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Quartermaster James

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Everything posted by Quartermaster James

  1. Make that three.
  2. I'm in for 5.
  3. Hi Ed, A couple of thoughts about the listing: 1) If I didn't know from this forum that you had done the luthiering, I would read this as a listing for a modified violin. I do not think the phrase hand built "pirate" violin adequately conveys that this is much more than a stock violin that was later decorated. 2) Link to some sound clips. Would you lay out 600 quid on an instrument you haven't heard? Just my tuppence, as always. And, also as always, fyne work there mate. Looks to have been a fun project.
  4. http://tragedyseries.tumblr.com/image/18193713263
  5. http://piratesofthepacificfestival.com/
  6. http://collections.vam.ac.uk/item/O125926/mourning-ring/
  7. Interesting, but sadly no specific dates: http://spitalfieldslife.com/2012/05/03/the-trade-cards-of-old-london/
  8. Well, we just parcook them in water, then fry them in oil. It seems it is the bigger, bitter roots that are pressed to extract the starch. See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cassava#Food_use_processing_and_toxicity Also, this yuca is pronounced yoo-cuh, not yuk-uh! An aside: raw taro, it turns out, is also toxic raw.
  9. Well, it's hard to find real GAOP rum these days, but every once-in-a-while some nice old rums are available here: http://www.finestandrarest.com/rum.html
  10. We've been out on account a while.
  11. FWIW: Rifling is known from the mid 15th century.
  12. Thanks. For those that don't get the joke: http://pyracy.com/in...showtopic=14425 .
  13. The packet ship arrived today bearing some fyne pyrate bling. Thank you Secret Santa!
  14. Keepin' a weather eye to the packet ships still. Stynky - that tankard's for drinkin' from, not for shootin up, mind ye! Glad ye liked the gifts.
  15. You're not navigating, are you?
  16. Matt: tried to PM you, but received the notification that you can't receive anymore messages.
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