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Everything posted by Scupper

  1. ye be talking Chinese hot Merrydeath? Scupper
  2. Aye. Me hats off to you. Tis a great piece of holiday cheer. Scupper
  3. Sounds nice. How bout posting a pic or a link? Scupper
  4. Arrghh me mate Stynky. I got me a baldric, a fighting dirk with hand guard. a new tankard (full of course). a few head scarves and a couple of books. American Buccaneers and Sea hawk. Also got a Pelican brewery growler bottle from Ryann Macgregor. which holds the place of honor in my small but growing collection of Piratical themed bottles Twas a good birthday it was.
  5. My thanks kind Sir. I be putting for me vactaion tomorrow. See you there lad. Scupper
  6. I be late in posting me thanks to the last few well wishers. I be most grateful for ye thoughts. I am proud to say i can still drink youngsters under the table. Unfortunately I also take longer to recover. LOL Scupper
  7. Sounds great Billie. how but barnacle Bill the Sailor scupper
  8. There once was a pirate named Tweedy who played with his twig named Petey When caught by in the act he said give er a whack And paid for being greedy by ending up being real needy!
  9. Pig's eye be good. What about Shipyard? Scupper
  10. And this Irish pirate be wondering what be wrong with Corned Beef and cabbage? Scupper
  11. here's the word from a friend at Disney. SCOOP: Working title for PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN 2? An anonymous scooper contacted us today with what they claim might be the working title for PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN 2. "I work for [removed] from Fantasy II F/X in Burbank, Ca," writes our tipster. "I can't give you my name. I can tell you this, I just saw some composite artwork for PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN: TREASURES OF THE LOST ABYSS I'm not sure if that's just the working title or not." Well, since the subtitle of the first PIRATES film was THE CURSE OF THE BLACK PEARL, and that was the name of Jack Sparrow's ship, it stands to reason that Disney may be thinking of using another pirate vessel in the title of the second film. But what's the Abyss and who owns it? "The Lost 'ABYSS' is in references to the first pirate ship that sailed in the caribbean," explains the spy. "Sorry, that's all I know at this time. I have no information about the script. Disney had a rep here with the artwork. Very hush hush!" Scupper
  12. Good luck on ye new drydock lass. May ye time there be fun and lively. Scupper
  13. I will be there next year if I have to walk. Scupper
  14. Mr Hawkyns. i be a delivery manager at a Lowe's home Improvement. If ye let me know what ye need. i may be able to help. Scupper
  15. A friend of mine be an actor/writer/director. He sent me this blurb from some Hollywood rag. I be sharing it with you mates. When Will Pirates of the Caribbean 2 Start Shooting? Source: USA Today Monday, December 8, 2003 Scooper 'ajfoxy' discovered an interesting bit about Pirates of the Caribbean 2 in a USA Today report from The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King Hollywood premiere. According to the Friday edition of the USA Today, production is set to begin on Pirates of the Caribbean 2 in January of 2005. It was in the article about the premiere of LOTR: Return of the King when talking about Orlando Bloom getting Legolas' bow and arrows from the trilogy, saying he was signed for that film as well. Returning for at least one sequel are producer Jerry Bruckheimer, director Gore Verbinski, writers Terry Rossio and Ted Elliott, and talent Johnny Depp, Orlando Bloom and Keira Knightley. It was previously reported that the studio was thinking about shooting the two sequels back-to-back, but that hasn't been confirmed yet. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Get holiday tips for festive fun. Enjoy mates Scupper
  16. happy birthday Love. cabin boys for presnts Scupper
  17. happy Birthday Mate!!! I hope the grog was strong and the wenches sweet. Scupper
  18. my thanks Mr Hawkyns. My best wishes to you and yours for the up coming holidays. The same for the rest of the gunners contributing to this thread. Scupper
  19. I be a serious re enactor. As well as part of a minstral group. I have no problem with faire types as I've done that as well. but i prefer to re enact and be in action. Scupper
  20. Since I can't be there in person, Hoist a tankard for me. happy Borthday No Quarter Given! may ye have many more. Scupper
  21. I'd be interested in going. You have any details? Scupper
  22. Aye. We be like the Black Plague. Slow to start, then racing round the world. Scupper
  23. maybe we should have a Master of the Guns conference or muster. What say you mates? I be willing to travel some. Scupper
  24. This thread may be getting old, but i'm glad i started it. I've learned alot and want to learn more. Thank you all for answering and giving info in this thread. I appreciate it. And Mr. Hawkyns. I be ready to be apprentice at any time. Scupper
  25. Though I can't see it by the links. i'll buy it for the effort. Send me the info so i can send the funds. Scupper
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