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Lily Alexander

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Everything posted by Lily Alexander

  1. Looks great William. I definitely want one and most likely Keith will also.
  2. Good Luck on your finals and congratulations on finishing your semester.
  3. You mean I'm not the only one that still hasn't finished unpacking?
  4. Money? Moi? Nah, I'm just a lonely beggar that lives under a rowboat.
  5. That jail time was rough. Thank goodness for the kind pirate that broke me out.
  6. :angry: Cabin boy, I like that. Can I trade him in if he misbehaves?
  7. Aww, I got caught stealing a pig, lol. Now I'm in jail. :angry:
  8. You took the words right out of my mouth.
  9. Crazy dog, started pushing the snow with her nose then preceded to roll in it. If you can imagine a turtle on it's back wiggling all it's limbs in a futile attempt to get up that's my Sophie. Of course she does the really cute stuff when I don't bring the camera with me. Oh well, I'm sure there will be other chances.
  10. French & Indian War
  11. Updating my Christmas card list and waiting for Sophie to wake up so I can take her outside. It's snowing pretty hard and I can't wait to see what she does in it.
  12. Still got that headache? Hugs to you Syren. Feel better soon.
  13. Good Mornin' Captain. grumble, grumble, yawn, grumble...................
  14. Well it's about time you decided to join us. I'll have some rum if ya please.
  15. Thanks to Dorian I finally opened a bank account and bought a house under a rowboat. Woohoo. I should be able to get a job today too. Oh boy a beggar I shall be.
  16. I would have if I had actually gotten the quarter in the fishes mouth. I'll get it next year.
  17. Here, Here.....To the man who taught me the tradition of throwing a quarter in a fishes mouth. Three cheers to Captain Jim.
  18. Thank goodness she won't be able to fit into tiny little spaces much longer. Whew................ Thanks Ransom. We had a few names picked out but Sophie was the one that made her little ears perk up.
  19. I'm too afraid to look.
  20. That really stinks Ransom. I'm sorry about your fish and I hope that come Spring they will be just fine. I had my first and probably not last scare with Sophie today. She crawled under the recliner and got her head stuck in the side where the foot lifts up. So as she's howling and crying I'm trying to lift the recliner up off of her which of course made it worse. Then she stopped moving and howling so I thought I had killed her. Talk about panic stricken. I have no idea how I got her free but she seems to be ok. At least one of us is.
  21. OK lasses, wake up !!!!!!!!! I'm so glad my darlin hubby was going to keep Sophie duty for me tonight so I could get a good night sleep. He's passed out cold and I'm not.
  22. Thank ye kindly Captain. I'm sorry I missed that.
  23. Shoes, shoes, shoes. I was going for the shoes. Well, we are intending to purchase some working pistols and I would love to learn sword play. To next year.
  24. Go ahead and laugh Captain. I'm a pathetic new mommy. Well, I think my insomnia is gone. I've now entered sleep deprivation. At least I've graduated from the floor to the recliner now. Thank goodness. I forgot what having a puppy in the house is like. But it's so worth it. That sweet little face and the not so steady wobble. Oooo, she is just so adorable Sophie is such a good girl. Only a few little accidents in the house. I was afraid she was too little to start going outside, especially with the cold and snow but she loves it. She burrows her cute little nose down and rolls all around. Gotta remember the camera.
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