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BriarRose Kildare

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Everything posted by BriarRose Kildare

  1. Right now I feel like a truck ran me over..... My back is hurting something awful today. Must be the weather.
  2. Aye, Halloween, one of my Favorite Holidays. I miss the old childhood days too where it was magical, fun and spooky. My mother and I always had a good time making our house look like a haunted house. We would set up all kinds of displays such as: tomb stones, dummies, flames, spiders and webs, skeletons and ghosts and other scary stuff. And my father would play spooky music with moans and screams. We would have people coming from 4 different neighborhoods just to see our house. And even today, the adults who were children back then still talk of it. Happy Memories. Now in our neighborhood where we live nothing happens. It is total silence. I do long for those childhood days....dressing up....and having a spooky good time.
  3. Thanks Jacky, dear, for the advice. And yes, he does need play time with other wee ones. I may take him tomorrow then to the park. And thanks Patrick, honey, for your humor. I needed a good laugh.
  4. Sorrow is knowledge, those that know the most must mourn the deepest, the tree of knowledge is not the tree of life. Lord Byron
  5. Aye, dear Patrick that is true. Mmmm, the possibilities...
  6. I have been interested for a long time in doing other re-enactment time periods. I would truly enjoy stepping back in time to the American Civil War or the Wild West period. But I would also love to step back in to the 30's, 40's, 50's and even the 60's. The Big Band Swing Era, The time of the SpeakEasy, the Hop of the 50's and the Revolutionary time of the 60's....Wow! I grew up in record hops so it would be wonderful to experience those time periods. And I must say that the clothes were very nice back then too. And I love clothes so I would have a wonderful time playing dress up for the time periods.
  7. So can any one please tell me how not to becoming a raging alcoholic while your toddler is going thru the terrible 2's stage?
  8. Okay, has a decision been made yet upon what colors shall be used to restore the boat? I wish I could be part of the restoration crew. Truly I do. It would be great fun. (And, aye, if Lily and I can commandeer some more boats for you we will.)
  9. Playing on the Pub and watching the Nascar race with my son. He loves Nascar. He has had an interest in it since he was three months old. Now at 2 1/2 he still loves watching the cars race.
  10. BACON, Lettuce and Tomato Sandwhich
  11. Thank you kindly, Lady Barbossa. It is a great pleasure to finally meet you. May I offer you a drink of your choosing?
  12. After everyone had left and the dishes and kitchen were clean, Maeve went upstairs to tidy up the bedroom. BriarRose was just starting to sweep the downstairs front room when she heard a shuffling noise from the surgeon’s room. Quickly putting down the broom she hurriedly walked to the doorway to check on the patient. There he stood by the window swaying back and forth. The sheet although wrapped around him was showing more of his backside than not. Briar moved quickly to grab him as he tumbled sideways down on to her. With a loud crash they both fell to the floor. He looked down at here with bleary light brown eyes. “Sir, are you alright? And may I ask you to please roll off of me so I may help you back to the surgeon’s table?” He looked at her as if stunned for a moment. Grunting, he rolled over onto the floor. Sitting up, Briar turned to him to make sure he was alright and asked, “And what were you thinking might I ask?” He gave her a sheepish look as she said, “Alright, now up with you and back to bed.” BriarRose helped him up struggling under his weight. Hoisting him back on to the table Briar, fixed the sheet and blanket back on him. “Now, sir, we will have no more of that.” He mumbled a bit and tried to clear his parched throat. Pouring water in to a cup she held up his head to help him drink. He gulped it greedily then cleared his throat once more. In a hoarse whisper he asked, “Where am I?” Briar answered in a sweet and comforting tone, “You are at the Chirurgeons House. You have been very ill with the Marsh Fever. Maeve and I have been taking care of you.” Taking a cloth and placing it in the bowl of water and lavender, Briar, rung it out and placed it upon Preston’s forehead. “You are not out of the woods yet, dear sir, so you must take care not to over exert yourself.” With that he closed his eyes and fell back in to a deep and restful sleep.
  13. I'm sorry, did I break your concentration? Pulp Fiction
  14. Aye, Syren, dear. There are many theories concerning Jack the Ripper. One theory holds that yes, he was in America for a short time and there had been murders that resembled that which took place in England. This theory is also extended to after the WhiteChapel murders, that similar murders took place in France as well. I must also add, that The case of Jack the Ripper is one of the most greatest unsolved murder cases in history. And due to the time period in which the events occured he is known as one of the first true serial killers of that time.
  15. Okay, I have been doing some research concerning the use of flags for quaratines. I found an interesting website that some of you may find helpful. For the most part the yellow flag was used and it is dated back to the 14th century when the great plague hit Europe. And at times a yellow cross, patch or jacket was used as well. However, for the most part a yellow flag has been used although there have been some instances that a white or black flag was used. In some cases a red light was used as a signal during the night and a yellow flag was used during the day. I hope the following link helps: http://www.crwflags.com/fotw/flags/xf~q.html I will continue to do some more research on the subject. An interesting side note concernng the red light. The red light was often used in brothels to hide the effects of disease, especially syphilis on the women who were working there.. Henceforth, today it is still referred to the Red Light District.
  16. A very good movie Jolliet. Here is another quote from another movie that is actually one of my favorites. Even named one of my cats after the movie, Willow. Magic is the bloodstream of the universe. Forget all you know...or think you know. All that you require is your intuition. Now, the power to control the world is in which finger?
  17. We are having breaded chicken being baked with peach slices with brown sugar and cinnamon. Then for dessert we are having shortcake with sliced strawberries and blueberries with cool whip.
  18. Thunderstorms Coffee Strawberry Twizzlers Peanut M & M's Drambuie and Disaronno I am sure I have more.
  19. I must go down to the sea again, to the lonely sea and the sky; and all I ask is a tall ship and a star to steer her by. John Masefield 1878-1967, British Poet and Novelist
  20. Mmmm, I have several..well more that several books on diseases thru out history. However, my specialty is the bubonic plague. I am hoping to dig out my books and go thru them to see what I might find. It may take me a few days though. Alot of information to wade through.
  21. Then perhaps, arrangements could be made? (BriarRose smiles like a chesire cat that ate a canary)
  22. Dear Captain Sterling....if the price is right then I would be one or the other. And I might add, that given me mood, I will do almost about anything on a dare. But one thing for certain regardless of coin, I am loyal to those who are dear to me. And my word is my bond. But if ye be wanting that ship then I am game to commandeer it by any means given the opportunity. And me thinks with Lily and I, we could claim it with little effort....
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