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Quartermaster James

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Everything posted by Quartermaster James

  1. Burns Night Rabbit
  2. David Lynch - Rabbits
  3. "Ha! You've fallen for my least most likely plan!"
  4. Jumpin' Jimminy Crickets! I ain't gonna even try to pick just one, let alone #1! I certainly second Barry Lyndon. And I add: The Libertine and Quills. And I also like The Patriot a lot too, and Amazing Grace, and that BBC series about Horatio Hornblower. Damn! No! I ain't gonna try to sort them out!
  5. Damn! I thought it was a pancake! (That was for Mission, btw)
  6. Devolution?
  7. Cool beans! For some reason, it reminded me of this site: http://www.stealthboats.com/
  8. The Museum of Leathercraft
  9. A couple more from Bad Hare Day:
  10. What is that? Is that a rabbit?
  11. No, but it is random...
  12. It was a very bad hare day...
  13. Though most of this site addresses bottles of the 1800's-1950's, this page does add some information pertinent to our period: http://www.sha.org/bottle/wine.htm
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