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Everything posted by CaptainSatan

  1. Soon the spammers will be slithering out of their septic tanks.....
  2. Coffee sounds good....
  3. Suddenly grey dorsal fins
  4. It's getting sucked down!
  5. While you rest your enemy practices.
  6. No rest far the wicked
  7. More.... "Graphite came into widespread use following the discovery of a large graphite deposit in Borrowdale, England in 1564. Graphite left a darker mark than lead, but was so soft and brittle that it required a holder. At first, sticks of graphite were wrapped in string. Later, the graphite was inserted into wooden sticks that had been hollowed-out by hand! The wood-cased pencil was born." http://www.pencils.com/history.html -CS
  8. Still curious if that be actual lead or graphite. According to Jas Townsend & Son, mechanical pencils date back to 1680. http://jas-townsend.com/product_info.php?c...products_id=382 Writing with a solid stick of lead(?) should be even earlier than that. -CS
  9. Can ye post us a link please -CS
  10. ..and Happy Tet!
  11. I actually gained weight (on purpose) for a stupid movie.I'm just now able to fit into my winter jeans.I've been doing my version of the low carb thing. I'm also working on a low carb cook book. -CS
  12. El Club Dumas, one of my favourite books. -CS
  13. I feel like the devil tryin' to sing The Name Game with the damned.Oh well here's another.... Art thou a pyrate? Does thou wear glasses? Jas Townsend & Son have some 18th century frames for only $30. I own two pair me self.One with plain prescription lenses far hardcore reenactin' and a pair with prescription sunglass lenses for Ren Faires, Mardi Gras, and goth clubs. http://jas-townsend.com/product_info.php?c...products_id=166 -CS
  14. Waiting for Battlestar Galatica to come on at 11PM (Texas time) so that I might unleash my inner geek -CS
  15. Usually the result of over-indulging in poppers combined with the doggie position. -CS
  16. Reminds me of some of the crossdressers we sometimes see at SCA events. -CS
  17. And they say that Romance is dead
  18. Period rhum was a very coarse beverage that was usually just a vehicle of drunkenness. You might try Pussers though. A quality rhum mentioned earlier in this thread. http://www.pussers.com/rum/ -CS
  19. Grapefruit Diet by Weird Al
  20. even more difficult than
  21. Back to musical instruments.... If ye be serious 'bout this sort of thing ye might check out Lark in the Morning. They have a decent selection of period instruments such as lutes, bagpipes, etc. http://www.larkinam.com/ -Captain Satan
  22. In a pre-industrial society people didn't throw things away because they were old.It would be quite common to own tools, weapons, furniture that you inherited.Even used clothing was popular item at the Pawn Shop.Having something that looked 300 years old wouldn't normally be period (except for some furniture), but owning items that looked 20, 30 years would be. I live in a world where metal is cheap and I still hunt with weapons that my grandfather once owned.I also drive a 1979 Jeep Swords, firearms, musical instruments were very labour intensive and expensive items. People used them until they were beyond repair. People also purchased , or liberated new items as well. And nothing looks new after six months at sea. -CS
  23. I'll go first... Some fun facts about Yellowbeard. http://www.dailyllama.com/news/1995/llama013.html -CS
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