Now that I’ve had some time to rest and collect my thoughts, there are many that I would like to thank.
To Spike, Nigel, the Bone Island Buccaneers and all the folks at Fort Taylor, thank you for providing us with a great venue. Tis always a pleasure playing in your backyard.
Fayma, thank you for giving me the opportunity to help you in a small way. Without all the hard work, pain, sweat and tears you put in, this event wouldn’t have been the success that it was. Thank you for fighting for us reenactors and just for being the person you are.
Tony, for the thousands of pictures you and your crew takes and for making us all look so darned good. Thank you for your tireless efforts. Can I get some of your energy for next year?
To all the reenactors who rose to the challenges, and to all those that fulfilled their obligations in the duty roster, especially those that stepped up to the plate at the last second to fill missing holes, your contributions were greatly appreciated and I sincerely thank you.
To all the wonderful new pipsters and veterans alike, the time we spend together at PIP is one of the greatest gifts a pirate could ask for. Thank you for all the smiles and laughter through the sunshine and rain. Thank you for making the work so worthwhile.
Last but certainly not least, Captain Sterling and the Crewe of the Archangel, I couldn’t be more proud of you all. Thank you for keeping me from pulling my hair out and for having the broadest shoulders I could lean on. Not only do I consider you my crew mates and friends but you are truly the best family I could ask for.
YHS, Lily