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Kate Souris

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Everything posted by Kate Souris

  1. Oh trust me....it's NOT period at all...we just like making paper. :) Its some awesome handmade paper interspersed with cardstock, like I said. And seeing how the binding of it is going, who knows. :)
  2. It's going to have half handmade paper, half cardstock....so don't feel bad,Jill! It was just taking too long to make the handmade stuff, and the cardstock looks good interspersed. We're having an argument over how to bind it, however.
  3. I just asked Michael to bake some cookies for me to give to you. He didn't find it amusing. I will bring road trip snacks, however. Are you allergic to anything? Erm....email me....we're steering Michael's thread way off course, lol!
  4. Michael and I are in the throes of making handmade paper for the book. Apparently it's going to be all handmade, as is his nature....Leather binding carved and stained mostly likely.... Currently, he's mixing in kitchen spices with the paper goo before he makes the sheets (suggested in some crazy book he got)....no one is allergic to curry, are they? Makes beautiful colored paper (that I don't want to include), but wow....our whole apartment reeks of curry! I actually think we are going to intersperce linen (storebought paper) with the handmade paper....it's getting pretty thick as is!
  5. I just want THAT box, I don't need the stuff in it, JUST THE BOX. If anyone has seen this box, with the same set of dividers, please, please, please let me know. I happen to own this set....love it....love it. Shana....if and when Michael finishes my cherry writing desk, I would be happy to turn the box over to you. It does have a kind of plaque on the top of the box that says "The Art of Writing", however. I won't need it anymore because all of my things will be tucked safely in the desk. :)
  6. MD....ye wouldn't really put little ol me in the trailer would ya? I'm pretty, smell nice....and I'll bring you cookies...
  7. Well there I was toasty and exhausted and feeling a bit slap happy by the end of the day. Michael was off "dutchifying" his garb a bit more and I was alone on the quarterdeck save for some mundanes on the tour. I launched into the leech tirade...though not as good as yours. For every ailment, REACH FOR A LEECH! Feet hurt (little kids whining about it)- reach for a leech!. Sunburn? Reach for a leech! And on and on. I was so tired that specific stories other than those two kind of elude me. The sun zapped my energy in its entirety!
  8. Cheeky, I should also mention that I had a few "Reach for a Leech!" moments throughout the day....the other pirates thought I was nuts. I couldn't bear to leave the ship and 'work the docks' without you though....it's just not as fun to lick windows alone....
  9. That poor bear.... Apparently the young men (and when I say young I mean late teens) who brought him have a mom who is an elementary school teacher and the bear is travelling all over the world this summer for a class project. I am pretty sure they won't expect the bear to come back with muskets pointed at it. Cheeky- did you see my "King of the World" pose that I did on the bow of the ship? That was just for you.
  10. Ok Michael got kinda upset when I told him that I had dropped out- he wanted to contribute something to my pages too....am I too late to hop back in? I'm such a fence jumper....but we'll electrify this fence....
  11. Yep, think I am going to have to back out. Sorry I didn't see this yesterday....my brain just isn't wrapped around it right now! Maybe next year though! It sounds like SOOO much fun. Thanks guys!
  12. Oh Lilly....this just about made me fall over giggling....
  13. I was posting under Michael's name yesterday (lazy....didn't want to sign in and out on his slow computer)... But I'm in Canal Winchester, Ohio. :)
  14. Wicked cool bracelet!
  15. Thank heavens it's only 11 hours from here....and I will be on dramamine as to avoid the problem we had coming home from Hampton.
  16. YES I can't wait to see the other one that he comes up with.
  17. I have to agree with Mission....more than a bit makes it work. Considering that Micky and I had to cancel our summer vacation, PiP is going to be my break from work. I am, however, going to bring my paper making and writing accoutrements so that I can demo a little of that if anyone is interested. I've been reading more about it, and while it isn't as interesting as surgical stuff, it's still neat....so we'll see how it shapes up.
  18. Wow....just reading that made me a bit queasy.... I like em!
  19. I can't get enough of the Depp version of Sweeney Todd....I love the music and I drive Michael crazy because I am always wanting to watch it!
  20. After the last few days I have had at work....I totally have been wishing I was there instead of here...heat and all.
  21. The Captain mighta hauled out of bed to help some aimless and lost pirates that pulled into port about 2 am....ahem. Stupid GPS....couldn't even find the pirate festival....
  22. Mary those photos are fantastic!
  23. I think that they did have the DVD in the museum store. Michael and I went twice and the first time they didn't have half of the stuff in the store that they had the second time. Second time around they had this great book with color pictures of the artifacts (since you can't photograph in the exhibit)....which we now own.
  24. Per our friend Molly, who is sitting here on the floor as I type this... The Wench and Winkle Tavern
  25. As promised, Jack. Thought some other folks might like to see the photo also. Sorry it's on the weird angle...it was the only way I could get the whole boomy in and still get some of the detail from it. And of course....it was behind glass. We saw this at the Royal Ontario Museum and the tag said that it was an English Heavy Musketoon, dated 1700-1720's-ish.
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