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Lily Alexander

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Everything posted by Lily Alexander

  1. Thank you all for the thoughts and prayers. At this point, my father is holding his own. They aren't real sure if he is going to stabilize or continue to decline. Should he stabilize, they will most likely transfer him to a long term nursing facility or if he goes the other way, he'll stay in the hospice. Either way he is carving his own path on this journey. Love and gratitude, Lily
  2. My thoughts and prayers to your friends family Bo. Though you didn't ask for yourself, peace to you as well. Lily
  3. I'm not really one to publicly ask for help but I think it's time I reach out to my pirate family and friends. As a few of you know, my father has congestive heart failure as has been in the hospital for a few weeks. Well, today we had to transfer him to a hospice facility. He is on comfort care only and isn't expected to live much longer. Please send your your thoughts and prayers his way to aid him in his passing. With gratitude and love to you all. Lily
  4. Edward and I sent ours in a couple of days ago via snail mail.
  5. I guess I really wanted to wish you a happy birthday.
  6. To my dearest Edward. Happy Birthday, luv.
  7. ^ hmmm, Disney's Haunted Mansion comes to mind. The neighborhood kids would flip if that were in our yard, lol < Thanks Cheeky. I love Halloween but we are scaling back a little this year. Last year was was a mad house. v pass the question
  8. It's cold, rainy and nasty outside. So it's hot chocolate for me.
  9. We have a split household. Edward is driving and I'm flying into Key West.
  10. We'll keep our fingers crossed that your circumstances will change. You will all be missed. ps. How's the wee one doing?
  11. It's marshmallow in a jar. I'm gonna send you some.
  12. Come on over Sterling. There is always a great big jar of Fluff in our cupboard
  13. Congratulations Rumba. Much love and happiness to you and Boats in your new home.
  14. He used the design from Latitude Hooks and Azimuth Rings by Dennis Fisher Glad you all like it.
  15. Smooches to you Stynky and Thank You.
  16. Edward doesn't know I'm posting this and he's probably gonna kill me but..... I'm just a little proud of the work he does.
  17. Shall I make room on my broom for you ???
  18. Thanks for almost making me spit my coffee all over the computer screen. Flying is easy Dutchie, I'm doing it.
  19. Was that up hill both ways Iron Jon (Sorry, couldn't reist) I remember when you could smoke on airplanes. ahhh, the good ole days. How about those little doors on the oustide of the house that the milk man used to put his deliveries in? It was also a wonderful place to hold puppet shows for the neighborhood kids, when not in use. Going on a class field trip to Eastman Kodak to see a computer (which happened to take up an entire room, lol) Air raid drills and sonic booms. Being forbidden to take a calculator to school. Oh the horror of having to do math with paper and pencil. Even worse, in your head. My favorite, when they changed the dress code so females could wear pants to school.
  20. Well then, who could refuse that offer.
  21. That's one way to carry the wee lad, I would be more than happy to barter for the sea bags.
  22. We wish you could come play too. We'll miss you and all your scumminess.
  23. I also have a room booked. If Edward can get the time off, we'll keep our room, if not, I'll be happy to bunk with ye Captain.
  24. I did think of you yesterday while we were eating our brussel sprouts.
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