry at an event. However, I am aware of numerous problems people have had going to or from events.
  14. Aye Lass tis true.
  15. The pleasure be all mine mate, please do drop by. Just keep walkin to the end of the pier and sheer off to larbord at the sea end and thar we be. (Mind ye don't walk too far, it be a pier not a plank!) -Greydog
  16. The Alliance of the Double Cross will be firing muskets and various other deadly implements from the left wing of the pier. (small arms only, they didn't want cannon.) Drop by our roped off area and say ello. -Greydog
  17. To me he looks just like Vladimir Putin. Now, Putin was a KGB guy and James Bond is a 00. Coincidence? I think not.
  18. Not since I got me a wench. -Greydog
  19. That we did lad along with Dainty Dick. Glad to see photo's when ye can. -Greydog
  20. Yes and no. There were not any scheduled firings. There was non-scheduled cannon firing after 3 pm on Sunday. Some groups fired their guns from the existing cannon designated camp firing areas. We hauled two of our swivel guns down to the arena and fired three rounds from both of them. Next time around do sing out, or at least open yer mouth so that we can see yer pretty smile. -Greydog
  21. Aye, yer a first rate fellow yerself. Cantankerous Jan and I were please and well met by you at the lunch as well. Hope to see ye again next year. Fair winds, -Greydog P.S. Thanks all fer yer inquires to me credit loss. Fear not, like I said I have a johnny on the spot credit card company. Not only was the fraud detected same day, I have zero charges I am responsible for and that card now be as dead as a beaver hat.
  22. Ahoy: Just back from Pyrate Con, it was first rate all around. However, what is not first rate is that some merchant in New Orleans had staff that cloned my credit card and started a charge fest. This cloning of my card has NOTHING to do with Pyrate Con or any of the vendor's there. But, it did happen at a location in New Orleans. You may want to check your credit card expenditures to make sure this didn't happen to you as well. It is a cloned card instead of a simple number theft as the card was reported as being swiped at other locations around La shortly after I left the state, which isn't possible owing to my still having the card, i.e. it was cloned. Fortunately I have a top notch credit card company and they detected the fraud right away and nary a cent have I lost. I certainly hope this didn't happen to anybody else. -Greydog
  23. IF it's like last year, nothing will really happen till after 7 pm. However, that's mere speculation on me part. I'd add that it was a lot of fun last year. This year I can't get there until well after 6 pm. -Greydog
  24. Lad, that hole ye be diggin is getting a tad deep. Ye may want to stop diggin now. Fair winds -Greydog
  25. Thank ye all for the kind compliments. T'was a wonderful time to meet folks from the pub. We had a grand time; proving it not be the amount of people at an event, but the amount of event inside the people. A lot of fun and we thank each person that dropped by our camp, we enjoyed yer visit. We be lookin forward to such oppertunities in future. -Greydog Alliance of the Double Cross
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