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Everything posted by LadyBarbossa

  1. A theater audience? Oh, bloody hell! Nay, can't view th' image all too well. Problem with pipes, Dogge? :) ~Lady B
  2. LOL... afraid? Dogge? You afraid? NAWWWWW! Hmm... if I make it to PiP this year, maybe I'll try for this Walk the Plank thing. I knew there was a reason why I practiced as the pool every day on the high and low dives walkin' the plank. ~Lady B
  3. Allright now, the Lady seems to have the hang of the realm... Darn right I do! I didn't become a pirate yesterday. Besides, I'm a Lady... I know how t' protect m' assets right... WITH FLINTLOCK AND SWORD! ~Lady B
  4. Ahoy, and welcome Crusher. Err... dog crusher... :::looks over at Dogge with a concerned eye; albeit VERY briefly; then clears throat::: Anyways... again, welcome. Enjoy yo'r new found freedom, my good man. Shan't ask why ye departed from th' crewe. I did so m'self. Needed a change and space to grow, among other things. I'm sure it be th' same with ye, Aye? By all means, join we wild lot here for whatever ye stumble upon from good piratical fun, kit building tips, food and drink, and so much more. Hopefully ye will find some good events. The Pub usually states some upcoming events. If it's not there, and ye know of one, don't hesitate to post something about it. There are several pirates 'round 'bout yo'r direction. So, hopefully, ye will cross pathes with them. I wish ye luck. Oh, and tradition bein'... the newcomer purchases the first round of drinks. So, I'll have a bottle of Moscato d'Asti please. Thank ye very much. ~Lady B
  5. Nay, Cross. I'll be ensurin' ye will stay in yo'r proper business and have yo'r proper freedom. Work be comin' yo'r way. I needs a couple of tables, several chairs, a new bed, etc. And HELL no, no taxes. Donations, perhaps... but no taxes. Granted I know th' value of taxes but... not here. Hmm... Ransom a cartographer. Aye. Oh, I think Sea Rover be one, too. I think Black John stated he was. Now... where th' devil be those two gents? Pew... not sure what more ye can place me under (trying not t' monopolize here, just seein' a gap in needs)... besides Seamstress and plantation owner, how's 'bout I open up a general goods store, too? Sell some items. After all, we needs stockings, spices, fabric, brushes, plates and cookware, etc. See 'bout finding a cobler and have a store sellin' footwear. Perhaps an Inn? I'd be rather a cheesy child t' name it th' Admiral Benbow. LOL Aye, Pew! Tis a celebratory .... whatever, it be. Oh, an' James... Those "tax collectors" that come 'round.... they be th' reason why m' carbine be close within reach. And true, we needs a butcher. Especially when there be a fat hog t' roast. ~Lady B
  6. ::GASP!!!::: Sorry, t'was the large sewing cabinet that I'm gasping at! I spotted one of those on Craigslist locally. Damnit! If I would have known it was period I would have grabbed it! damnitdamnitdamnit! Oh, well. I like this image right well. For many reasons. ~Lady B
  7. Ooooo.... some new items! Where be these from? :::Drooling::: Nice finds. ~Lady B
  8. Aye, I'm behind Rumba Rue there. I watch Ghost Hunters almost religiously. I have a greater understand of Hauntings now. And have learned that just because you hear something, you might see something... if there is no hard proof, it'll be difficult to say it's haunted. Nothing beats a disembodied voice of a child saying "Daddy are your there?" so loud that everything picks it up. Or a thermal imager that shows some form moving in front of you eventhough the normal cameras don't pick up a single thing. I still really like that one episode on Ghost Hunters when they were on the Star of India. Though they obtained quite a bit, including a shadow running all over with footsteps. What sold them ... and me... was an EVP of a man saying "Get off my ship!" Come on, folks! Put up some more "haunting" images. Curious to see what's out there and to see for myself if someone's really caught something... or if they have dust just floating around (that's what those orbs are). ~Lady B
  9. LMAO!! Yo'r such a pirate, Bottles. Aye, Ransom... In fact, I do have a list, granted not overly huge... just want a variety of fabrics - fine, regular, illegal, etc - and some ebony and rosewood and whatever else sorts of woods ye can obtain. Hopin' to give Cross some business makin' me some fine furniture. I've some sugar and tobacco ready to be shipped. Hopefully... some rum as soon as Bottles and Bagsley get their brewery up soon. ~Lady B
  10. Sorry this be a tad late... But here is a good place, too. They offer all sorts of items hat related: Hats by Leko - hat supply ~Lady B
  11. LOL... Awww... poor Dogge. :::runs off and starts searching the web for these plank walkin's of Dogge::: :::shakes head::: Dogge bein' a Marine and a tough man... yet he walks th' plank... a lot! Hehehe, th' Captain's hung often (resurrected by Mission's potions)... Dogge walks th' plank often... What next? ~Lady B
  12. LMAO!! That was Jimmy Buffet? I thought Mission had lost it... again. :::leans over to Mulligan::: aye, we be like this ALL th' time. Crazy lot we are but loveable. And thank ye for th' drink. ~Lady B
  13. Wishin' ye a fine Happy Birthday, Chris. :::Glances around::: Where ever ye be. ~Lady B
  14. Nope... don't think there's a brewery of any sort... yet. Awww.. come on, Bottles! Ye can have one, too! Aye, Jill... that "pirate lord" issue is still fresh in m' mind. Them's some smart words, but, I can understand Jill's hesitation. An'... by th' way, bloodyblades... I don't drink ale, or stout, or guinness or beer, or jager or anything of that sort. :::Cringes and gags::: rum, whiskey, wine, gin, scotch, anything else that be out there but NOTHIN' of the beer family for me, thank ye very much. Right nice place there, Dorian. Fabulous view, too. And... I don't think we can have too many ships. Unless those ships be bombardin' us. PEW!... who be buyin' that round? I think I'll join Ransom and take up whomever offered that round! ~Lady B
  15. LOL... rats or crabs, Stynky? Poor thing. Anyways... Well, I suppose in the meantime whilst experimenting and searching for something that's user-friendly... perhaps removing the old events so that the 2010 events could be easily spotted? Right now... it's uber confusing. I'd be glad t' offer some assistance, Skynky, if ye needs it. The Pop is rather quiet anyways. ~Lady B
  16. Mission's gotten into th' voodoo potions again. :::shakes head::: A hearty welcome to th' both of ye. Glad ye found this fine establishment. And hopefully, we can be of service to ye. Hopefully. Come, sit, tell us of yo'r tales whilst ye buy th' first round. Aye, tis tradition here. So, make m' drink a fine bottle - not a glass, but th' whole bleedin' bottle - of moscato d'asti, thank ye very much. Oh, an'... where'bouts be this Lizard Island? ~Lady B
  17. Wishin' ye a mighty Happy Birthday, Jenny. Hope it was a grand one. ~Lady B
  18. Hmmm... I think we can persuade Jim, since he's out "Governor". Tis a fine list there, Pew. Oh, what a fine community we have here. :) ~Lady B
  19. LOL... I'm addicted to that place! They usually have awesome fabric. Hell, even 100% silk but they still do not have it in the color I'm looking for. Grrr... Yes, please do. Thank ye. Lemme know what ye find. :) ~Lady B
  20. A very merry Happy Birthday to ye, Harbormaster. :) Ooo, and Bilgemunky's Bday, hmm? oh, what fun we shall have Monday night in th' chat room! Here's to ye, Bilge. May we enjoy more of yo'r presense as time goes on. and hope ye obtained plenty o' plunder that ye very much wished for... perhaps more rum? ~Lady B
  21. ::: Glances at Animal; then back at Patrick with a raised brow::: Seriously? Well, Jim, Hook... we have Dogge and th' lot from th' Archangel to "guard" us...::prays:: I hope. How else we gonna keep the Spanairds, and other undesireable lot away? Especially away from m' tobacco and suger fields? Ahh, ehh, oh, well. I think I can handle and arrange that... cannons 'll surround m' property. :::Evil grinz::: Redoubts about. So... what? this be it? no more residents of our fine towne? ~Lady B
  22. :::whimpers::: damnit! And I can't get up to a Hancock Fabrics (which are way out of town in another city). Blast! How long is this sale suppose to last, Constance? Those be some fine fabrics there ye've choosen. :) That one, the embroidered, would make a right nice gown. Especially when I need to make a new gown for a Ball at the end of April. ~Lady B
  23. Just spotted this with m' weathered eyes on Yahoo... *********************************************** Johnny Depp Sets Sail on Fourth 'Pirates' Movie by Matt McDaniel ยท January 20, 2010 Captain Jack Sparrow will soon take to the seas again, and this time he is after the most sought-after treasure imaginable: the Fountain of Youth. It was announced this week that the fourth installment of Disney's highly successful "Pirates of the Caribbean" franchise will begin filming in Hawaii this summer. Johnny Depp once again plays the flamboyant Captain Jack, and Geoffrey Rush reprises his role as his adversary, Barbossa. However, costars Orlando Bloom and Keira Knightley are not expected to return. The film's story is loosely based on the 1987 pirate novel, "On Stranger Tides" by award-winning fantasy author Tim Powers. The book tells the story of a young man -- coincidentally named "Jack" -- who is captured by the pirate Blackbeard and forced to join in the search for the Fountain of Youth. Ted Elliott, the co-writer of the first three "Pirates" movies, said that the story of the novel just happened to align with where they wanted to take the fourth film. He told Empire magazine, "We wanted to do a story about Blackbeard and the Fountain of Youth, and Tim Powers wrote a book about Blackbeard and the Fountain of Youth... it just turns out that to do that story you would need that book." Johnny Depp signed on to appear in the fourth movie in 2008, before there was a script. It was announced at the same time he would also be playing Tonto in a film version of "The Lone Ranger," but that project has been delayed until after "Pirates" is finished. Keira Knightley and Orlando Bloom have both said they had no desire to return for a fourth movie. Knightley said in an interview, "It was a completely fantastic experience, and it was an amazingly large portion of my life, but I don't think I need to go there again. I think that it's done." Also, the director of the original trilogy, Gore Verbinski, will not be coming back. He is being replaced by Rob Marshall, the director of "Chicago" and "Nine." "Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides" is scheduled to dock into movie theaters on May 20th, 2011. Johnny Depp will next be seen as the Mad Hatter in director Tim Burton's new version "Alice in Wonderland" coming this March. To see why he says the role is "a dream come true," watch the exclusive interview with him in the player below. ********************************* I guess we shall see if that is actually the title or not. And if this all be true. If if be tur that Barbossa returns... that will be fabulous! ~Lady B
  24. ROTDLMAO!!!!! Oh, wow! That... LMAO!!! I'm having a moment envisioning the Archangel crew at "The Goonies" now. Nice, Cross. High 5, dude! Seriously though, I'll agree with the buttons... the massive amount of buttons is smexy. ~Lady B
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