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Everything posted by CaptainSatan
Casting Director (and a lot of shite jobs in-between), sometimes work Art Dept. http://www.highlandmyst.com -CS
Hey Good Lookin' performed by Buckwheat Zydeco. On a related note: Adam Ant was given serious consideration for the role of Dan in the movie YELLOWBEARD.
Just looking at those pictures makes me want to drink rhum and execute a drunken coastal depredation. -CS
If a man speaks in a forest and there is no woman around is he still wrong? -CS
Not that big a deal... You're already aiming the weapon and intentionally firing at least one barrel. -CS
Place looks like a Stephen King novel waiting to happen. -CS
Morning Practices, 17th Century... Unless we're under attack I usually sleep until mid-afternoon.On those rare occasions that my slumber is disturbed I usually start the day by cursing God, heathen Spaniards, and all the French. If there be a wench sleepin' next me I'll practice me manners and ask her what her name be. Then it's to the rhum keg. It's usually empty (see: cursing God).Then I'll see that my pistols are charged.If there be any dead folks in me cabin I'll call fer the ship's boy to tidy things up. After the breakfast grog arrives I'll ask the me first mate if she has any shiny new wymmin captives.If she says yea and they be free of the French Pox I'll invite them to breakfast. Assuming that the ships cook is sober enough not to set the bloody ship on fire we'll have bacon, eggs, and ale.If the cook be too drunk (Tuesday-Sunday) we usually break our fast with bread, fruit, cheese and wine.If our captives be cheerleaders we'll usually serve sangria. 750ml dry red wine half cup o' white sugar juice of a lemon juice of an orange -CS
Can't say that I have a favourite rhum. That be like saying you love one of yer daughters more than the others But tonight I'm drinkin' Myers to get me in the mood fer the BLACKBEARD miniseries that I'll be watchin' on DVD in the next hour or two. -CS
Anyone have any information on double barrel flintlocks(both pistols and long arms)? I know of a good custom gunsmith here in the Texas Republic, but I's hopin' to find some decent factory or Indian sweatshop weapons to save me some pennies fer me grog. Also have an eye out fer a duckfoot. I've seen the kits far the three barrel caplocks, but not any flint or doglocks. -Captain Satan
Nay, tis not Sparrow we hate. Just all the bloody clones Not keen about about middle aged men who dress as Sailor Moon either. Nice costume though. -CS
Bloody Funky Town pyrates -CS
Excellent All ye need now is a duckfoot and a brace o' slave girls! -CS
Fight Spam! Make yer own Porn!
I use to have several aquariums. Sure they'll hold ten gallons of rhum, but I always got the front of me tricorn wet when I tried to drink from one.
Pirate Wench, what's in your wardrobe? If their husband come home early you might find me hiding in there . -CS
I really liked the the basket hilt cutlasses in Cutthroat Island. People usually associate basket hilts with claymores, but they were quite common on English blades as well. I would like to pick up a cheap claymore and try attaching the basket hilt to a cutlass. -CS
Fer all of you Texas Pyrates... The weekend of May 19-20 will be the Scarborough Faires official pyratin' weekend. My only problem wi' Scarborough is that it closes so damn early (7PM!) and there's no camping. -CS http://www.scarboroughrenfest.com/index.html Pronounced: SCARRRRborough
Someday, a cold day in hell perhaps. I will break down and join IMDB and update my credits and even post a picture. -CS
Jet Boy, Jet Girl
That's part of the fun. They have to clutch the bowl with their stump by pressing it against their body.They usually end up dropping it a lot. Much to laughter of drunken children, stray dogs and other beggars.Kicking their bowl when it hits the ground is a fine source of merriment.Sort of a cross between keep away and soccer. King Mithradates of Pontus was very found of this form of punishment. As a result his kingdom never suffered a spammer for very long. -CS
Aye, heinies be easier to slap in that position!
Just relieve them of their tongues, eyes, genitals, and hands and send them back to Spammy Town with a begging bowl
Don't you have servants to handle that sort of thing?