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Lily Alexander

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Everything posted by Lily Alexander

  1. Seafaring Women Originally published as Women Sailors and Sailors' Women by David Cordingly. Thanks for recommending this book William.
  2. I got 8 out of 12. woohoo
  3. I'm sure we could work something out Captain MacNamara :)
  4. That works for me Iron Jon. Just let me know what you and Paula would like. :)
  5. I'm really looking forward to meeting you at Blackbeard's. We'll talk then.
  6. How about a Mercury print?
  7. Call me crazy but I'm not selling the items. There is/was so much trading going on a PIP, that is payment enough. If someone were to offer a donation I guess that would be ok as well. For example, lets just say I saw a nice shiny pointy item that I would like to purchase from you, perhaps you could take off a few dollars in exchange for an item you would like from me. Also, lets just say, someone really wants an item but does not have the funds to donate or have goods to trade. That's ok too. I will gladly give the item to who ever needs or wants them.
  8. In the interest of not bogging down the crew thread, here is the place to tell me what you want or make comments and suggestions. To give me enough time to make these items, everyone has until Sept 1st to tell me what they want. No doubt I will have extra available at PIP as well. ***Please note, official orders for PIP is over. If you would still like to order an item, I will do my best to have it finished by then, but no guarantees. Most items will be made out of 18.5 oz hemp. Any lining will be linen. Following is a list of items I can make for the crew: Haversacks (hemp/lined) Finished size 12" x 14" Snapsacks (hemp/unlined) Seabags (hemp/unlined) Finished size approx 14" diameter x 32" length Ditty Bags (hemp/unlined) Finished size approx 8" diameter x 14" length Wallets (hemp/unlined) Housewives (linen & wool) ps. If anyone from any other crew would like any of these items, you are welcome to place an order as well. To help me keep tract, I'll update as we go along. Orders Placed: William - Ditty Bag Captain Sterling - 3 Sea Bags, 3 Snapsacks & 1 Wallet Captain MacNamara - 3 Ditty Bags Mary Diamond - 1 Sea Bag Rats - 1 Sea Bag Mad D'dogge - 1 Sea Bag & 1 Snapsack Fayma & Tony - 2 Haversacks Callenish - 3 Sea Bags Silkie - 1 Haversack Diosa - 1 Haversack
  9. Yeah... that's why I was stuck with bloody Bambi on the beach.... sheesh.... snigger. How was Barcelona BTW?
  10. I didn't hear about another sale but I did look up their website and saw they do have dates for this year. I also looked up some of the previous entertainers and noticed one that makes me sad. The Empty Hats will only be performing one weekend ONLY, August 2nd - 3rd. However, Pirate weekend is July 26 - 27, so most likely we will be attending on the 26th. Maybe if I'm a good girl, my darling hubby will take me on the following weekend as well. I would hate to miss the Empty Hats.
  11. hmmm, I saw the wallets last year and was going to try to make one but I ran out of time. I'll make a bunch of stuff and if anyone has a preferance then just pm me.
  12. My apologies for being so quiet these past few months but I have been paying attention. What type of bags did you have in mind William? Sea bags, haversacks, snapsacks, ditty bags? Hemp or linen? Given the amount of time we have, I would be happy to throw some together for the crew. The crockery idea sounds interesting.
  13. Thank you all so very much. With so much to look forward to, this is bound to be a great year. Tighten up those laces Mary
  14. Happy Birthday Patrick We'll have to do some celebrating at PIP this year. Hope you have a wonderful day.
  15. It's in full swing now that you are here Jacky Rum, cake, cigars and dancing, what more can a lass want for her birthday.
  16. Thank you all for the Birthday Wishes. Rum and cigars for everyone
  17. Wishing you a wonderful birthday today and many happy years to come. Big Birthday Hugs
  18. I have a stuffed wombat I could send you. I really do.
  19. Awww, William, the baby is beautiful. Congratulations to you and your family. Sophie at 4 months Pals
  20. I stole one pig, sheesh. Now if we're talking shoes, I'm good at stealing those. How about a slice of that RUM cake, mate....................................
  21. Happy Birthday to one of my favorite Sea Warriors.
  22. Wishing you the happiest of birthday's today and many more to come.
  23. Welcome to the Sea Warriors QM James. Huzzah
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