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Lily Alexander

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Everything posted by Lily Alexander

  1. Tales from the Crypt
  2. Now Captain, ye make good omelette's too. Tonight was leftover turkey from our traditional August Thanksgiving dinner.
  3. Frightening Flickers (Does anyone remember this show?)
  4. He's beautiful Bo.
  5. That was with liver treats besides. She is such a good girl and pure joy.
  6. It's been a while since I posted a pic of my baby. This is Sophie at 10 months.
  7. Welcome Boo. So glad you made it on here. Looking forward to seeing you again. Regards to you and your lovely bride.
  8. That works for me Fayma. I love art work. Looking forward to seeing you both, too.
  9. Another alternative, according to the woman working in the museum in Jamestown. The earwax was also used for waxing thread. hmmm, I think I'll just stick to bees wax
  10. Honey Bunches of Oats Empty dog food container Black Syren My hubby
  11. All my stinky stuff is in a box at Sterlings. I can only imagine what it's gonna smell like when it gets home.
  12. I agree with you Kate. The pleated ones hang so much nicer and seem lighter. I had a couple of drawstring petticote's that I changed into pleated ones with waist bands. Rats, if you send me the material, and give me a couple of measurements, I'll whip one up for you. (I'd rather not be keel hauled this week ) snigger.
  13. I love that description. "will actually boil coffee" lolololol. It's a coffee pot. I would hope so. lolololololol
  14. I've been looking for a coffee pot but haven't had much luck. If you find one, please let me know so I can get one too. I loved that greek coffee, Mmmmmmmmmmm
  15. I got it. Keep me going on caffeine so I don't get anymore migraines. The bacon, biscuits and cobbler sounds good too.
  16. Not a problem. One sea bag and snap sack. I'll have to pass on the autographed blow up photo though. I'm still trying to think of a way to scub my brain from that image. We'll think of something. No worries.
  17. Order the Queen Anne first. One has to keep our priorities straight
  18. Woohoo Happy Dance with the Captain. What time is the party???
  19. I usually get 3 yards and have some left over.
  20. September is quickly approaching. Please get your orders in soon. The materials have arrived and sewing is about to begin.
  21. Since I'm sort of running away for a while, I'll be arriving on Mon, Nov 24th and staying until Fri, Dec 12th. I miss everyone too (sniff)
  22. Ummm, well, yeah sort of
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