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Everything posted by LadyBarbossa

  1. Oh, already I'm HIGHLY entertained with this thread. Bucket boots. Great example of those: Jack Sparrow's boots. Granted, true. Not exactly historically accurate but they are fun. You can go with other footwear if ye fancy. Boots be not th' only footwear a pirate may have. I do both boots an' shoes. Aye. I'll agree with th' others. Just be who ye wish t' be. Ye can always change preference and attire over time. My attire is historical fiction. Like PotC, Treasure lsland, etc. Meaning has that historical look and feel but there are obvious fictional parts or look to it. Same with the new outfit that I'm making - crimson velvet outfit. Take a look 'round. And aye, I'll take both if ye'd be so kind. Charleston, says ye? Ooo, an' he favors Barbossa, too. I likes him. :) ~Lady B
  2. I'll plead th' right t' remain silent in r'sponse t' that. ~Lady B
  3. AYE! But instead of modern attire, we'd be wearin' th' period attire! ~Lady B
  4. Alrighty, not meaning to double post so to speak. But... I have my new crimson hat 95% finished. Just need to add a few more feathers and stitch down the black trim a bit more. But otherwise, it's done. And I'm rather pleased with how it turned out. It's exactly how I wanted it to look (but a little bigger than I wanted it to be, but that's ok). Here it be, mate! top view bottom view head shot (yes, quarky look) ~Lady B
  5. Not sure what other meaning silver had. I know in the Bible, gold stood for "Deity", silver stood for "Death" and brass stood for "resurrection" or "rebirth". At least it did in the old Testiment. Hence why you will see me wearing more silver and brass. Simple? :::Looks at Sterling oddly::: I'll only carry upon my person what I deem necessary (sword, pistol, coinage, and attire). Other than that, everything else remains at the camp (or on ship if I had one), and that would be A LOT of stuff! ~Lady B
  6. Nay. Tis th' other way 'round, MadL... he wouldn't know what t' do with th' sheep! So, aye... Hide yo'r daughters! He'll more pester th' poor lasses and not flirt with them, but pull practical jokes upon them. Aye, so far his day has been an interestin' one. He, uh... Well, was caught red-handed being th' "Ghost" of his school! Flickerin' th' lights at the fuse box he was. Apparently he's been pulling stuff like this for a while. He got off mighty easy actually. But we all couldn't help laughin' our arses off! I'll have him come look an' respond to this thread soon 'nough, mates. :) I'm sure he'll enjoy th' good wishes. ~Lady B
  7. Can ye b'lieve it?!? 14 yrs old! Th' lad be growin' up! Aye, mates! This be m' nephew, th' wily Kidd. An' he's workin' hard (or hardly workin') t' gain his Permit t' be at th' helm! Frightening! So, hoist a tankard in his honor and send him th' best wishes. He's lookin' forward t' Port Washington (hopefully th' lad 'll go) so he can plunder, pillage and ransack with th' rest of us. Happy Birthday to ye, Lad. :::tear in her eye::: ye do me proud! ~Lady B
  8. SUSHI!!!! Oh, already I know where Bess and Cheeky will be for lunch. Oh .. My... God!...:::eyes bugging out at the sight of the Ravinia ballroom::: Brilliant! I'm making plans to attend the event. Perhaps this time I will go and not be sick! Can we already book a hotel room? Can't wait to see you all there! ~Lady B
  9. Very wicked, Kate. Aye, I take with me to events what I think I may need. Most of the time I actually use three-fourths of my stuff - sewing items, cooking items, writing items. But, depending upon what you will do, you may or may not use what you bring. I have heard and even seen some images of women wearing breeches. Some wore them under a petticoat. Hard to say really what to recommend. It highly depends upon who you are portraying. And I'll agree with what everyone has said thus far. :::points above::: Not sure what other items would be unisex and piratey. Most of my stuff that is not piratey is Rev War era and very much a Gentlewoman's stuff. ~Lady B
  10. If they make a 4th... and Barbossa is in it... that's the only reason I need to really see th' film. ~Lady B
  11. Indeed, hurricane. Apparently Calypso or Poseidon was pissed. tsk tsk to piss off th' sea gods. ~Lady B
  12. That's a wool felt? Coolies! 6" says ye? Flat brim? Not turned down or up at all from the blocking? Thank ye, kenneth. I've always liked Townsend for their stuff. Especially the Linen thread. Shall call them tomorrow. ~Lady B
  13. Aye. The hat I've been wearing lost it's shape and form and shrunk. I tried to stretch it but it didn't work. I'll have to call hat supply later, and Townsend. Thanks, guys. But keep the info coming. ~Lady B
  14. Oh. Ok... Thank ye. I was about to make that mistake and purchase from Hat Supply. Alas, I haven't anything to block with. So, blocking at the moment is out of the question. For now at least. So... ye'd recommend Townsend or one of those out there? Again, Need to make sure that the brim is flat and wide. I was looking at the fur felts as they stated they were larger (just slightly). The desired result in which you see the general shape and width of the desired hat: You really think a 4" or 5" brim will work? Again, MUST be flat. ~Lady B
  15. Oh, bugger. Sounds like it'll be incredible fun! Alas I'll be at PyrateCon that weekend. Pictures, Bo! Want pictures of th' event! ~Lady B
  16. Ooo... eager fo' th' treasures, eh? Aye, nail their gizzards to th' mast them poxy curs. ::Takes hold of the bottle and takes a swig::: aye, good. And indeed the Pirate's Life be blissful. Then let's make good on that "payment" with th' hours we've got. :::Takes another swig and gives a rum-soaked pirate's kiss::: ~Lady B
  17. Aye, welcome to th' Pub, Thorpe. Love th' name. Ye'll find no better group o' pirates, buccaneers, corsairs an' ne'er-do-wells. Come sit. Ye buy th' drinks and will ensure ye'll have good and pleasureable company, mate! Aye, GAoP is after the Ren times. I often don't go to the Faires cause I just don't feel right attending those dressed in attire from 200 years later. Being a reenactor, I don't want to be disrespectful and portray something in the wrong era. Just as much as when I'm portraying my era, not to have someone come in dressed in some other era or fiction which is disrespectful of our events. Do post pictures of yo'rself in Rabble Rousing. There's a thread where you can post a pic or few of yo'rself in yo'r attire (garb to me sounds like you are vomiting ). Again, welcome to th' Pub, mate! ~Lady B
  18. Hehehe... I prefer in Hector's arms, m'dear. ::le sigh; swoons; dreamy look::: I spare ye the details of "in Hector's arms". It can get rather steamy... to be sure. Thank ye though, Red Cat. I treated m'self to a bottle of rum. Well, purchased it at least. No I haven't drank the whole bottle. Can't pull that one off like Sparrow. So, made m'self some grog and have been enjoyin' that all evening. Mellowing. Glad it's the weekend. The day... well, I survived it. But on a good note, I did tell a couple people about Port Washington and they are interested in going to the event. Haha... PSYCH! Hot cocoa?!? Dear God, woman. How chilled is it where ye be? Course, I shan't be snippin'. Tis bloody freezin' here, too. Keep warm, m'dear. Think summer. Cause we know we'll never see spring. ~Lady B
  19. If they depose ye, then at least I'll be near t' give them a fireworks disply that will give them a special meeting with Davy Jones. Hahaha... I figured ye wouldn't complain nor object to the payment plans. I do expect to be paid in full, though. Oh, do ye now? We shall see 'bout that, Dutchman. Ye might not want t' leave in th' morning. ~Lady B
  20. Barely been awake for 2 hours and already it's a bad day. Between life issues (too many to count) and now people who are interested in my crew (but haven't joined) are being sticklers about chatting on a yahoogroups list for my crew. Maybe I'm being an arse about it, but I feel it's rather inappropriate for folks to talk a lot about Lord of the Rings or what kind of pizza they like or other off topic stuff with no replies or talk or ideas about the crew. Gives me the impression they aren't serious or wanting to do this at all. One top of that, I'm still hurting. No, haven't been able to go to the doctor, which sucks, cause I can't afford to take any more time off from work after that fiasco a month ago when I was majorly sick. Feeling a lot of pressure in various ways. And rather depressed now.
  21. Ahhhh!!! The Time Warp! Oh, I can still remember doing that last year. Oh, what a hoot! Aye, I'd like to see those vids, too. But I haven't heard anything unfortunately. ~Lady B
  22. Some navigator!!! Sounds more like a Cartographer, doesn't he? ~Lady B
  23. Ooo.. A hearty congrats to the blessed couple! May the wee pirate lass be a blessed priceless treasure. ~Lady B
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