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Everything posted by CaptainSatan

  1. Well...I did post this one as a joke.... .
  2. The chests pictured above are basic designs used repeatedly from the Dark Ages well into the 18th century (except for the barrel top). Almost every variation of chest was used during the GAoP. Including but not limted to flat top,square, rectangle,barrel top, coffin lid, etc. Just about any chest would be used during the period. As long as you don't paint it pink or add chrome plated Klingon mummification glyphs you are going to have a period chest. I posted those pictures because they are designs that would be easy to build at home (except for the barrel lid).We are not talking about shoes , weapons or waistcoats. A chest is a BOX MADE OF WOOD that was sometimes bound with iron. There were no rules of fashion when it came to chests.As a result there are so many variations that almost any basic simple chest could be from the period. -CS
  3. Yah... the kinda place where if you drop your wallet.... you kick it the other way for a few blocks befor you bend over to pick it up..... Didn't these guys sing a song called "Key West"?
  4. Perspective: A standard gold brick (7 x 3 5/8 x 1 3/4 inches) weigh about 27.5 pounds each. -CS
  5. One gallon of Canvak will waterproof 100' of canvas. The best price that I've found is 1 gal for $17.99 at Cabellas. The same product goes for $25. at Panther Primitives. If you can find it at your local hardware store you can spend the $&H on a pint of Myers. http://www.cabelas.com/information/Camping...rep/Canvak.html -CS
  6. the dryer
  7. Walked to the store a few hours ago.Was cool enough for a light jacket but warm enough to wear my sandals. CS/Dallas
  8. I fer one foRgot to go to the licker store to buy some pyrate candy. And they be closed on Sunday -CS
  9. Most sea chests were the same chests used on land. The purpose of a round top on a traveling chest is to make it more water resistant. Water collects on a flat surface, but gravity will make it roll off of a rounded surface.The same reason most roofs are pointed and not flat... -CS
  10. Maybe you could compromise by building a small to medium sized sea chest that with contents would weigh under 50 lbs. And transport everything else in a canvas sea bag, plus a period looking carry-on bag. Panther makes a canvas back pack that would probably work for a carry-on bag (assuming that you don't over pack it).Depending on the airline, in addition to your carry-on bag you may be able to carry what they call a 2nd personal item like a purse, small back pack, or a computer. In your case make that 2nd item a haversack or very clean possibles bag. You can also wear your coat, hat, and waistcoat on the plane. Remember if you are flying, ALWAYS carry a couple of pictures of you in your garb. If one of your bags gets swiped for nitrate residue it can make it easier to explain where you are going and what you are doing. If you use any of your carry stuff at shooting events always get to the gate with plenty of time to spare in case you get picked for a random nitrate swipe. Another option would be to build two chests each weighing no more that 50 lbs. when loaded. Anyway that's my two cents. :angry: -CS PS They don't usually weigh yer carry-on bags .So you might want to consider carrying some the heavier items on the plane with you to maximize you luggage allowence.
  11. Were ye pistols born without belt hooks? Here be three options far 'bout $20. -CS http://www.blackpowderbags.com/cgi-bin/miv...ategory_Code=AC http://www.dixiegunworks.com/product_info....roducts_id=4182 http://thunder-ridge-muzzleloading.com/holsters.htm
  12. China (all the tea in...)
  13. More like insomnimaniacs
  14. I do quite a bit of tarp camping meself.Especially if there be trees far me hammock. I cheat and use a store bought,waterproof diamond shelter made from flame resistant canvas. In my opinion they are well worth the small investment. I've also made some pretty nifty shelters from a 16'x16' dining fly as well. The Sunforger tarps are great for merchants,trekkers and people flying to events. Sunforger is much lighter than traditional canvas, it also stays whiter for a longer period of time.It is also a stronger canvas. The downside to Sunforger is that it stays new looking and a lamp in your tent at night can cause you to put a shadow show for the other people at the event. It doesn't pick up an aged look as well as regular canvas either. -CS
  15. I don't know if the shelter is based on any actual shelter from history. I have heard about people going to black powder events only to be told that they couldn't set up their pyramid tent, baker lean-to, or even their Whelan because they were post 1820. I 'm not even sure if it would be welcome at PiP. I'll write Red Hawk and try to find out if there is any documentation on the design. If nothing else it would be good far SCA and mundane camping. After having some pretty elaborate camps in the past I am very interested in just taking a couple of one pole shelters that I can set up and tear down myself. -CS
  16. "Hey, you got girlfriend Vietnam? Me so horny. Me love you long time." http://youtube.com/watch?v=G7EPWSsr1Lg
  17. Do radical ideas that threaten institutions become institutions that are threatened by radical ideas?
  18. Turkey Bacon BLT with lots of black pepper on toast w/Cayenne Mayo
  19. Just getting ready for Pyrate Season. I just ordered a 14' dia 11' high conical tent from Panther yesterday.I'm trying to pack lighter for events and I like the idea of a one poler. Thanks to Red Wake I'm thinking about picking up a Queen's Bluff (another one poler ). But I'm concerned about being hassled over it's design. -CS
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