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Lily Alexander

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Everything posted by Lily Alexander

  1. I have both a medium weight wool and a tropical weight wool set of stays as well as petticotes.
  2. William, Edward and I will take the large and extra large my feet shirts if there are still available.
  3. Happy Christmas Day to you and yours. May the New Year bring you Good health, happiness and prosperity, Sez I!

  4. Wishing you the happiest of Birthday's today and all the best for the new year.
  5. Lets, I think I can fill in the rest of the gaps. 2. Edward's brother spells his name Galen. I don't think I'll ever get used to calling him that though. 4. The other Chinese pirate this year is David Mason, otherwise known as "Manchu" 6. The best I can do on Stich's name is Timothy.
  6. I believe part of the reason is because they don't want the beach people to see them. They don't want to tell the paying people "you can't do that" and have them see ours and think it's also ok for them.
  7. Happy Birthday Matty. Hope you had a wonderful day and a great year ahead.
  8. Oh good, I was starting to think we stole it from the condo
  9. Aye, aye Scotty Did you guys leave a cutting board behind?
  10. Edward and I have both used the .5, 1,2,3............just about all the sizes they carry. We've had nothing but positive results from the products we've purchased from hemp traders.
  11. My Dearest Willie, Oh how I wish we could be together for Christmas but dad has to work and mom says we have to wait for New Years. At least we will be together soon. I hope you have the bestest Christmas ever and your stocking is filled with all kinds of goodies like balls, treats, more balls............. We have a lot of catching up to do. Please send my regards to Getty and the non fuzzy ones. Merry Christmas. Love and Slobber Sophie
  12. Clear hair clip, in with Cap's stuff. I thought the floral one was Grace's also. Also in with Cap's stuff. I think the black sock is Cross's and they are a pair of white socks complete with holes. lol Sorry no lanterns.
  13. Are they the ones that look like sneakers?
  14. The little spoon has no markings and the big spoon has "#1" on the back of the handle. I don't see any markings on the knife. After more people claim their items, I'll send them all back to everyone. Most likely after the holidays. I won't even hold them for ransom :)
  15. Will do.
  16. Here are all the goodies that followed me home.
  17. Happy Birthday William. I hope you have a wonderful day and best wishes for the New Year.
  18. If Beaufort follows the same pattern as in the past, it will fall on the same weekend as Pike. I checked the website and it has not been updated yet.
  19. Edward and I came home with a variety of things including spoons, bowls, shoes.............. I'll take some pics of all the items and post them tomorrow. I'm sure one of the bowls is yours Rats. I'm missing one large pewter spoon with the initials LA carved on the back of the handle and also a forged pot hook. It looks sort of like the capital letter "J"
  20. You might need special approval for a pit being used in that fashion. They were pretty specific on what we could use and not use last year. Braziers were allowed but I'm not sure about a smoker either. I'll add that to the list of questions and get an answer asap for you.
  21. Happy belated Birthday Mission. Hope you had a great day and I hope you have a wonderful New Year.
  22. Now that I’ve had some time to rest and collect my thoughts, there are many that I would like to thank. To Spike, Nigel, the Bone Island Buccaneers and all the folks at Fort Taylor, thank you for providing us with a great venue. Tis always a pleasure playing in your backyard. Fayma, thank you for giving me the opportunity to help you in a small way. Without all the hard work, pain, sweat and tears you put in, this event wouldn’t have been the success that it was. Thank you for fighting for us reenactors and just for being the person you are. Tony, for the thousands of pictures you and your crew takes and for making us all look so darned good. Thank you for your tireless efforts. Can I get some of your energy for next year? To all the reenactors who rose to the challenges, and to all those that fulfilled their obligations in the duty roster, especially those that stepped up to the plate at the last second to fill missing holes, your contributions were greatly appreciated and I sincerely thank you. To all the wonderful new pipsters and veterans alike, the time we spend together at PIP is one of the greatest gifts a pirate could ask for. Thank you for all the smiles and laughter through the sunshine and rain. Thank you for making the work so worthwhile. Last but certainly not least, Captain Sterling and the Crewe of the Archangel, I couldn’t be more proud of you all. Thank you for keeping me from pulling my hair out and for having the broadest shoulders I could lean on. Not only do I consider you my crew mates and friends but you are truly the best family I could ask for. YHS, Lily
  23. Happy Birthday Captain Jim. You were so very missed at PIP. Hope you have a great day and wonderful New Year ahead.
  24. In no particular order, here are some of my favorite moments of PIP 09. No Quarter Given cruise on board the Wolf Being on Constable Heartless's cannon crew Killing Mary Diamond Sword fighting with Scarlett Jai First watch with Captain Sterling and asking David Foster's wife to see her pog Pog burning Once again, Singing in the Rain Winning an auction item Breakfast with Cousin Robbie Ghost walk with Kip Extended family dinner on the beach Last few minutes of the last watch with William Gifts at the gate Not knowing who's hand I was holding for the pub photo
  25. Lily, Thank ye fer all, afore and whilst! The Best to yer Gentleman as well. Th' Crewe of the Archangel took me aboard as ye would a marooned shipmate! Thank ye, sez I, Thank ye much!

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