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Everything posted by LadyBarbossa

  1. Welcome to th' Pub, Brass. Glad t' have ye here. Ye've come to a fabulous and fine establishment... well, for pirates that is. Hopefully it's beyond useful and utterly entertaining. ~Lady B
  2. Tis fun. Occassionally I blog on Facebook. The topics present themselves and are rather good. Latest one I'm working on is messy homes and the irrated spouse. :) I've done a blog on Civility, the effect the economy has upon family and friends, and much more. Again, it can be fun and interesting. You can blog as much or as little as ye want. Some have a site unto themselves so to speak like the 18th century blog, that's just... massive! It's more like a website. Or can use MySpace, Facebook, LiveJournal and those other community places. I'd be curious to see what ye blog. :) ~Lady B
  3. Nay, Bob. Looks like I spoke too soon. Getting some snow, started yesterday, into today, through the night and into tomorrow... until late. Granted, won't be getting as much as all of ye out east... but still. It's more snow. And I'm sure (unfortunately) that more will be on th' way. LOL.... no... snow 's not that evil... ICE is evil! Bloody freakin' wicked stuff! Snow is easy to deal with and handle compared t' ice! Silkie... :::nods::: It's rather odd seeing people who live in towns or cities stockpiling. The ones who stockpile food ahead of time are those who live out in the rural areas, out in the country on farms and their roads won't be plowed for at least two days or more. Depends upon the nature of the snow storm. Just baffles me when people stockpile and they don't need to. LOL... and let us know how that snow archangel turned out. LMAO! Pew... I LOVE th' beer frig touch. Gives it such a Ram's Head touch of class to it. Fabulous pictures nevertheless, Pew. Oh... and I hate saying it, guys... all ye out east... looks like what we are getting here in the midwest.... is heading your way. Ye've been advised. :::ducks and runs for shelter::: ~Lady B
  4. Ye swing over here t' Iowa? MATTY BOTTLES! Shame on ye! Comin' over here and ye don't stop in t' say hello! :) I'm with ye right there, Cross. I'll be standing in line right after ye... as soon as I come into enough money for such a box. Hmmm... maybe see about making other boxes and chest. Ehh, we shall see. :) ~Lady B
  5. T'was it REALLY that bad, Pew? that ye had t' spew it out? SHHHH! Im reading....ok well actually I am looking at the lovely pictures..I think someone colored in this one.. Readin' th' X rated version of 1,001 Arabian Nights? ~Lady B
  6. Pretty sharp there, J8ks. Especially th' brown linen waistcoat. Right nice there, it is. And th' ticken... equally sharp. Nice combination with th' metal buttons. Aye, I'm with Cross on this one, McCool. It's still a good outfit. :) But ye be not too far from th' marker unlike some others. So, pat yo'rself on th' back. ~Lady B
  7. Hmm... I missed viewing the exhibit when it was in Chicago. Should see about possibly making it to St. Louis to view the exhibit. Thanks for th' heads up, Silas. :) ~Lady B
  8. OOooooo.... Keep us posted, Oh fabulous Captain. I'm sure those of us able to will flock to Chicago and other ports. Especially donning our piratical finest! ~Lady B
  9. Holy Mary Mother of God! Tis Sterling's Birthday?! ::: puts on "Celebration" by Cool and the Gang; has several barrels of port, absinthe, rum and more rolled in::: Hide th' gallows! Tis cause for celebration! To one of th' finest pirates :::clears throat::: Ok, Pyrate Hunters and Privateers out there. Here's to ye, Sterling. Albeit... ahead of time. ~Lady B
  10. Or flooding, if the weather continues at this rate. Hmmm... reenacting a la Holodeck? ~Lady B
  11. :::nods::: such is midwestern weather. Joyful, isn't it? Currently, glad that will NOT be getting the massive snow storm that's pounding the east... but a little sad since the snow is cool. But, we are still getting some snow here nevertheless. So far obtained a little over an inch. Alas, about another inch of that has melted.... so... But will be snowing off and on for the next 3+ days. According to the National Weather Service, we are already at breaking point for Spring flooding. NOT what we fancy hearing with the Floods of 2008 still so very fresh in our minds. Time to prepare for some flooding. Ahhh... how I love El Nino years... NOT! ~Lady B
  12. Hahaha... another Birthday! Fabulous! :::rolls in a barrel of whatever Mickey fancies::: Dogge... just leave some for him. Here's to ye, Mr Bagley. That we may cross paths and swords with ye for MANY, MANY more years t' come! Happy Birthday! ~Lady B
  13. Stitch Nazis or not, it's constructive critisizm and praise for at least the effort rather than destructive critisizm and attitude that makes someone welcome or reject a type of person. There are some Costumers who are open to other Costumers and some who don't since they see others as competition and they feel they are better than others cause of the knowledge they have obtained. It's a lesson learned for us all. That's them. Oh, well. Keep yo'r eyes open, Constanse. Occassionally on those blogs and elsewhere, they may post about an open enrollment workshop. Might be from a college or from a living history group. I know the NWTA has been doing a workshop of this sort at a college with the assistance of the college for at least 3 years now, going on it's 4th year. :) But, yes... I have found books to be such INCREDIBLE help. ~Lady B
  14. amen to that status

  15. Tis very nice. I'm sure ye'll be mighty handsome in th' outfit. :) ~Lady B
  16. Nope... haven't heard of any of those. I was lucky to have grown up in a Mennonite area, with practically everyone around me knew how to sew in all sorts of ways. :) Give it a shot, Constance. Let us know how it goes. ~Lady B
  17. Hmmm... good question, McCool. Hopefully there are. And hopefully they Watch. Otherwise, if not on DA, at least join up. Also I want to add two more groups on DA now besides The 18th Century Club on DeviantArt... Don't forget to check out and join (if you want), Age of Sail on DeviantArt and Sea Pirates on DeviantArt. I've greatly enjoyed the 18th Century Club and the Age of Sail. Lots of likeminded people with art and photos. Sea Pirates I just joined. ~Lady B
  18. Ahhhh... so THAT's where Quint went. :::as though yelling over shoulder to anyone::: PPEEEEEETTEEEEE!!!! WE FOUND YO'R PET SHARK QUINT!!! I think Scuttle Sally gets first dibs on skewerin' that shark. LLLLOOOOOOOOOOONNG story. ~Lady B
  19. :::pulls a Gibbs (slap to the back of the head) to QM James:::: NO! It's not Absinthe... it's Port! Th' Captain fancies Port! ::ponders::: Aye... true. True. ::pause::: A piece of paper... that ye do have. Wait... didn't it disappear when ye were "shipwrecked" off Key West? A slow demise rather than a short drop and sudden stop? :::Cringe:::... ye must have pissed some people off. Either that or yo'r a good hempen dancer. :) Syren... YES! Books! Definitely BOOKS! Though we be pirates, we are not that illiterate! ~Lady B
  20. Ooooh... hehehehe... tis another Birthday! YAY! :::Whips out some bottles of rum::: Tis a celebration! ::Puts on "Celebration" by Cool and the Gang; dancing around::: Happy Birthday to ye, Jenny! Now... ye best be spoiled t'day or else... or else... eerr.. umm, I don't know we'll do. But Happy Birthday anyways, lass! Ye be one wild cat. Hehehe... so ye, be an AristoCat, aye? Hehehehe... ~Lady B
  21. Oooo... tis another Birthday! T'was goin' dry there for a while. :) Happy Birthday to ye, Tarr. Hope ye got spoiled today. ~Lady B
  22. Wow! Mighty impressive, Yellowbeard! I'm at a loss for words because it's so grand! :::applauds::: ~Lady B
  23. Besides hemp rope? :::Shrugs::: Oh, wait.. that's a short drop and a sudden stop... not a fall. But... close enough. :) Ye know we loves ye, Sterling. Why else would we harass ye? Well, besides th' fact yo'r a Pyrate Hunter. Well, James... :::clears throat::: You make a good arguement about that. But... Until they are proven to be either cattle or Klingon... I think they are human beings. :::Ponders what Animal said then looks at Bo::: Well? Yikes, Patrick! Th' evil computer nasties are at it again, huh? We eagerly await yo'r usual antics, mate. ~Lady B
  24. :::nods::: Mission... ye have NO idea how often I have wondered that. Seriously. I live close to Riverside. And for those of you familiar with Star Trek, ye know how significant that is. After watching the latest Star Trek film and seeing their idea of how Riverside and the rest of Washington County would look like in over 200 years... it seriously makes me wonder. I pondered when and after I watched that movie... where was the English River? Why is the ground so flat (contrary to belief, Iowa is NOT that flat. Only place it's that flat is between Kalona and Washington, on the western side of Highway 1), where was that massive canyon (which was clarified to me was a quarrey), and most importantly... the site of the starship ship yards... THAT was beyond my imagination on where the hell that could be! Star Trek is not truly an obsession here in Washington County, but it's a reality check. Between the vision of the future that Roddenbury created and still seeing the lifestyles of the Amish in the Kalona district... it's a reality check. What still will be used and incorporated in 200+ years from now? What won't? And if it's not common, how will it be viewed and studied. Great example is the Amish still pin attire together. I saw this over the summer at a Farmer's Market, and inquired one of the Amish gals about it and got a rather awesome mini-lesson out of it! What an experience! To realize that clothes had been pinned in the similiar style or close to it 200 - 300 years ago! Amazing. So, can we expect the same 200+ years from now? It's an awesome thought, Mission. ~Lady B
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