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Lily Alexander

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Everything posted by Lily Alexander

  1. I'm just thankful I didn't have to drive
  2. I will most definately join in :) I was involved in quite a few at work and always enjoyed them. I'm sure a drum circle around the camp fire would be an awesome experience. More to look forward to.
  3. Even if it isn't possible in the Fort, it would be a lot of fun in the camp. I hope it works out for you.
  4. First, a great big thank you to everyone. I had such a wonderful time. Can't wait to do it again. As always, it was a pleasure to spend time with you all. Miss you guys already. There is so much more to say but my head is going to explode. Here's a link to my pics. http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v702/lei.../08%20Beaufort/
  5. Finally made it home safe and sound. I have such a raging headache, I'll post my pics tomorrow. Time to go lie down.
  6. I always have a good time at the faire so I might not be the best judge of whether it was better than last year or not. Since we dressed as pirates, we did get "arrested" and were forced to sing as puishment, lol. I think they got what they deserved :) One of the best changes they made was that you can now carry and buy weapons. We didn't know about that before so we didn't bring ours but we know for next year.
  7. Congratulations and many blessings to you !!!!!!! She is beautiful.
  8. Edward O'keeffe and I will be going on Sun.
  9. I don't know if they are attending but I have a bottle of their molasses reef rum that will be. I'll be happy to share it with you.
  10. These folks have one but it's made out of bone. They are good friends with Greg Hudson and were merchants in the same booth at Blackbeard's. I knew I saw it there. http://www.scarletscarab.com/sewingacc.htm
  11. Are you referring to the ear cleaning tool? You might want to try Williamsburg or Jamestown. A woman working in the Jamestown museum took great pride in explaining what that little device was used for, lol
  12. I'm sure everyone that is involved in the Mercury Crew will step up to fill the void should William not be able to attend. It's still quite a ways away and talk about replacements at this point seems premature to me. Perhaps it would be better to ask what we all could do as a group to make this easier on William. Personally, I will be in denial until the end should William and Maeve not be there. You never know what can happen from now until then.
  13. Not sure if this helps you or not but I found this in the Florida State Parks Website. You might want to contact Fort Taylor to see what their guidlines and policies are. Last year was my first at PIP. I don't recall seeing any pets there. Lily Domestic Animals Pets are permitted in designated day-use areas at ALL Florida State Parks. They must be kept on a hand-held leash that is six-feet or shorter and be well-behaved at all times. Pet owners are required to pick up after their pets and properly dispose of their droppings. Pets are not permitted on beaches or playgrounds, or in bathing areas, cabins, park buildings, or concession facilities. Within individual parks, specific areas also may be designated as non-pet areas. Service animals are welcome in all areas of Florida State Parks. Pet Camping Rules For everyone's enjoyment, including pets, please observe the following pet camping rules. * Pets must be vaccinated against rabies, but owners are no longer required to show proof of vaccination (except horses- where proof of negative Coggins test are required) * Pets must be confined, leashed, or otherwise under the physical control of a person at all times. Leashes may not exceed six feet in length. Pets that are tethered at the campsite cannot be left unattended for more than 30 minutes. Pets may not be tied to trees, bushes, tables, shelter facilities even when the owners are present. * Pets must be well-behaved at all times. Pets must be confined in the owner's camping unit during the park's quiet hours (11 PM - 8 AM). * Pet owners are required to pick up after their pets and properly dispose of all pet droppings in trash receptacles. * Any pet that is noisy, dangerous, intimidating, or destructive will not be allowed to remain in the park. * Non-furbearing pets, such as reptiles, birds, or fish, must be confined or under the physical control of the owner. Some animals may be prohibited on park property. Captive wild species, whether native or non-native, and barnyard animals, except horses, are prohibited. * Pets are not allowed in cabins. Failure to abide by these rules may result in the camper being asked to board the pet outside the park or to check out of the campground. Park areas will be evaluated, as to the suitability of pets, on a periodic basis as part of the unit management planning process. Areas of the park designated as prohibited for pets shall be determined based on park natural and cultural resources, primary recreational activities, camper and pet health and safety, geographical location and layout of camping areas, and the ability to provide a quality recreational experience for all visitors. Florida State Parks are managed to restore and maintain a delicate ecological balance between native Florida species. Non-native plants and animals often upset that balance. The growing list of non-native animals that harm native wildlife unfortunately includes free-ranging domestic cats. Recognizing that this is a matter of growing concern throughout the state, the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission has embarked on an education campaign in support of the national Cats Indoors! movement. Their website also provides excellent information about native wildlife and the impacts of domestic animals. * FWC's Cats Indoors! Education Campaign When the Heat is on... Keep cool. Summer brings hot weather and family vacations. Your pets will be affected by both. For a healthier; happier travels with your pets:Never leave your pets in a parked car, even if the windows are open. Ten minutes could be too long on a hot day. By then, the temperature inside the car could reach 160 degrees F. That's hot enough to cause a dog to suffer heat stroke.Pets don't perspire as people do. They cool themselves by panting. With only very hot air to breathe, your pets could suffer permanent brain damage within moments. If emergency care is not given, your pets could die. They may want to come along, but it's much kinder to leave your pets at home with plenty of fresh, cool water and shade. If your dog is overcome by heat exhaustion, immediately soak him or her down with water and take to a veterinarian as soon as possible.
  14. Hmmm, I've eaten Catholic school lunches, can I have some of that pie also?
  15. Before this gets into a pissing match, perhaps Hary should be contacted to see if this can even be scheduled into the Fort events.
  16. The Captain is correct. I signed no articles that I can remember. Or perhaps the rum made me do it. Either way, I have the cigars Captain.
  17. First of all, I think this is a wonderful idea. Being a devil's advocate here, so don't hate me for it. I agree with Silkie in that it should remain in the camp. Thus providing the public with a darned good reason for wanting to come to the encampment. Last year we struggled with folks not checking us out or just passing through. Perhaps some signs, a flyer, or an additional paragraph in the program stating what we have going on would help. Encouragement from the Fort, letting people know we exist would go a long way as well. (Not to say it didn't happen last year and many thanks to those that sent people our way). Once people are in the camp, if all they see is a bunch of pirates sitting around, why should they stay? I see no reason why we shouldn't be doing all of our various skills while were there. We do have quite a bit of down time and should take advantage of it. I spent a good bit of time finding an assortment of period toys and games for kids to play with when they visit. There wouldn't be enough space for them to do anything but look at them in the fort. We have 3 days to show off what we enjoy doing and spent all year planning. To reduce it to a few hour time slot in an already event full Fort just seems unproductive. I really hate to sound unenthusiastic about this because I do think it's important and necessary, but I believe it would be more beneficial to remain in the camp. PS. Dutch, you need to be here
  18. I feel so loved. : I would say there is enough of me to go around but that just doesn't sound right.
  19. Just an FYI... I think I've just been press ganged Would be an honor to serve Captain
  20. After attending two events and staying in a hotel both times, Edward and I have decided to take the plunge. We'll have a 10 x 14 sunforger flame wall tent. As much as we wanted to make one, with so many other projects in the works, we just don't have the time to do it right. We are planning on dressing it up some with hemp rope and redoing the eyelets. A fair compromise. ps. Edward snores and I don't just talk in my sleep, I swear like a sailor.
  21. Edward and I made it home safe and sound. A little battered and bruised but mostly in one piece. "My feet are another matter all together". I would like to thank everyone in Blackbeard's crew for their kindness and hospitality. My rum soaked brain can't find enough words to adequately express my appreciation for all the hard work that went into making this a truly wonderful experience. Looking forward to seeing you all next year. To the crew of the Archangel, what more can I say but I love and miss you already. Kate, you are very welcome for the hat. Lily Alexander
  22. Edward and I are here and staying at the Embassy Suites. Looking forward to seeing everyone :)
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