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Quartermaster James

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Everything posted by Quartermaster James

  1. I have done much trade with Rick & Linda of Black Bear Historical Clothing. They are quite reasonably priced and willing to make anything you want. They also have an eBay presence for prêt-à-porter pieces. Many of the other tailors I listed can also be approached for GAoP stylings. Remember, their catalog will showcase what is popular and makes money for them. GAoP is, as has been mentioned, still a young variant of the reenacting hobby.
  2. I can fish with my fowler? Sounds interesting...do I affix bayonet?
  3. Were the pictures removed? I can't see them in either Firefox or Explorer.
  4. You are correct about char cloth. It catches the spark and makes an ember. I can't recall ever having my char cloth actually flame, it's purpose is to ignite the next tinder: bark, tow, etc. Perhaps they used nitrated cloth instead of char cloth? What color was the cloth catching the spark?
  5. Congratulations! Now, watch out world!
  6. Takes but a spark on char cloth for it to take off. Remember whichever technique you use, striking the flint against the steel or vice versa, to have the cloth on the side the sparks will be, i.e.: if you are hitting the striker with the flint the sparks go down - cloth below, if hitting the flint with the striker then cloth on top. Good video here.
  7. Excellent point!
  8. Found this over at Frontier folk:
  9. Good thing you don't have any taken later - in me birthday suit!
  10. I've seen a few depictions of Valkyrie with wings, but I'd call them the exception not the norm. Most commonly they ride flying (non-winged) horses. My thought is that the depictions of winged Valkyrie are made because the artist had no other way to depict flight. Compare this to western vs. Chinese dragons: both fly, but only the western depictions are winged. As to the music, the beginning of Wagner's Die Walküre is Walkürenritt, which would be ride, not flight.
  11. Was the Insults & Banter thread deleted? I assume so. It makes sense because it evolved beyond the title. I'd like to get some OK confirmation that I can remake it somewhere else. I'd rather not irritate the mods (kisses). Oh well. It was fun while it lasted. Need I point out how this rather ironically emphasizes the "temporary" in TAZ?
  12. Faire ain't no place to shop. Eat, drink and get laid, yes. Shop, no. Here's a small list of vendors providing off the shelf and some tailored 18th century goods. Caveat emptor! Do your research before you buy! Know if that gear is right for your impression! http://www.bellandcompanytraders.com/index.html http://www.blackbearhistoricalclothing.com http://www.jarnaginco.com http://www.cobbcreek.com http://www.flyingcanoetraders.com http://www.fortdowning.com http://www.fugawee.com http://www.gggodwin.com http://www.jpsoule.com http://jas-townsend.com http://www.just2tailors.com http://www.piratemonkeysinc.com/pirate/shop.htm#top http://www.smilingfoxforgellc.com http://www.smoke-fire.com
  13. Was the Insults & Banter thread deleted?
  14. Why, thank ye kindly, but I thought we were supposed to be swapping insults? Now, back to your lecherous lexicon ye bilge soaked lemur! Leave the walking to the higher primates, macrocephalic baboon! If yer seen on deck in the light of day the crew will, to a man, abandon ship preferring to risk their fate to Davey Jones!
  15. Ditto what Hawkins said. Some time ago I found the first hunting knife I ever owned in a forgotten box. It was a mess. A lot of moisture damage - it had been there who knows how long - the stacked leather handle was rotted beyond repair, the blade corroded. I decided to make it a project and fit it with a period wood handle. After some work, wire wheel mainly, the blade reappeared. Looks darn nice now too! Clipped point aint period, but she holds her edge and has a nice worn look to her. Great to whip out for eating steaks when we raid those fancy restaurants! The biggest concern I would have about your Toledo blade is the quality of the steel. A lot of blades coming out of Spain are made as wall hangers.
  16. Ye weevil munching maggot lover! If ye ever got yer arse up from the bottom of yer ship t'would be a dark day indeed: blackness would cover the sky and women and children weep for fear of the apocalypse.
  17. Flattered and honoured, sir. As to TAZ, it is from some time ago - 1985 - another world entirely, by some accounts. I agree in that I do not agree with the execution, but the concept is worthy of exploration. As has been said: Art is what you can get away with.
  18. Short of hand sewn garments, my experience has been that the more historically accurate stuff costs little more (and, actually, often less) than the fantasy stuff. It also lasts longer, wears better, and just becomes more authentic with age - so over the long run it's much cheaper. Trust me, no disrespect intended, I've bought my share of fantasy stuff.
  19. Sounds like the precursor to Cosmoline!
  20. Early by whose reckoning?
  21. Buck up man! You're a pyrate, aren't ye? If you bore them, it's their problem! If they bore you, well there are ways to correct that!
  22. That's good news. What do you know about the barrels. For example, the stampings on mine seem to indicate it was made in the 70s!
  23. Good to see you back (it's always good to see any bit of you luv)! My guess it it's Sterling...
  24. Yup...still studying!
  25. No, just an apartment.
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