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Quartermaster James

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Everything posted by Quartermaster James

  1. Far out freaking awesome!
  2. Yarr! Now who be using the quarter-shilling words? n. pl. nem·e·ses (-sēz′) An opponent that cannot be beaten or overcome. Well, as it's been a long three days of throwing lead, seizing plunder, and grabbing booty; I'll just take the compliment and thank ye kindly.
  3. I'm using 1" English flints in the fowler with great results. Also, I have been shooting .670 balls in paper cartridges, but when I am done with these I will probably pick up a .680 RB mold. I had her out earlier today. The work on the sear and tumbler really helped the trigger pull. At 75 yards I still can't hit anything smaller than a door; consistently low and to the right. I really need to take her out with sticks and work on the sight picture. You might want to check the bore size with a gauge or send the serial number over to Pete to have him confirm the actual size, as I understand there is some variance. BTW: the stampings on my barrel seem to indicate it was made in September 1979. If you take yours apart, let me know what yours says.
  4. Nor mine to advocate real cannibalism, at least not while the public is watching. Now, back to the insults & banter! Leave hanging the lawyers for another thread!
  5. Well, I saw on The Onion today that a study has found that horseback riding is just an expensive form of sitting. Seriously though, Bo, nice gear!
  6. I'd love to re-do one of those with a pistol grip!
  7. I do not believe so. Northhamptonshire Skittles is hooded skittles where a "cheese" is thrown at the skittles as opposed to a ball tethered and swung. You can find more information here.
  8. Fillibustering slubberdegullion! 'T would be foolish to mistake wit for lack of spine. Spleen, yours, it's what's for breakfast; with fava beans and a nice Chianti.
  9. Lily livered anthropophagists! Hurl insults and run away, will ye? Unclasp your wrists from your ankles, and Stand and fight like men Ye surface scamperin' sea-gherkins!
  10. But my dear Eye, If we are to do without characters, Whatever will we do without ye?
  11. Too high? But one must start somewhere, no? If you have not got women on your side you are quite over. You might just as well be a lawyer or a stockbroker, or a journalist at once.
  12. Believe me, Eye, in a good democracy, every man should be an aristocrat: but these people in the admiralty who seek to thrust us out are no better than the animals in preserves, and made to be shot at, most of them. Though, I quite sympathise with the rage of the English democracy against what they call the vices of the upper orders. The masses feel that drunkenness, stupidity and immorality should be their own special property and that if anyone of us makes an ass of himself he is poaching on their preserves.
  13. Don't forget the Hershey bars and nylons!
  14. Ah! Dear Black Syren, as always you warm the cockles of my heart, and vice versa.
  15. Good work lass! I put together a Devil Amongst the Tailors set last year. Good fun! You'll not be disappointed.
  16. There might not be as much difference as we moderns would like to think. Even today, you can make better BP at home than is commercially available. Read this informative black powder site thoroughly for more information.
  17. Great find! (tosses some nickels)
  18. A seven page re-cap!?! Good gods man! That's longer than the original script!
  19. A really well-made buttonhole is the only link between Art and Nature. ~ Oscar Wilde, Phrases and Philosophies for the use of the Young.
  20. But pyrates and lizards have no sense of repose and indeed pyrates have not even a permanent address. They are mere vagrants like the wind, and should be treated in exactly the same manner. Half-past eight! What an hour! It will be like having a meat-tea, or reading an English novel. It must be nine. No gentleman dines before nine. In these modern days to be vulgar, illiterate, common and vicious, seems to give a man a marvellous infinity of rights that his father never dreamed of.
  21. OMG! I remember when that came out to the local drive-in...back when my ride had ape-hanger handle bars and a banana seat, and went as far and as fast as my eleven year old legs could take it! They were born that tragic moment when science made its great mistake... now from behind the shroud of night they come, a scuttling, shambling horde of creatures destroying all in their path. How many eyes does horror have? How many times will terror strike?
  22. Damn! But I love the old 70's diamond upholstery you have there now! Takes me back to many a watery margarita in a Copper Penny Lounge... So, what's Wicked Cricket? Anything like Mondo Croquet?
  23. Good advice! So I'll be sure to start with my muzzle in the water! Here fishy fishy!
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