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Everything posted by LadyBarbossa

  1. Very lovely stays, ladies! I'm highly impressed! May call upon one of ye t' make me a pair some day. LOVE th' coloring. My old and current stays look like Kate's old ones but no shoulder straps, no binding, laces up the back and front and horribly, horribly, very horribly worn to the point they have been to Hell twice and the Devil tossed them back out cause they were that horrible! Just imagine Kate's old pair run over by three steam engines. LOL, perhaps time for an Extreme Makeover: Stays Edition. ~Lady B
  2. Yes, I'm posting this again. I know, I know... I can hear the groans out there. I must get rid of these last pieces. It's first come, first serve so please Message or email me if interested. black cotton paisley waistcoat with matching petticoat. Will fit size 16 - 26 sloppy slops. I swear these things have seen everything possible and they are STILL functioning! Breeches altered a couple times and now have become slops. Size 34-36 waist. Might I add that these are COMPLETELY hand sewn. Barbossa like waistcoat. This was my first attempt and a prototype. Up to a size 53" chest The back area left unfinished around the edges for that very old, worn, distressed look. The fabric is old (vintage) fabric that once belonged to my stepdad's mom (this is fabric from the Great Depression or around WW2 at least to my understanding) the viewable seams are completely hand sewn Front Back A black and gold damask like design waistcoat. up to a size 54" chest Front Back Again, must get rid of these. They are for sale. I do take trades as well cause I am in need and looking for some items. If interested, please message or email me. ~Lady B
  3. It all comes down to ... MONEY! How much you CAN to spend on patterns, books, fabric, etc. If you can, by all means, get the period patterns. :) But, if you are rather straped for coinage, then obtain the major commercial patterns and do some major alterations. Either way, you are still researching and talking to people. All that above is great to have, but then again, what's what the Pub is here for... is to network and help out where needed. :) Do what you CAN do. The Simplicity pattern is NOT period correct to the GAoP. But if accuracy is not yo'r thing, obtain it. But if you want accurate but if you can't afford the patterns (usually a historical pattern is $16 - $20 each! Ouch!) then, yes, it's a good idea to get the Simplicity and make alterations. Again, there are very knowledgeable people on the Pub whom I'm sure can help you make a more period accurate peice. Again, do with what you CAN do. ~Lady B
  4. Ahoy, Bazuka. Welcome fo' one. Glad t' have ye here. I know Kass has some fabulous patterns that are indeed period. I have not bought any but have gone a cheaper route purchasing the major commercial patterns and loosely using them to make period like pieces. Loosely meaning I make LOTS of alterations to them to get as close as I can to period. My latest coat is nigh two years old and since then there has been LOTS and LOTS of info pop up. So, I'm on my way towards another coat or two or a few (when possible). As well as a whole new waredrobe really (except I'm keeping my shoes, stockings and shirts. Either way, there are PLENTY of people here on the Pub who can help you and answer whatever questions ye have on making outfits, no matter what patterns ye use. :) And plenty of images on here as well in various threads showing various period peices. ~Lady B
  5. Thank you Lady B. Yes, if I can get pass the sneezing... I don't think Claritin will work, will it? Hate to have the image of ye sneezin' all over the place and all over the Captain during the Ball wearing that gown. ~Lady B
  6. Heysa, LadyBrower. I'll chime in on this, too. And agree with th' lot here. No. The pattern is not accurate. It is a costume pattern. But it's perhaps the only major commercial pattern from the big three pattern makers that's close enough. However, the pattern is more for F&I and Rev War style and not GAoP. So, if ye want to make it as such, yes it requires LOTS of altering. Unless you want to do LOTS of altering, then it would be in yo'r best interest to get a more period accurate pattern if period accurate is what ye are lookin' for. Here is the most recent coat I made using the pattern but made quite a bit of alterations to the pattern to be a little closer to period - bigger cuffs, no curve at the neckline, more pleats on the side back and the slit up the back of the coat. Two waistcoats I used the pattern but made alterations. This one I left the back as it with no slit up the back. But there are opening slits on the side back. Here ye can see the slit up the back to the waist and the slit openings on the side back. I'll have to take pics of the other two I have made from this pattern but with alterations. They are much different. No, the waistcoat pattern is not long enough. You do have to lengthen it. Cause the longer pattern reaches the upper thighs just below the hips. Awefully short really. That's more something for 1760 and beyond. The risk with the major commerical patterns is the amount of alterations ye must make to make it look even remotely period. Lots of study helps. Have we confused ye yet? :) ~Lady B
  7. ::: attempts to look innocent with a grin::: Cover them hands, Cheeky, b'fore th' monkey finds them a tasty delight so t' speak. ::: another innocent grin::: :::twists around swiftly racing into the other room screaming-:::: KIIINNNNG GEEOOOOOOOOOOOOOORRGE!!!! ~Lady B
  8. Welcome to th' Pub, Joe! Hahaha, LOVE th' name, mate! Brilliant. Fantastic threads! Welp, in honor of thy designation an' tradition bein' ye buy us a round... make mine Pyrat Rum in honor of ye. ~Lady B
  9. LMAO! Sterling ... ye KNOW we WILL find out. :::Evil grinz::: As to th' wee primate... ::looks to Cheeky with a grins and whispers::: the wee thing be safe in m' possession, m'dear. So, there be proof there. :::looks at the others::: No I am NOT a Merchant's Wife. Not even close, gents. I'm more concerned about who th' devil that wee Moorish lad is! Where be him? I haven't a Moorish lad, a lad I have in m' crew but not a Moorish lad. Beware a Moorish lad at an event walkin' 'round with a wee primate. Oh, an' weren't their two women in that etching? Hmm? One trying to distract, the other helping him sneak out? ~Lady B
  10. Tis a busy Frenchie. :) ~Lady B
  11. :::looks at Sterling::: but I AM a Lady. Granted done by a Spaniard, but still, I paid that commission price and was granted th' title right proper I was. ~Lady B
  12. Ahhh... Merc Wench! Aye, Happy belated Bday wishes to ye as well. Now, if ye haven't received any treasures fo' yo'r Bday... we can bombard the blighters with cannon fire. :) Hope ye got what treasures ye wanted though. ~Lady B
  13. Many belated Bday wishes to ye, Rev Sam. Hope ye got what treasure ye wanted. ~Lady B
  14. Always thought ye were younger than I. Damnit, now I can't call ye kid. :) Happy Bday, Bilge. Hope ye had a fabulous one and get what ye wanted today. ~Lady B
  15. Hehehehe... this is where I gave up on making another pair and will have somoene make another one for me when I get some extra coinage. ~Lady B
  16. Aye, Cheeky... it's th' scoundrels whom call themselves Gents we must be worryin' 'bouts. Welcome, Gent Scotty. Tis a fine establishment here. Enjoy th' rum an' comradery. Tradition being, ye buy us drinks... so, I be in th' mood fo' Pirate's Choice rum. Mol Reef... straight... nothin' else added to it. ~Lady B
  17. :::hugs::: It would have been fun to be a part of Bilgemunky's background. I was really looking forward to seeing some NWTA comrades I'd not seen in nigh 2 years. :::le sigh::: the one passion that got me started in reenacting and I can't attend it either. I'm not gonna say "maybe next year"... cause I'm at a breaking point, either my life gets better so I can have my time away at these reenactments that have been my vacations and rejuvenation of my spirit... or I have to totally give up the hobby. It's no more 'putting off for a year"... I've done that for two years in a row already. Hugs to all. MIssin' ye all already. ~Lady B
  18. Just entertained by this and figured this would be an interesting mental image for all. Late at night here checking email innocently and outside the cops are doing what they can to pull out one of their squad cars from a snow covered ditch! LOL ... poor things. Will be interesting to see how long it will take them to pull it out. Nothing much I can do at the moment though. Ye kinda feel helpless in a situation like this. The road out here has had SO many stuck cars cause it drifts shut swiftly. ~Lady B
  19. It's early... an' yo'r awake? Ye best start drinkin' lad! Or at least gather some help. Maybe ol' Foxe around there 'll help ye. ~Lady B
  20. Welp, ladies an' gents... looks like I shan't be attendin' RF5. :::sniffles::: Someone break th' news t' Mr Bellows gently, please. An' if he cries... DO put it on tape so I can see it. Please? Have a drink fo' me. Enjoy th' sushi. I shall look forward to th' piccies followin' the event. My apologies to all of ye. I was SOOO lookin' forward to this event. Oh, an' someone give Mr Kazwick a kiss on th' cheek or at least a dance with th' gentleman for me? I wonder if he'll be wearin' Washington's uniform? :::le sigh:: ~Lady B
  21. ::: Yells to all:::: ROBERTS IS GOIN' T' BED!!!!! WHO WILL JOIN HIM?!! LOL Jus... don't burn down th' Red Lion. Ok? Ye've been entrusted t' drink in our place. ~Lady B
  22. I know... shockin', isn't it? ~Lady B
  23. Welcome to th' Pub, Mr McBrian. Glad t' have ye here with us. Ye won't be disappointed. A fabulous lot here. And I must say, some of us do a bit of barhopping by goin' between the Pub an' th' Tavern. So, enjoy yo'r stay here, enjoy th' establishment, an' hope ye gather lots of info an' I'm sure ye' make many alliances. An'... as th' tradition goes, th' newcomer buys th' first round. So... I'll have grog with a twist o' a variety of citrus an' cherries. ~Lady B
  24. Damnit man! Where th' hell are ye gettin' all this fabulously incredible images? I agree with ye... can we have some made? :) ~Lady B
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