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Lily Alexander

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Everything posted by Lily Alexander

  1. Overwhelmed at times. Sophie is getting the better of me. I'm so exhausted all the time and this little ball of energy just never slows down (except when sleeping). I knew a puppy would be a lot of work but holy puppy chow is she a lot of work. I'm looking forward to taking her to puppy kindergarten soon. Mommy needs it.
  2. Boobie DippinFace
  3. Edward and I wish you all Happy Holidays, a Merry Christmas and a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year.
  4. Wishing I could crawl back in bed and sleep for days. I think I'm coming down with something and feel horrible. My hubby is working the next 2 days, my father is being a stubborn old goat but the bright spot is my best friend is in town and I'll be spending the evening with her family. That's if I don't get any worse. Can I take my ball and go home now?
  5. I haven't done much attacking yet but I'm getting good at muggings. I've upgraded my house to a small flat (forgot about the awake thing and still trying to recover) and got a better job. My personal war. The other day this person "Unfound" from TSP, attacked me 3 times while I was in port. Why a level 200 and something would bother with such a low level as myself and not carrying any money would bother is beyond me but I was in their port and I didn't have an ass in my signature. So I waited till they got offline and mug her 3 times. once for each attack. I think I made out good in the deal. Thank you Syren for the support. You go Iron Jon
  6. My hubby is working Christmas Eve and Christmas Day so we're not even going celebrate with presents or dinner until the 26th. I'll just have to live vicariously through you and all your celebrations to tide me over until then. Although, my best friend will be coming in from Minnesota so I will have Christmas Eve dinner with her family.
  7. Ummm, well, about as ready as I'm gonna be this year. We did put up a tree but don't dare put decorations on it. The way the puppy and kitty chase each other under there I'm surprised the tree is still standing. So for this year it's just lights and our angel for the top. Besides, I'm too tired for Christmas.
  8. I'm sure Edward is going to be mighty interested in your set up Iron Jon. I may have to hate you for it later though.
  9. It's a great idea and definitely worth looking into further. Ya did good my friend.
  10. Are you sure about the price??? That doesn't seem possible to be that cheap. Edit: I sent a message to get the brochure and more info.
  11. Edward and I are definitely in. Although I'm not sure where we are staying. We've been considering getting a tent and camping although the house idea has potential too.
  12. Tonight is a nice easy dinner. Corned Beef & Cabbage.
  13. French Kiss :angry:
  14. Like a human being again. After nearly 2 weeks of either sleeping on the floor or in the recliner, I finally got smart and bought a smaller puppy crate that will fit in the bedroom. It felt so good sleeping in my own bed again. Even though I still had to get up several times, I actually got a good night sleep.
  15. ok, I know you guys are gonna get sick of me posting pics of Sophie but this one is just so darned cute, I couldn't help myself. This is their favorite activity. Sophie's first snow storm.
  16. That's an awesome tree and mom and wee one look beautiful as usual. Merry Christmas to you.
  17. Oh My. What a beautiful kitty. Capt. Bo, your critters are beauties as well. Even the growth.
  18. I envy you Jill. I lived in Alameda for several years and absolutely loved living in the bay area. I really hated leaving. You're right about the winter though. It did get quite chilly.
  19. Welcome to the pub and hope you enjoy your stay. With all this snow falling I could sure use a hot buttered rum.
  20. A bit far north for that additude aren't you lass? Believe me it's not by choice that we continue to live here. Although it could be worse, we could be in Buffalo or Syracuse. They seem to get pounded and us Rochester folks seem to miss a lot of it. Some consolation, we still get over 100 inches a year. I used to not mind so much but with all my back issues the snow and cold keeps me locked up in the house most of the winter. My snow bunny days are long gone.
  21. Snow. Pooey. The very first snowfall or snow for Christmas is very nice. The rest of it can just stay the heck away.
  22. Well, I've been up since 4 am. Is this better Silkie? 4 am is not wake up time, it should be bed time. Geez, the birds aren't even up yet. Did I mention at PIP how much I hate mornings?
  23. Yeah, but there are other aspects of the view that are consistently nice from up there. And when ya get caught looking, you can just shrug and say, "Sorry, can't help it. It's the height."
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