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Quartermaster James

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Everything posted by Quartermaster James

  1. I have a black wool justacorps/frock coat, new and unused, I'll put up to barter. Pewter buttons, 1730's style, linen lined, custom made of medium weight coat wool by Black Bear Historical Clothing. You can see the basic style here: http://www.blackbearhistoricalclothing.com.../frockcoat.html Let me know if'n yer interested.
  3. I am instigating interest in establishing a careening camp a la the PIP Mercury camp at a local NW pyrate weekend. I would appreciate any and all advice, stories, warnings, tales, and anecdotes yall have to offer. I would most appreciate to hear from he organizers of the PIP careening camp, especially regarding as to their expectations going into the creation of such an encampment, the joys and difficulties encountered, and any and all advice their experience has to offer. In case I have not so far made it clear: I am open to all input regarding this subject! I want to know what goes into making a great historical reenactment!
  4. Can anybody steer me towards historical documentation for wearing one's pipe in one's hat?
  5. Is anybody else having issues with their pyracydotcom email account? Mine was suspended mid-reply a couple of weeks ago and, despite repeated inquiries, I am yet to be informed as to why.
  6. I have shamelessly hickory smoked my gear. The ladies constantly compliment me on the aroma.
  7. Actually I meant stuff with intended recipients that never got mailed because of the upheavals in my life last year - my apologies and thanks for your patience yall...you know who ye are...
  8. uh...somewhere in the boxes yet to be unpacked, I have things to send out still from the last round!
  9. Thanks for the heads-up Sterling! I've just contacted the local library to put it on hold. Sounds like a good read; the idea reminds me a bit of John Gardner's Grendel.
  10. Stunningly beautiful work! My order will be on the way shortly!
  11. What manner of gun finishes would be period correct?
  12. Ye needs to find a local bead shop, and not a local shop that sells beads? Capiche?
  13. Patrick, give me steel and a lathe, and I'll make ye what ye needs. Give me good chisels and some wood, same be said. Give me a furnace, foundry, and anvil, and I'll make ye sword or cannon to yer choosing. Let me loose in the kitchen, and ye'll have a repast of a king's delight. Give me fabric and thread, and I'm damned if I knows what to do.
  14. Thank ye both most kindly!
  15. What manner o' green would be period correct? Sage? Olive? Hunter?
  16. Contact Rick & Linda at: http://www.blackbearhistoricalclothing.com/ They have done custom work in linen for me.
  17. Eye! I give the man full props for the craftsmanship; even wrote him and told him so. That said, there is still a process to the craft.
  18. LOL!!! Enough of Jack Sparrow... Now what about the adventures of that Barbarossa fellow?
  19. Not so much POTC, but Smiling Fox has some buckles that will fit your size requirement. http://www.smilingfoxforgellc.com/buckles_...ategory=Buckles
  20. Hemp linen?
  21. Aw...come on...someone must have some idea? I'm thinking the fowler looks like DGW Instant Brown (reddish) but the QA has me confused. Blued, then steel wooled?
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