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Everything posted by Scupper

  1. Hullo mates. I just got my first outfit from Designs by Kate. She has a link on NO QUARTER GIVEN under the pirate clothing heading. They look GREAT! Got a pair of slops, Frilled cuff shirt and vest that's reversable with another color! For under $135.00. For a beginner just starting out it's a pretty good deal. kate@fairewaire.com Scupper
  2. Well now capt'n. Nice rig sir. Mad Woman Cheryl If the capt'n is not interested in a coat, I know I be. Is that something you do? I have everything but and be cold here in the Nor'east Scupper
  3. Ill' be sending my trove out 9/4. I have 4 metal replicas of different dubloons and pieces of eight, a bag of plastic coins, a couple of pieces of fools gold, 30 temp tatoos from the POTC premier and I'll be stopping at a couple of party stores and see what else I can dig up on my lunch tomorrow before I port it. Scupper.
  4. Wow Redviper. That be a hell of a tale. Glad it ended well for you. Well Jenny, for me it was watching the old sea tales every Sunday in Boston. Then I found out I was related to Pirates while doing a geneology project in school. After that I was a Sea Cadet aboard the USS Constitution. I joined the navy and then have been doing re enacting ever since. If it's in your blood, it'll leech out eventually. Welcome!! Scupper
  5. Welcome aboard there Capt. I'll be hoisting one (probably more) to you. fair winds and following seas to ye. Scuper
  6. Just found around a hundred Pirates of the Caribean temporary tattoos. I can add a bunch of them as well. Scupper
  7. I have a few replica Pieces of Eight I'd be happy to donate to the lad. Let me know and I'll send asap. Scupper
  8. Happy Birthday Cascabel!! I be hoisting a mug fro you. Scupper
  9. I know of a place in Mystic CT that sells scrimshaw beginner kits as well as carving supplies. I'll look it up and post 8/29.
  10. No, But I'm looking for a couple for my outfits.
  11. Do you still meet every Sunday nite at 10pm EST?
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