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Everything posted by Scupper

  1. I be knowing a gentleman that be making custome parts for all of the free men of the Sea. if you would like. Email me and I'll send his address along mate. Scupper
  2. Well with the exception of the music, we have that at every invasion luv. Course i always seem to end up in a photo op of embaresing locale. Scupper
  3. I be dressing up for work again. I might have a barnes and Noble onboard to let us walk about and be piratical. Scupper
  4. I convort in the surf with me merry love. kissing, hugging, touching (woohoo!) I mean caressing. I know. We need a pirate beach barbecue and bonfire!
  5. I be on me way to fredom meself. hoping for the last chain to be cut by the first of the year. Course that free me from the shore. me life at sea be taken by me Merry for good. That be set of irons i wear willingly Scupper
  6. Well now. i not be a willing to put on a show but maybe some dancing on the tables later. I be wondering who was the first lad in here capt morgan. You scots scallywag mate! Kini Merry? mmm I was hoping for less
  7. well now. If it isn't two of me favotite mates. here love. (scupper spreads his coat on the damp sand) There ye go. wouldn't want ye bottom to get chaffed. have some BlackStrap rum or jamersons irish if ye wish. How be ye this fine evening?
  8. As Master Studley makes his way towards the lovely lass. They spie a couple walking hand and hand in the surf towards them from the other direction. They appear to be lost to themselves. laughing and seeeing no one but each other. Who can they be?
  9. ello me poppets. Anyone seen merry about? Ah thar you be love. I have a case of godivas for your party love. Where would you like them? Scupper
  10. I be forgeting the lad the free men of the Sea be connected with. But he has Sea service, French Boarding (with swing out bayonet) and doglocks for very reasonable prices. If ye email Evil Tiny here a the pub he can give you the contact info. I will ask as well so i can post the info for all me mates. Scupper
  11. Well lass. How can an Irish pirate such as meself miss such an affair? I be there luv. Now who else been joining us? Scupper
  12. I believe a few of capt Kidd's crew from the Free Men of the Sea be going lass. Scupper
  13. You can get a hat like that from http://www.centerstagecostumes.com/. She has them in all styles and sizes. Tell her Scupper sent you Scupper
  14. Well now I have been away far too long. Would have been in this thread from the beginning. I say Nuteela candle light and sound track to POTC. What else does a pirate need? Iron Bess, I have asked you to show the rest of that pic. haven't i? If NNot PLEASE?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and Merry. leave the eating daggar behind. Scupper
  15. To all our mates in the path of the storm. batten down and hold fast! We be wishing ye the best and safe journey as the storm makes it's way by you. Scupper
  16. My thanks master Studley. i be thinking of leaving but will wait to make my decision till my head cools off. thanks for the line mate The same for you Shiela i appreciate the line thrown. No my dear capt Siren never insulted or angered by you. appreciate your friendship Scupper
  17. Well now. Seems a bit of war has erupted. I find it most distaseful as well as distressing. For those that know me i do not play games. I was a flirt but that ended some time ago. To "play" is a recipe for disaster. I wanted my life as a pirate seperate from my life as me. Seems that has been tossed on deck for all to see whether i wished it or not. I might add I DID NOT. So here it is folks for all to see. no privacy allowed for me I am in the mid stages of a very complicated, nasty and painful divorce. One of my greatest pleasures was coming to this board and enjoying the comradery with my pirate mates. Now my reputation, honor and friendships have been challenged and questioned. That pains me a great deal. to those of you that have emailed or called. I appreciate and cherish your freindship and loyalty. On this thread Sheila, Capt Siren and Christine. Next as all know I have had feelings for certain people on this board. Merry has a place in my heart no other can fill now or ever. We have had or problems and have struggled due seperation and time as well as our respective problems in our real lives. it's been hard and at times frustrating. I have places in my heart for others as well such as Roberta my first love, Heidi even though we can't stand one another now we did love each other at one time and she is the mother of my son. Seems I cannot have a friendship or relationship with any other person in any form as it is then suspect. There fore I declare if ye be female. ye be warned not to talk to me. As I be a leperous sea dogg and will bring nothing but pain and dispair to you should you talk, answer my posts or Lord forbid decide to be a freind. As to all that have had to endure this childish nonsense, i apologise since I am involved. Formerly your mate Scupper
  18. No apologies mate. We be having one next month soon as someone picks a date Scupper
  19. Ah me missed the day do being at sea luv. My best wishes n your natal day to one of the lovliest and most armed lasses abaord. Scupper
  20. Well now. Merry be a pirate legend. So who is surprised? She be a lovely lass with a tongue as quick as lightning if you cause the storm. She also be a sweet lass of kindness and caring for her freinds. A lady who holds all I dream of. A toast to the Legend of MerryDeath! Scupper
  21. LOL Scubber? I think ye be meaning S C U P P E R. well now I guess me head won't get to big after that. Scupper
  22. Happy belated Berthday lass. A tankard of what you like on me. Scupper
  23. Aye mates! Come see Capt Kidd, Evil Tiny, Hawkyns and me humble self be on the History Channel. we are in the last 15 minutes or so from the capture trail and hanging. I be the imtimidating man at arms. LOL Scupper
  24. Well Lads and Lasses. The Free Men of the Sea will be there Sunday for sure. We are to preform on stage singing chantys and being our usual pyratical selves. So Capt Kidd, Evil Tiny and I hope to see you there. Scupper
  25. Happy Birthday Scarlett luv. A drink at the invasion in honor of your day. Scupper
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