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BriarRose Kildare

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Everything posted by BriarRose Kildare

  1. Aye, Darlin' Dear, would you be wantin' a fine pipe to smoke and a sifter of Brandy to quench yer thirst while ye wait? Or perhaps a mug of Rum?
  2. Mmmm, maybe we need to set up a field trip to go Ghost Hunting. I love to explore areas of Hauntings. A place I would definitely recommend is Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. I have been there twice and have gotten phenomenal photographic pictures of ghosts. Gettysburg is a place that you can hear, see and smell the phenomenon all around. Some of the ghosts know you are there and others are trapped in time. When I first went there it was an experience of Dejavu' as if I had come home from a long trip. My husband and friends literally had to drag me to the car when it was time to leave. And I am often times homesick to go back. There have been mornings when I have woken up thinking I am there, then realizing it is a different time and place for me.
  3. Sprout's Goodnight Show.....right now I can hear Sagwa on the T.V.
  4. Somehow I can't believe that there are any heights that can't be scaled by a man who knows the secrets of making dreams come true. This special secret, it seems to me, can be summarized in four C s. They are curiosity, confidence, courage, and constancy, and the greatest of all is confidence. When you believe in a thing, believe in it all the way, implicitly and unquestionable. Walt Disney 1901-1966, American Artist, Film Producer
  5. Bess, dear, due get some rest and try to relax a bit. And yes, puppy kisses no matter how big or small they are are always the best. Animals always know how to make you feel better. But I will be sending you a "Hug" to help you along in feeling better. Take Care.
  6. I found that I have some more addictions.... Mountain Trail Mix Indulgent Trail Mix
  7. Steamed Ham with tiny White Potatoes with Butter and Parsely. Some Green Apple Ice Tea to drink.
  8. Hallo Hester. I am glad you are feeling much better. As for the dog, Sam, my friend just called me a bit ago. They took blood and urine tests. The urine test came back normal. She is waiting for the results of the blood tests tomorrow. The vet did diagnose that the Flea medicine caused a neurological reaction on Sam. He gave him a shot to help bring down his fever and ease the pain. Essentially all of his nerve endings are inflamed. I had suggested that to her before she took him to the vets. Just keep your fingers crossed that the blood work comes back normal. And the medicine he will be taking makes him good as new soon. Thanks a Bunch.
  9. Why do the big black ants always come out every time it rains? And how can I keep them blasted things out of me kitchen?
  10. I hope you are feeling better today Merc. As for me I am eating vanilla yogurt with fresh blueberries. And a cup of black coffee.
  11. Hester, dear, I am so sorry for your troubles. Try some benadryl and if you are still blotchy then try a baking soda paste to put on the areas or calimine lotion. If you have neither then use a wet regular tea bag on the areas. As for me, I am worried. My wee one's sitter has to take her Chocolate Lab to the vet for an emergency visit. She had applied flea formula to him the other day and it has hit his nervous system. Now he can barely walk and he is in alot of pain. Sam is only 5 years old and is such a sweet, gentle soul. I will be praying all day to hear good news by this evening. I hope he will be well.
  12. Aye, I am so sorry for your troubles. I hope the little wee lass will be feeling better soon.
  13. 1) One thing you ate today Cubed Cheese and Pumpernickle Bread 2) One thing you saw today (big or small) My little man with big blue eyes 3) Name of a person you spoke to Dorian 4) Name of a person you thought of but didn't see Melissa
  14. (Aye, you are correct he was our 26th President of the United States) Leader
  15. Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player, that struts and frets his hour upon the stage And then is heard no more; it is a tale Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, Signifying Nothing. William Shakespeare
  16. Hester you always know how to make me laugh. Thanks. As to what I am listening to is absolute silence which will soon be broken once I get my wee little guy up from his nap.
  17. Turkey Pattie Cakes, Corn on the Cob and for dessert Strawberry Shortcake. MMMmmm.
  18. and did a dance
  19. At the moment I am reading: War at Sea in the Age of Sail by Andrew Lambert. I am also still reading Culpeper's Color Herbal and another book called Viruses, Plagues & History by Michael B. A. Oldstone
  20. Cubes of Swiss, Colby-Jack and Extra Sharp Cheddar Cheese with Pumpernickle Bread, with a cup of Black Coffee.
  21. Well if I were guessing I would say 1 and 2 are true and 3 is false.
  22. Aye, Jack an Apes....very true (some of me mother's kinfolk are from Holland. I have always wanted to go there) Wheat
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