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Everything posted by LadyBarbossa

  1. It's horrid to hear of this. Alas, puts scutiny under the reenactors once more. But, accidents are bound to happen, considering how many times these things are fired. Indeed shows how dangerous this hobby is. But these people are most fortunate. I've heard worse stories. ~Lady B
  2. Welcome to th' chaos an' mayhem of blissful piratical fun known as th' Pub. :) Glad t' have ye with us here. Oooo... drinks be flowin'! Hmmm... HYPNOTQ please. ~Lady B
  3. Hmmm... now that ye've posted those, Callenish... I'm curious if a couple of those mention anything about the famous Von Robais family, who were fabric "barons" for the aristocracy of France. I'm curious to see what fabric they have made from said makers. ~Lady B
  4. Damn ye lot! :::Whimpers::: Now I wants a fine bed as such. Fine place ye have there, Bright. :) I'm envious. ~Lady B
  5. LMAO! Just the booty, Bright? Oh, come on now! :::glances around; smacks dogge on the back of the head lightly::: Besides, how many cabins be ye inhabitin'? Good God, boy! ::rolls eyes::: Pirate Wenches, eh? Not m' Class. I be safe. ~Lady B
  6. Ahoy an' welcome, Spriggs. Glad t' have ye here upon th' Pub with likeminded gentlemen scoundrels, scallywags, wild women, Ladies of questionable associations, etc.... Hope ye've found one of th' fine crews that be hauntin' the vicinty ye been seekin'. If not, sounds like we be needin' t' fire across their bows t' grab their attentions. Aye? ~Lady B
  7. Aye! Happy BDay to ye, Cass! :) ~Lady B
  8. LOL... Ye gents are a hoot! At least with me, I'm not looking for a Hugh Jackman. If his personality is pathetic and his manners are worse, he can be just as gorgeous as Jackman, I wouldn't thinking twice but would walk away in disgust. It's the whole package that makes a man attractive. And thank you for the compliment on curves! I would rather look like Marilyn Monroe or even Kate Winslet (woman with real breasts!) rather than look like that! That's just sickly! ugh! 100% real, God and Nature made, baby! At least the Gibson Girl looks decent and not sickly thin all over! ~Lady B
  9. HA! I FINALLY get on to see these! Tis a miracle! :) Oh, they are beyond fabulous, m'dear Syren. :) I'm more than beside myself and beyond flabergasted at the marvel that m' eyes do see. Fabulous, Fabulous work! :) Shall show these to m' mom and see which one she likes. ~Lady B
  10. Damn. And I can't get there! Gah! Thanks for the info though, Brower. :) ~Lady B
  11. Brilliant! :) Thank ye. Just email me and I will send you what I can. Sterling is helping out with it, too. I thank ye for the assistance. ~Lady B
  12. Prayers shall be said, lass. PM or email or call me when you can. :::hugs::: ~Lady B
  13. Shall try. :::runs to send off::: Apologies if I am ever so giddy and excited. The one man I fancy more than Barbossa... and that's de Kalb! ~Lady B
  14. ::le sigh::: wish I could make it to either Disney park. But alas, cannot. ::le sigh::: so any who do attend either park and cross paths with Barbossa, girls give him a peck on the cheek for me and state it was from his Lady. Gents... well, I don't expect you to give him a peck on th' cheek! How, odd would that be? Christine? ye plan to attend the Halloween event at Disney? If so... PICTURES!!! as always. ~Lady B
  15. Ahoy!.. HELP! I've been given the task to transcribe 3 letters written by "Baron" de Kalb. Two letters are in english and shall obviously have no trouble transcribing them. However, one letter is completely in french! Despite I can slightly get the jist of it, I cannot translate it and need some help translating this one french letter written by the "Baron". Anyone who is well versed in french, please contact me. Help, please? Sorry, mates, not a paid commission either, it's all volunteer for the sake of history. :) (damn I need to learn french!) ~Lady B
  16. Not really reading a book, but returning to some research on the "Baron" de Kalb. Conversing with a gentleman in Camden about this and such interesting new information plus one of the comissioned pictures de Kalb had Peale do before he was sent to South Carolina is now out on the internet (bloody damn time, too!) Handsome as ever. So, most interesting info. Now, just trying to get the information from the Paris Archives is the biggest issue. ~Lady B
  17. Good God, with all th' birthdays... we'll be drunk b'fore th' nights out! Happy Birthday to ye, Blackbead. :) Obtain what treasure an' trinkets ye wanted? Hmm? ~Lady B
  18. Damnit man, ye done gone an' had a Birthday! What? An' ye think ye could slip away from here without a celebration!? Oh, think again! Happy birthday to ye, oh fanatic one. BTW, how's th' carriage comin' along? We needs t' drive ye around in it for one of yo'r Bdays. ~Lady B
  19. Oooo... tis th' Mrs birthday now,hmm? Well happy birthday to ye, lass. Hope it was celebrated in the splendor a Gentlewoman such as yo'rself should be lavished with. ~Lady B
  20. 41 lashes?!? T'was gonna say... what th' bloody devil did he do now? Rob from th' Captain's liquer cabinet?!? LOL A hearty happy birthday to ye, O'Keefe. Hope it t'was a grand one for ye. ~Lady B
  21. :::Stumbles in and waves just barely::: Happy Birthday to ye, Pete... ::Weak grin::: How's 'bout a keg t' celebrate? :::Crashes, out cold::: ZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz........... ~Lady B
  22. LOL... welcome back to th' Pub, Jack. Glad t' have yo'r smartly chatter. ~Lady B
  23. Custom colors possible? Hmmm... I may be hitting you up in due time for some colorful hats. ~Lady B
  24. Happy birthday to ye, Robbie. Now... can't call ye Cousin... yet. :) ~Lady B
  25. Latest article on the Wilderness Wal-Mart (yes, correction made, in Virginia. The mistake is mine to believe that it's part of Gettysburg). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Walmart near Va battlefield challenged By STEVE SZKOTAK, Associated Press Writer Steve Szkotak, Associated Press Writer Wed Sep 23, 5:38 pm ET RICHMOND, Va. Preservationists and residents filed a legal challenge Wednesday to block construction of a Walmart Supercenter near a famed battlefield where the Civil War began to turn in favor of the North. The legal action is aimed at an Aug. 25 vote by the Orange County Board of Supervisors approving the store near the Wilderness Battlefield. The battlefield where 30,000 Union and Confederate soldiers were injured or killed 145 years ago is considered one of the nation's most endangered Civil War sites, according to preservationists. The suit contends that supervisors "brushed aside" mounting concerns about the negative impact the store would have on the battlefield and approved the special use permit Walmart needed to build the big box store. The vote was 4-1. "A nationally significant and highly vulnerable historic site is at great risk," said Zann Nelson, president of Friends of Wilderness Battlefield, one of the preservation groups challenging the vote. "The Walmart project would irrevocably harm the battlefield and seriously undermine the visitor's experience to the National Park," she said in a statement accompanying the filing. Supervisors who had not seen the challenge did not immediately respond to an Associated Press request for comment on the suit, filed in Orange County Circuit Court. They have 21 days to file a response in the Orange court. Wal-Mart Stores Inc. described the legal challenge as having "no merit or basis in fact." "Throughout this entire process we have not only met but exceeded the guidelines that were put before us," said Keith Morris, a spokesman for the world's biggest retailer. He said site work had not yet begun on the 138,000-square-foot store in Locust Grove, which is about 50 miles southwest of Washington, D.C. In addition to Friends of Wilderness, the challenge includes the National Trust for Historic Preservation and six residents of Orange and Spotsylvania counties who live near the planned store site. The 41-page filing is part legal document and part history lesson. It begins the challenge by quoting Pulitzer Prize historian James McPherson, who wrote: "The Battle of the Wilderness was a great turning point in the Civil War the first clash between Robert E. Lee and Ulysses S. Grant and the beginning of the end for the beleaguered Confederacy." The suit seeks the court to declare supervisors' vote "unlawful and invalid" and to block any further county action on Walmart's site plan. In a state with more key Civil War battlefields than any other, Walmart's proposed store stirred up a spirited protest that enlisted the names of 250 historians and the filmmaker Ken Burns. Opponents also included celebrities such as Robert Duvall, Gov. Timothy M. Kaine, and congressmen from Texas and Vermont, states that lost an inordinate number of men in the fighting. In May 1864, 180,000 Union and Confederate armies fought at the Wilderness, which began a series of battles that brought an end to the Civil War one year later. Residents and supervisors who supported the store said it would not diminish an area that already has two strip malls. They welcomed the hundreds of jobs the store would bring to the rural community, the shopping option and the estimated $800,000 annually in tax revenue for the county of approximately 32,000. Wal-Mart, which has 8,000 stores worldwide and adds about 240 each year, argued that the site is zoned for commercial use and the store will not be within sight of the battlefield's 2,700 protected acres. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I admit, I shop at Wal-Mart, but not as much as I use to. It's almost rarely. Got a new Wal-Mart here, it's larger but they are poorly stocked at times or mostly stocked with too much of one thing and never enough variety, prices are not as good as they were, quality is sucking big time and they have a major lack of care of the land they are on and around. Their employees... pardon me for stating, look like shit! They all look like they just walked in from a homeless shelter and haven't cared about personal appearance in several days if not weeks! I'm finding many other stores with just as competative prices, more things I want and need, etc. Even clothes suck there. I can't stand their fashions any more! Cptn Satan, Ye be lucky with the cheap groceries. The groceries here are not so cheap. And their quality of food lacks. Most everyone just buys as HyVee and Farway as they have a better quantity of quality items. Especially HyVee. There are many things I could say about Wal-Mart. But overall, Wal-mart is lacking severely. And that article that was put out recently (and other times, plus rumors) of Wal-Mart wanting to "oust" the other competition, that's no secret, that IS true. Hell, I knew that for a long time! Those brats of Sam Walton want nothing more to do with the ideals their dad set up! The Wal-Mart Sam Walton created no longer exists. Tread lightly on this subject. You all do NOT need a Wal-Mart there. That battlefield will be trashed before you know it! Seriously. Sears, Target, or some other place would be better to have there. Maybe even a Cracker Barrel (a wiser choice!), they don't take up so much space and are nicer to their employees and customers and land than Wal-Mart. Anything is better than Wal-Mart! ~Lady B
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