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Everything posted by CaptainSatan

  1. Actually, the Authenticity Police usually show up w' their trotters clad in brothel stompin' Xena Moccasins. Personally I think that French & Indian War footwear is a reasonable attempt at period footwear. -CS
  2. I was rather pleased to hear that Morganna finally won an Oscar
  3. When I speak of the Authenticity Police I'm not speaking of ANYONE that I know from this forum. I'm talking about total strangers who stroll up to your camp wearing their Ren-Faire costumes & toy pistols and start measuring the length of your tent pegs -CS
  4. A smaller chest to lock up your plunder & weapons would be better than having a suitcase in your camp Seriously though, you have to carry your gear in something. Build something practical.Who says that you couldn't have a smaller chest in addition to a larger sea chest. If you came across a smaller more portable chest would you toss it into the sea or would you consider a use for it? Should you be visted by the Authenticity Police just ask them why they are wearing a post 1738 shoe pattern. -CS
  5. Wouldn't say that I'm racist, but I am most definitely prejudiced when it comes to the Romani, and worse the bloody Tinkers! -CS
  6. Here are three more examples of chests from the late 17th century. I would like to point out that these are not sea chests. I am posting these images to give everyone and idea of the variety of chests that existed during the GAoP. -CS Oak 47"wide x 14" deep x 20" high Oak 37" wide 42.5" wide x 19" deep x 18.5" high
  7. This chest from c1690 is an example of an earlier style chest that was still in use throughout the GAoP. There is no evidence that this was ever used as a sea chest. The feet were added at a later period. Note that the large dovetails are fastened with roseheaded nails. 37"wide x 16.5" deep x 15"high -CS
  8. They are based on examples from the late 18th century, yes. They are also very similar to examples depicted in late 17th century, and early 18th century art. Hence the term "generic 18th century mens underpants". In my previous post. -CS
  9. I don't recall asserting that there was an unbroken line of mens underwear. The question was "Is there any peroid underwear"? The answers is yes there certainly was. Mens under garments can ALSO be documented 100s of years prior to the GAoP. I don't believe there was any implication that everyone actually wore undies. -CS
  10. Cleavage n' large tracts of land have their place, but me thinks that I'm more partial to a brace of sweet boobettes. A pair of small wicked breasts can be especially sweet on a long voyage . A hard little heiny or a fine round ass be attributes of quality as well . Aye, spinners wit' hardwood floors be my dearest treasure. -Captain Satan
  11. "Anhal nathrac, urthus bethud, dockyell diendthvay,
  12. Lotta' PA activity in this forum, plus the Pennsic War. http://cgi.theoutlanders.org/forum/index.php -CS
  13. Actually there was. From the Dark Ages until the begining of the 20th century under garments were washed a lot more often than outer clothing. Smoke & Fire sells some generic 18th century mens underpants.There are also patterns available, and even books on the history of underwear. One account of how Calico Jack got his name was his alleged fondness for calico undergarments. -CS
  14. Carrie Fisher was packed off to fat-camp for the first film as well. -CS
  15. It was cute but she is obviously a beginner
  16. Wine counts, right?
  17. No promises, but if you send me two copies and I think that it's a decent show I'll pass it along to the distributors of some of our features. Check out some of our movies http://www.highlandmyst.com -CS
  18. 'bout to go to WallyWorld to do some shopping, then to Kroger. Only thing bad 'bout late night shopping is that you can't buy booze or guns -CS
  19. I have to admit that it gives me great pleasure to scare the pee outta' the mundane backpackers here in N.Texas. -CS
  20. Any images of yer home made stakes available? -CS
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