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Quartermaster James

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Everything posted by Quartermaster James

  1. Sort of. We have state controlled stores here. (A pox on the OLCC!) When I need something a bit further afield than the approved potations, I order from http://www.drinkupny.com/ And then, of course, there is always this concern: http://www.finestandrarest.com/ (which I like to look at while sipping my Thunderbird White Port).
  2. I tried some Matusalem Gran Reserva recntly. Not a bad rum for sipping neat, and not too dear for cocktails either.
  3. Nice find!
  4. So many bacon threads, so little time... Dinner tonight:
  5. Well now, since you asked, here are some I found on an old disc drive...
  6. Name calling? I thought my post was "light encouragement"! Ah! But I despair at this poor showing. In prior years, as we approach the Winter Solstice, the Pyrate Secret Gift Exchange has been a highlight of the season. I have been delighted and amazed by the generosity, creativity, skill, and resourcefulness variously shown by the men and women of these waters by the gifts they have chosen to share. As for myself, this poor seadog has been priviliged to be the recipient of some fine swag: considered, heartfelt, and thoughtful (you know who you are; know too you ever have my gratitude). I can only hope that the recipients of my humble offerings found themselves likewise enriched by the exchange. Some years the sweet trade proves more lucrative than others. No doubt, many among us have hauled home more booty in prior years than in this. Though we tighten our belts, watch our stores, and brace against the building cold; let us not succumb to parsimoniousness of spirit! Spirit, after all, is what this Secret Gift Exchange is all about. Esprit de corps. A kind reminder that, although we sit moored in many and varied far flung, removed, and distant ports, we share a common bond as a band of ne'er do wells, scallawags, cut throats, buccaneers, and yes, even swashbucklers! So, kudos to those noble few already at the ready. Encouragement to those plagued by vacillation and hesitation. And our sympathy to all others.
  7. 8? 8! 8 out of how many members here? What a bunch of wankers! Tossers! Crouching masturbators! But that's just my opinion. Tossers!
  8. http://laughingsquid.com/the-whisky-advent-calendar/
  9. http://tinyurl.com/cttwugp
  10. Some useful info to be had in this discussion: http://bbs.homeshopmachinist.net/threads/28079-Recipe-for-Kasenit See also (mentioned in above): http://users.beagle.com.au/lathefan/Case%20hardening.pdf
  11. http://laughingsquid.com/tiny-scale-replica-of-an-18th-century-tool-chest/
  12. BTW: a household garment steamer works very well for shaping your hat.
  13. Something about which to drool: http://horstheld.com/0-Sanders.html Start at the home page for more eye candy. Lots of nice flinters in the dueling pistols section. Kudos to you if'n you're in a position to buy.
  14. Heard & understood. Let us move on.
  15. Who said I was going to use these for a pyrate impression??? Altough this forum might be called Pyracy.com there more kinds of reenactors roaming these posts, then just seafearing lad's and girls. For all other discussions about boots and pyrates, I would suggest reading this thread from the start and reading the other nummereus discussions on the subject in this forum. For me my persona is a 1710 Spanish officer in the colonial world (most likely with a fear for water) so my thought is that boots would be very wel possible... Thank you for your kind and considered words. In this forum called Pyracy.com there is a subforum called Captain Twill, which is described as being for "Academic talk, research, share, discuss, debate & argue maritime history." This thread is in that subforum. Yes, I have read this thread from the start. It had been dead for a year and a half before you revived it with your first post to it. You did not include any information in that post about your persona or intended use. I made a comment/query about the boots. Who said I was talking about your (hitherto unkown) persona and intent? In fact, since I made no effort to address your questions at all, who said my query was in any way directed towards you? In other words: Is it really necessary to have a hairtrigger on the insults?
  16. Who does this sort of thing? Seriously. Is there a market for a stolen ship's wheel? Around these parts, the crackheads consider any piece of metal they can liberate to be fair game to sell as scrap, but where do you fence historic ship parts? Do they think someone stole this as a trophy?
  17. Aye! You best be saving those for dancing on tables!
  18. Now I've never been called the brightest boy in the boat, but wouldn't the presence of spurs be somewhat indicative that these boots were not intended for use at sea?
  19. As a long time supporter from afar of The Mercury, and proud to fly the colors on patch and t-shirt, I'd be happy to be part of the crew, but geography and economics would keep us far apart. I remain, however, yours in spirit.
  20. I've pretty much been retired from it for a little over a year now. I'm just waiting for the time and energy to get motivated to clear out the pyrate kit and such. Why? Well the scene around the Pacific Northwest just isn't what I was hoping it to be. Things around here are pretty much limited to the Kiddy festival, RenFaire redressed as pyrate, costumed dating pool, drunken binge sort of thing. There's nothing going on around here to compare with the sort of things I've seen through the eyes of the pub. Maybe it's because we don't have the history out here. Maybe it's just not the right time, people, place, etc. In retrospect, I'm hard pressed to understand why I stayed with it out here so long. Something between drunken inertia and hope ever springing eternal.
  21. http://www.nypost.com/p/news/national/high_eize_yO4PzlS9lcFrl4biOuGzhP
  22. If you bought this from Middlesex, then you should discuss these issues with Pete. Springs and frizzen wear are covered in their warranty. For the first year, it's all free. After that, you pay postage for shipping the lock. That's it. The only caveat is that the lock must have been maintained, i.e.: not rusted or modified. Seriously, contact Pete at Middlesex. He's easy to work with. FWIW: This is the first I have heard of an Indian made gun having too weak a mainspring. The usual problem is that they are far too strong. Besides that, it is common to complain about the overall fit and finsh. But then, where else can you find a lock built with hand forged components?
  23. http://krispykreme.com/Upload/Pdfs/TalkLikeaPirate.pdf
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