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Everything posted by Scupper

  1. Me thanks my lady. But some here abouts know there be a gentleman lurking beneath me black heart. Scupper
  2. here's to you me beautiful Irish siren. (raises tankard) To you. may ye B-day be full of all you wish and deserve lass. Scupper
  3. Nice pick Master Studley! Love the vitual tour. I'd make the trip just to hang there for the day. Scupper
  4. mr hawkyns. ye posted in another thread about a seller of frock coats. i tried a goggle search and came up empty. can you furnish a link? My thanks Scupper
  5. happy birthday ladd. may ye day be filled with wonder and reward. Scupper
  6. Let's make it the Pearl Islands and show those Survivor weenies how real pirates live. Scupper
  7. happy B-day mate. may ye plunder be a full haul and your day be filled with what ye like. Scupper
  8. My thanks Royaliste and her heartey crew. May you all have a joyous Yuletide and may your plunder be great and all ye wish for. Scupper
  9. I was looking for all interested. We can look over what's available here in the cold northeast and plan a gathering for warmer days. I be in Ct. Where be you from? We can try and get a central point or rotate it around. Scupper
  10. That's an idea. I say if he dosen't get a nod from the establishment. We should send him a Piracy Pub award for his portrayal. Scupper
  11. most press gangs were able seamen and an officer that went to pubs and such to round up a select number of men. The size of the ship and the favor the captain was held often dictated how many could be pressed from the surronding area. The rest were made up of volunteers, debtor's prisons and the local jails Scupper
  12. LOl Of course I did. I've been piratical since birth. I plundered me crib mates blanket Scupper
  13. Aye it was a great piece. But they did stretch it a bit in the accuracy department. i think the duck tape was to see if it hit in the center when it was fired. I think the whole replica firing and damage piece could have been done much better. And what a bunch of cowards firing by rmote. They could have had a whole gun deck of volunteers if they even asked. Scupper
  14. Well mates. I be wondering if all of ye who live here in the Northeast be willing to gather at some time? We could chose a fair or event and make it our annual gathering. Or more than one if ye like. What say ye northerners? Scupper
  15. We're pirates! No Umbrellas. Cutlasses! Scupper
  16. To redbeard the Pirate! It be his B-Day today! may your plunder be great. Cheers! Scupper
  17. Happy B-day to Viperpirate! The rum be on me lad. Scupper
  18. (raises tankard high) To Saucy Nell! may her B-Day be warm and joyous and her plunder be great and to her liking! To you lass! Scupper
  19. Aye. Tis a lovely sentiment. i wish all here at the Pub as well as our mates joined in Piracy everywhere a safe and happy holiday. bows) Scupper
  20. Leave it to you Paisley to find such things. just you be keeping the Scupper out of it. Scupper
  21. Well I not be wanting to touch their orbs, But they be great performances. I be willing to hold them for all the lovely wenchs to have a go though. Scupper
  22. Thanks Mr Hawkyns. As always a source of golden knowledge and links. Scupper
  23. Your welcome Endkaos. For center pieces you can use boxes and costume jewelry from an I Party or store like that. Scupper
  24. Arrggghhh I'll bring a whole caro of mustards! Scupper
  25. You can do a google search or check out a couple of these sires. http://ferncanyonpress.com/pirates/locker.shtml http://www.dltk-cards.com/cards/mpiratebirthday.html Hope that helps Scupper
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