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BriarRose Kildare

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Everything posted by BriarRose Kildare

  1. Aye, did you say Rum? Well, then I thank you for pourin' me a drink. Welcome aboard Maureen McCoy! And a Happy 4th to you.
  2. BriarRose stretched a bit as she slowly opened her eyes to the morning light coming through a small split in the curtains. Quietly getting up so as not to wake Maeve, she walked over to a small dresser were there was a basin and pitcher of water. Pouring some water in to the basin, Briar wiped the sleep from her eyes. The cool splash of water revived her senses. Fully awake she straighten her clothes and hair and silently walked down the steps to check on the patient. In the front room she could see four men in various positions sleeping. One man snored in a continuous rhythmic sound. Stepping off the stairs she went in to the back room where the patient lay sleeping. His color was no longer gray, but he was still very pale. His fever was not as hot to the touch as she placed her hand upon his forehead. Just then Maeve came down the stairs. Turning Briar said, "Ah, Good Morning to you. And how are you feeling this morning?" Maeve, placed her hand upon her head, "Ay, Good Morn, dear Briar. I fear I have me a touch of a head ache." Their eyes twinkled as they looked at each other both remembering the night before. Just then the patient stirred a bit drawing their attention immediately to him. Maeve asked, "How is he doing today?" Briar shook her head a bit and said, "His fever is down and he is sleeping. However, he is still restless. I am going to give him some more of the ground cinchona tree bark in wine." She poured more wine in to the goblet and added more of the ground powdered bark to it. Mixing it, she once again raised his head. He opened up bleary eyes to her as she held the goblet to his cracked lips. Briar softly spoke to him, "There now dear sir, you are doing much better. Have some more of this to drink it will ease your aches and fever." He drank greedily from the cup. Once he had finished she lay his head back down upon the pillow. Turning to Maeve, she asked, "Do you have a basin and some more water? Oh, and I will need a cloth too?" "Aye, that I do, let me go and get it for ye." As Maeve left the room again Briar rummaged through her apothecary chest once more. Pulling out two bottles she stood there trying to decide which would be better to use. "Mmmm, perhaps the lavender would soothe him better." Maeve returned with a basin of water handing it to Briar. Briar placed it on a side table next to where Pew lay. She added some of the contents of the bottle into the water stirring it with the cloth Maeve had given her. The sweet pungent aroma of Lavender filled the air. Ringing out the cloth she placed it upon Pew's forehead, wiping away the beads of sweat. He stirred a bit, moaning slightly, but then settled back down into a deep sleep.
  3. Wow Hester. I hope you have a Great Time. Happy Holiday!
  4. Thank you for the warm Welcome.
  5. Hallo....I just wanted to offer a round of drinks to every one on board.
  6. Did you talk to any one at UPS...Like a supervisor....sorry there is a time to be nice and there is a time to be nasty. I would be losing it totallly if I were in your shoes right now. I am sorry for your troubles. And yes, there was a time when something was said it would be there then it would be delivered on time. You have remembered correctly. Good Luck and I hope things work out for you.
  7. Nothing really special. Ham and some homestyle baked beans. Ice tea. Not sure what else will be on the menu.
  8. A bit frustrated today....we are trying to break our toddler of both the bottle and his binki. Oui, what a temper he does have too.
  9. Having a good time playing with my wee little lad. His imagination always amazes me. And his giggles are such a joy to my heart.
  10. The sound of the distant train blowing it's whistle.....I can hear the movie Robots that my son is watching again....the rushing water as the dishwasher fills up.....and the sweet twittering of the birds outside.....
  11. Just been eating a sunnyside up egg with colby and swiss cheese with some red seedless grapes....delicious.....mmmm.
  12. A bit tired, but I feel great. Got to go to a French and Indian Re-enactment on Saturday. Had a Wonderful time. And today I got to have lunch with a very good friend as well as spending time with my little guy.
  13. Just finished dinner which was chicken flavored with taco and chicken seasonings with a touch of garlic, shredded taco cheese melted on top with salsa and sour cream with a side dish of taco rice. Very delicious. And in a moment for dessert we will be eating sliced strawberries topped with cool whip and a touch of Kahlua.....mmmm.
  14. Chicken flavored with taco and chicken seasonings with a touch of garlic, shredded taco cheese melted on top with salsa and sour cream. And the side dish is taco rice For dessert will be sliced strawberries topped with cool whip and a touch of Kahlua
  15. Laundry....dishes....but now it is time to take my son for a walk. Holding his hand in mine and seeing his bright blue eyes look up at me makes my heart always skip a beat.
  16. "A house is not a home unless it contains food and fire for the mind as well as the body. " Benjamin Franklin
  17. Thank ye Story for yer post on such an exquisite find. I am very fasinated by history and what treasures can be found with in the earth. I am a true archeologist at heart....and I sure miss the days with gettin' me hands in the dirt. If I could have a dream job it would be and Archeologist. So thanks again for sharing.
  18. Aye, very creep and spooky indeed. Wow, what a look a like. Twins?
  19. Oooh, now that be a hard one to choose....Captain Sparrow of course is sauve and debonair, but Captain Hook, well now, he is a true villian. And with out Hook there would be no Peter Pan or Neverland. So I would honestly have to choose Captain Hook. But then again....Mr. Depp makes a mighty fine pirate.
  20. Still listening to the movie Robots for the third time....yea..... Well at least it isn't the Polar Express for the 10th time, LOL
  21. I have seen them on PBS several times and have truly enjoyed their music. My little guy goes totally wild dancing around whenever he hears them. I wished I had gotten to see them in concert. And hopefully in the near future I can buy one of their CD's.
  22. Tonight we will be having baby carrots cooked in butter and brown sugar as the side dish and the main dish will be meat cakes, and raspberry ice tea to drink. Then sugar cookies with icing and sprinkles for dessert.
  23. Mmmm, Chai Tea, sounds delicious. I think I will have me a cup and I will sit a bit with ye and watch the view of boats going by....thank ye for the invite....
  24. I am sorry for your troubles Hester. But you gave me a good laugh so thanks. Right now I am listening to the washer swishing with water, the thump thump of the dryer and the movie Robots my son is watching.
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