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Everything posted by LadyBarbossa

  1. Very, cool, Lily. Can't wait to see pics of them if you put them up. Love making petticoats. So easy to make. I wish ya luck on the bloomers. ~Lady B
  2. Oooo... an added bonus for ya! Again, congrats! I say this be a round o' drinks and a celebration for the engagement between two pirates. A fine troop o' pirates ya got there, Dusi. ~Lady B
  3. Ahh... My apologies. I never did give you a proper welcome to th' Pub! How horrible of me. So... in making up, here I be. Welcome to th' Pub! Always grand to see new... ummm, faces. ~Lady B
  4. Yo'r most welcome, Sir. Tis service we owe ye for yo'r service to us. Enjoy yo'r carousin' here upon th' Pub. ~Lady B
  5. Gold, say ye? ::mossies up to Benoit:: Being a bunch of pirates, we can easily relieve ya of all that gold, lighten yer annoying load. Tequila was fantastic, mate. Would ya fancy another round for this Lady? How's about... ::ponders:: a tall hurricane. Can share with ya, if ya fancy. ~Lady B
  6. Hmm, you be right, Jill. Tis a matter of difference with gents. Half is what you find pleasureable while doing something to them. The other half is what you find pleasureable what they do to you. Careful there, Matt. My money's on Bess! ~Lady B
  7. Nasty weather there, Gage? Ooo, coolis, Bess! I LOVE archery. Haven't been involved in it since I was a young girl. Should get back into it when time and finances allow. I don't fancy the compound bows, but what about you? Compund or not? Hehehe, yup, Jenny... the are good pets. Dogs ditto. But it's their adorable personalities that make them Best Friends! Unconditional love, they understand you, give you space when you want it (sometimes), don't demand anything other than your love in return... and their favorite food and snacks. Gotta love animals. They are so much like kids. ~Lady B
  8. Oh, poor Jill. It does hurt like hell. Hard to imagine the scope of the pain unless you've been in that situation. Yeah, even a light sneeze just floors ya. Pray that no one gets you laughing all the time, Jill. That's worse! Rest up, girl. Take it easy. Not easy to do, but does help. So, if you don't mind my asking... what th' devil did you do to get the ribs out of shape? Mine was from a horsey acccident last month (went airborne off m' mount, he barely took the turn and went into some brush I didn't and went airborne off him). Hey! Well there ya go, Gage! Definitely time to recover on that day off. well, hopefully. :) Sounds like you need a good massage or soak in a hot tub for your legs and rest of yer physical self. :) and while yo'r doing that, have a few Marguaritas. Enjoy yo'r day off then, Gage. ~Lady B
  9. Congratulations, Dusi! A fine gent ya have there. Have ya converted him to Piracy? ~Lady B
  10. Mad d'Dogge is mighty fetching in his attire. Oooo... a bet with Billie!... Oooooo... I don't know, Dogge... my money's on Billie... Course, I think it's more of the beards than the hair that you both should bet upon. Cheeky, again ya did a fantastic job on the hat. My compliments. I think that bit of lace befits it perfectly. Any more fancier, he'd outdo Sterling! ~Lady B
  11. Neil Kaplan sounds familiar. Voice of Prime in the RiD series, eh? ::ponders:: I wonder if that was him I met at BotCon in Chicago in 2003. LOL, course at that con Pirates was the major buzz with all the Transfans. Sideburn and Mirage were awesome! My compliments to Wally on them! As CONvergence, eh? I wonder if a few old Transfans were there. I'll have to ask. :) One I still keep in good contact with lives up in Minnesota and she just ADORED Starscream in the film! Thought he kicked some serious afterburner with the transformations and battle in mid flight. Apparently, Transfans are hoping, praying, talking about with rumors of a sequel. You KNOW Megatron returns. Hell, Megatron NEVER dies. Starscreams always turns tail and runs away. But one line from Starscream not whimpering and whining wasn't enough for me. :) I thought Megatron was ok. A bit too dry and evil instead of ruthlessly cunning. And they killed off Jazz?!? What's up with that!? The movie is most definitely different than the old Gen 1 cartoon series. Which my nephew (13 yrs old mind you) LOVES to watch. Grand to have them on the DVD box sets now. Prime is #1 in the new movie. ~Lady B
  12. One of my Instructors is a lifetime member of SASS. He's been attempting to get me into it. But at the moment, no horse of my own, not fantastic sharpshooter on horseback and not as into the 19th c as I use to be. Perhaps later on in life, though. :) But, good point and subject brought up. Again, so many reenactments that surround war. Few of them surround peacetime. ~Lady B
  13. Besides being online and on the Pub?.... playing fetch with my cat. Yes, you read right... my cat. Magellan has these cheap WalMart plastic vented balls with a jingle in it that he LOVES... I toss them where ever... he chases it... then picks it up in his mouth and brings it back to you. He'll pester ya when he wants to play. And if you stop he'll pester you until you play fetch with him. He is a goofy feline. ~Lady B
  14. Aye, an old thread! Welp... mine... is obviously Barbossa (one of the many promo pics done) with myself added in. I have another copy that has "Don't mess with the Captain and the Lady" written in the avatar. I various avatars on various other forums. But the above is for the Pub. ~Lady B
  15. My Friday the 13th was rather good. Nothing went wrong, I was in a grand mood, etc. I really haven't had a bad one. Don't usually. Goes to show the rest of my days are the cursed ones. Example... like today. Today has been a hellish day. Now, hopefully I won't crash from exhaustion or kicked by a horse or other things that will put me in a deeper foul mood. ~Lady B
  16. Pistol if the damned bugger is annoying and I want to dispose of them quickly. Otherwise, if that bleedin' fool deserves it... it's the sword... so they can die a slow, painful and insufferable death. Ditto with my dagger. The tomahawk I use to disable a fool then I'll run them through with the sword or put them out of their misery with the pistol or carbine. Now, if I want to be VERY vicious and savage... I'll use my fingernails aka claws! ~Lady B
  17. Welcome, Mr Benoit. Long time lurker? You've seen too much here NOT to join in, mate! Tis grand that ye be joining us with some friendly rounds of carousing. So.. hows about purchasing this Lady's drink? Tequila for me... no worm. ~Lady B
  18. Welcome to th' Pub, Willie. Now.. sounds like this be a politically correct version of One-Eyed Willie :) Again, welcome. Glad t' have ye here with th' wily lot of us. Ye'll not find a more wretched hive of scum and villiany. Sit, spout a few tales... and as fo' drinks... whiskey first please, then rum. Then the tequila. ~Lady B
  19. I hear ya on an irratating day, Gage. Ditto here, too. Hope the legs are able to relax soon to recover from whatever it was that happened. ~Lady B
  20. Well, well, another new face. Grand t' see ya here, Blood an' Bones. Belly on up here at th' Pub. No finer place. Now... as for that drink... grab me tequila. ~Lady B
  21. Oooo... a sailor! Naval man to say th' least! Tis a grand pleasure t' have ye here on th' Pub, Mr Domingo. And a brilliant honor, too, despite bein' with the Navy... a Patriot such as yerself is MORE than welcome! I buy YOU a drink being a good Serviceman to our Country. RAY!!! Whatever th' man 'll have! Tis on me! ~Lady B
  22. Why thank ye, Mr Hastings. Mighty generous of ya. I'll have a shot of whiskey. Welcome to the Pub. Glad t' see a new face. ~Lady B
  23. OWIE! Jill, m'dear, I'm So with ya, girl! Finally recovering from a couple cracked ribs and a nasty contusion, concusion, etc from a horsey accident in June. So, I know exactly the pain yer going through. It's NOT pleasant. I'd hug ya, but I know better than to do that. :) Coughing, sneezing, breathing, laying down, sitting, ANYTHING hurts like hell! Rest up, heal up soon. And I sympathize. Tomahawk tossing is grand fun! Today wasn't too bad. Been a busy week. I have a horse I am taking care of right now. He's being a bit of a pain this week cause he doesn't like the idea of "working", but doing well in his progress. I'm doing better, no pain in the ribs any more. Woohoo! My cat, Magellan, is constantly pestering me to play with him. I had to buy him some more kitty play balls cause we lost the one this morning. I bought 6 more for him this evening. LOL, lost one already within 5 minutes of opening the package. He's utterly cute! they are the plastic, vented cheap playing balls with a jingle inside them. I toss it and he goes after it, picks it up in his mouth and brings it back to me. He can do that for hours! Wear you out before he does! I've had to force him to mellow and relax cause he'll pant and push ya to continue playing. But, yes, I have a cat that plays fetch. Cute.. isn't it? Lots of other stuff going on, too. I'll spare the details. ~Lady B
  24. Skipping historical aspects and hubbub... I'll throw in my 2 doubloons on this... that flat out, Gentlemen are sexier than ever! Fop? Naw... just a man with incredible manners and civility. Besides, looks like that... to a pirate, especially a Lady scoundrel (pirate or otherwise)... th' man has WEALTH! ~Lady B
  25. Lots of horsey books to help me better in training, riding, care, etc.. :) ~Lady B
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