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Everything posted by LadyBarbossa

  1. Jedis, eh? Wow. Haven't worn a Jedi uniform in years. Welp, Mr McDrago... welcome to th' finest Pirate establishment here on th' wide world electronic ocean called the Internet. Ye'll find no better place than th' Pub. Since ye be buyin'... how's about a glass of Hypnotic. Tried that particular concoction over the weekend and it's absolutely divine! Vodka, cognac and tropical fruit juices... Mmmm... heavenly. Then after that.... I'll have a fine glass of sweet red wine. I'm curious t' hear more tales of yo'r exploits, Mr McDrago. ~Lady B
  2. Pool? Why do I have a bad feeling about that. 'Course... then again, depends upon if we have the time to go to the pool! Parrot? Awww... why not th' shark, Pete!! Remember... every evil villian needs at least a shark for their dastardly deeds against the super hero or secret agent. Maybe mount laser beams atop their heads... or something like that. What do you think? Sterling... I'm sure with what folks we will have there... wild won't be a problem. I don't think they have to worry about us digging. I think they need to worry about us swing from the chandeliers, wearing out the elevators (Dead Man's Lift type of thing if anyone's seen Berg's hilairous PotC spoofs on YouTube)... Or shout again! "HELP! I laid down during the chorus of "Shout!"... and I can't get up!!!" ~Lady B
  3. Forget th' keyboard... don't break yo'r head, Sterling. :angry: :::again, hugs to all... mostly for Christine.::: aye, hug for you, too, Sterling. Now... will you be needing that icepack and headache meds? How ya feelin', Silkie? ~Lady B :angry:
  4. Thanks, Alyx. :) Aye, been to Alley Cat's site before... even before PotC. Knew the gal before PotC as we were both into "the Patriot" and fancied Tavington. :angry: And saw Moongoddesses Barbossa outfit, too. Talked to her about it, too. Like everyone else, finding that exact waistcoat fabric has been a pain. I'd hate to end there with a fabric that is almost like the waistcoat fabric after getting pretty exact with everything else so far. Not to be cruel but to be truthful, neither are some reenactors accurate with their attire. We can only come close to what we know. Or even what we've been told. Can't totally bash the Film Costumers for their huge effort. The gold gown in the first film was pretty good. The petticoat... rather spot on really. whitework on the petticoat. The stomacher was mighty nice as it was embroidered with spangles on it. Oh, well... I'll keep hunting and searching. Won't give up yet. Thanks though, mates. :angry: ~Lady B :angry:
  5. well, m'dear.... depends upon what you define as Commoner and Lady. Gentlewoman doesn't always classify as a Lady. I know with my Rev War impression... she's a Gentlewoman (poor at French unfortunately) of the middle class. She's no wench or poor servant lass, or whatever you want to call them. But she's no Lady, either. It's all about the research, finding something that trips the trigger... won't come right away and will be lots of trial and errors and trying different personas until that right one comes along. Research is what keeps me in line of understanding a Gentlewoman from Charleston during the Rev War. I can also apply this persona to the time of Blackbeard, too. learning the mannerisms, appearance and more of a Gentlewoman of that specific timeperiod as the attire and appearance was rather different in the early 1700s than the later 1700s. Just depends upon where she is from and her locale, what would be available to her, etc. Sterling has some good information there. Hehehehe... Cheeky... I agree... that mantua with the gold petticoat is gorgeous! New gown to make next? :angry: ~Lady B :angry:
  6. Bummer about the layoffs, Bess. I'm sure that wasn't easy to do. :angry: Welp, Bess is right though to some extent. There are several fan fictions out there (ranging in rating from pg to x rated) of Elizabeth going off to find the Fountain of Youth with Barbossa and Jack. One or two of them have Elizabeth in a Relationship with Barbossa. Yes, has the wee Will boy tagging along. There are many other fan fics also involving post AWE. But few with good plots and story to it really. It would have to take something mighty huge to bring Will and Elizabeth back. Considering where Will spends the majority of this time on the sea realms between worlds. Course, does sound odd with Elizabeth being head of the Pirate Brethren that she be left out of what next is to come with the world ever changing on the verge of more wars. But it was a nice "end" with Jack going to the Fountain in Florida. Love that hint there btw. A 4th one would indeed and could introduce more characters. Eventhough Beckett is gone... the EICo continued on.. hell, we all (should know) that it was the EICo that took on the monopoly of tea trade to the US colonies which spawned the Boston Tea Party. Oh, yes.... still many possibilities. After all... it's the time of enlightenment and revolutions! But for now... there's the fan fiction. I'd write something but haven't the time really to sit down and write it as I'm working on other things currently. Terry did seem rather torn in his Blog about doing a 4th one or not. He did mention that IF they do another PotC film, a 4th one will be the only one and very last film. And that's a VERY big if. Hehehe, I don't blame everyone to be pirated out, Bess. Sounds like a LOT went into these films and pushed a LOT of folks to the limits. ~Lady B :angry:
  7. :angry: Having just watched CSI: Miami, Sterling.... I'll point to ye if a body is involved! Heck... why not. They've had treasure hunters and the sort on the show a couple times already. I'm sure Horatio Caine wouldn't mind dealing with Pirates! :angry: Tis a wonderful idea, Bo! What items would ye fancy to see in the chest? I might have a couple items to toss into the chest. ~Lady B :angry:
  8. Very wicked, Silkie! Lucky gal! Bert, huh? Not Ty? Cute name. Careful knot to get too strung up, lass. :angry: :angry: I know... bad joke Do have fun! ~Lady B :angry:
  9. Welcome to th' Pub, Lady Slasher. Mind not th' Gents here. Granted they are incredible fun and dashing to no end in every way an' manner. I would have sworn ye t' be another lass I be knownin' 'bout yo'r age who's interested in History as well livin' in th' Carolinas. Funny small world, isn't it? Private stock it is... however, lass.... ye be buyin' the round o' drinks fo' us. In return o' th' favor, aye... we'll buy ye yo'r drinks. Lookin' forward t' conversin' with ye more often, lassy. ~Lady B
  10. Doing better. A bit sore still and m' right eye looks incredibly loverly. He couldn't of done this a little closer to some pirate event? at least this'll be gone in time for RF4. Thanks, Sterling. Tis ok. Th' feline's kissin' up t' me. He knows he's done wrong. He's still bein' a snot. Attitude of his will change in due time. :::Group hugs to Silkie, Siren and Christine::: Ladies... It sucks, doesn't it? Here's to hanging in there and prayers, hopes, wishes and whatever else that things in our lives get better. Especially Health! ~Lady B
  11. Behave?!? Is that even possible? Let alone probable? Pity. I'm sure it would have been a wildly wicked time whatever ye conjured. Hmmm.... so, watching that Monty Python whatever-it-is might not be too bad... if there be a re-Pete of last year's Jeopardy. God help us all. I intend to be there for this one then! I'll be playing that weekend by ear and sight. Just wingin' it all. But will be attending the Ball for sure! Granted, no piratey appearance that weekend as it will all be more Rev War styles. I'll leave th' piratey-ness for PyrateCon. I have a feeling though that this year could very well put last year to shame. ~Lady B
  12. Jill... a good majority of the stupid people migrated and reside in Cedar Rapids, IA. There be reason why I desire greatly to leave this hellish place. Maybe start an Anti-Stupidity campaign? Anyway... At current, fatigued and still a bit tired. Slept a good majority this afternoon. Still recovering from a Cold. And very late last night, I had to go to the Hospital. T'was time for bed for my cat as he sleeps in the bathroom (liter box is in there and he goes bonkers at night, running around knocking things off, jumping on things, etc... so he sleeps in the bathroom)... and he refused to go to bed, was aggitated further with being sprayed by a water bottle for being too wily. I picked him up and he decided to maul me. Not just bite me, maul me. First the hand then my face. So... the right side of my face is rather swollen, several cuts, scratches, holes... and a wonderful gash on my right eyelid, it's swelling rather well and rather horribly bruised. The cat is lucky to be alive at the moment. Love him dearly but my fancy of him has been dwindled. He knows it now. It's easy to tell he's avoiding me in some cases, others he sucking up to me big time. But he won't go near me at times when I give him an evil look. Healing emotionally between us will be the bigger challenge. He's all too much a pirate kitty. At least it was done now and not right before RF4. PyrateCon would have been ok, cause at least the look would be great. I did joke about being a pirate but didn't want to go with the eyepatch for sure, permenant or temporary! ~Lady B
  13. I'm hoping that the Writer's strike won't affect the Oscars. Last year's win in the Special Effects was HUGE! I'm crossing my fingers and swords for another win in Special Effects this year. SO deserves it. ILM ROCKS! ~Lady B
  14. Thousand Island? LimeBean... Black Pearl Onion! That's a good one! Ransom... the pirate veggies on the skewer or a stir fry right next to the Nemo sushi! ~Lady B
  15. Sterling thinking... Aye, this'll be fun! Far wilder than last year! SO looking forward to this! Ok... wait... uhh... oh, dear. Cheeky... I'm sorry! I suppose in this case I'd be the Almost Innocent By-stander. And I am SOOO looking forward to the Ball. Rats! NO STEALING MY SHOES!!! MY SHOES! BTW... I've had TONS of compliments on that one image of myself in the gold gown, pistol in hand and Rats reaching for my shoes! Folks love it! MUST do more good fun photos. ~Lady B
  16. Stacy Derived from Anastasia. Greek meaning "Resurrection". ~Lady B
  17. I've seen the Trailer twice on TV... and it looks bleedin' hilarious and absolutely cute! can't wait to see it. Not sure when I'll see it... but I will. ~Lady B
  18. Planning to drive down as well, too. It's about a 15 hour drive for me straight south. I'll fly if I have no other option and I've no way else down there. Which, God knows it will be utterly pricy! $500 so far. But I AM looking forward to PyrateCon with great anticipation. Gal I'm talking to from Keep To The Code is looking for a ride from the South Carolinas to New Orleans. So, if anyone is driving from that direction, she'd greatly appreciate it. ~Lady B
  19. I'm a rather full figured woman myself, in the plus sizes actually. But I'm absolutely confortable in my stays which I made a few years ago, too. They adjust in the front and also in the back. Another lass who use to be on here a couple years ago always suggested having the ties laced either to the middle or from the middle going up and also going down. That way you can regulate the width to comfort. which, is true. it's a good idea. It's not all that hard at all, a bit time consuming. Boning - that's up to you what you use, I use reeding. Cheap, holds up well, breathable in the summer months, etc. But does need to be replaced once or twice a year depending upon how many times you wear your stays. It's that trim I never got down to and I HATED doing it. So, I cut it off and left the ends open to replace the reed boning as often as I needed to. JP Ryan pattern for stays I liked. Don't know how GAoP they are. But they can't be that far off. They are the shoulderless ones. Now, folks 'll suggest a fabric mock up of the stays, but msot have told me use cardboard. and aye, attempt with cardboard. That'll give you and idea of the stiffness and the length, width, etc of the stays before you use the actual fabric. I wish you luck with your pair of stays. ~Lady B
  20. Sully Studley... Studley Sully.... Either way, I likes th' name! Glad t' see ye back 'round th' Pub. And with such a bright new name! Different name... same ol' purse o' gold! ~Lady B
  21. Aye.. I've been looking online and in stores for the waistcoat fabric. Spotting some that are close, very close, but not exact. Made of more natural fibers and are replicas of antique designs. Did some research and asking on these fabrics. But no one seems to have the knowledge of the Barbossa waistcoat fabric. Pity. Again, I know SO many who are making or have made a Barbossa outfit and want that waistcoat fabric. I'm taking a huge risk in my guessing with the waistcoat fabric. That it's a cotton based from the vicinity of the Indian Orient. Where Barbossa is Lord of the Caspian. A print fabric perhaps he obtain that was illegal in Europe and he smuggles or stole. I wouldn't say the fabrics are pure farb. I've looked around... seeking and searching and found some of the costumes are pretty close to reality... despite what folks say. You have to admit, these costumers are pretty good. Professionals they are. Doing their research with so much at their fingertips. Granted, again, some costumes like Richards' outfit is not period correct 100%... but it's not all that far fetched either. If anyone comes across the wasitcoat fabric... I would GREATLY appreciate it to let me know, purchase it, anything and get it to me. :) That, frankly, is the ONLY thing I have left to contend with on making an exact replica of Barbossa's outfit. Everything else... is obtainable. The coat has been placed on the backburner again cause of the new gown I'm working on. I have to admit... gawking at Film Costumes... help you research or even give you ideas on your own outfits. ~Lady B
  22. Been cold here as well. Wow, finally got above 0 and staying there thus far. Can't say the same about the wind chill. And glad th' bleedin' Caucuses are over with! I've a nasty sinus infection now that I'm battling. Just got over a bloody cold. Now this? Tired but still working on my new 18th c gown. Gotta have that done in time for RF4. Every once in a while, when I can... I'm drowning myself in Barbossa anything (images/pictures, fan fiction, etc). ~Lady B
  23. Oh dear God, Patrick! What a hoot! ~Lady B
  24. Whistles and cat calls. Oh, dear. Now THIS I have to be at. WENCH AUCTION!!!! Oh, why does that come to mind when I think of this now? If it's as saucy as the NWTA Fashion Shows... Cheeky... be lucky this be with good men and women of the Proper Nature and not a wild lot of Pirates. Mad d'Dogge... showin' some leg? pray he'll be wearin' drawers! He does have drawers, doesn't he? Uhh... oh, second thought.. they were rather split open in the front, too. Ok, never mind! Again, looking forward to this event! A month away! ~Lady B
  25. Oh, rest assured... I plan to attend that Ball. Wouldn't miss it! Discuss business, eh? Ooo, lovin' th' schedule thus far, Cheeky. Even if it's only tenative. ~Lady B
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