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BriarRose Kildare

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Everything posted by BriarRose Kildare

  1. Mmmm, the smell of fresh lavendar soap. The smell of me Husband...mmm, what a Wonderful scent he has. The smell of the Autumn air with the pungent aroma of apples, leaves and pumpkins. Last night a tall glass with cranberry juice and vodka.....mmmm, vundabar! So many addictions.....I guess I will have to keep posting on this thread.
  2. Absolutely Refreshed. I just go a shower and used me favorite Lavendar soap. And I am about to slather some Lavendar lotion on. Mmmm, it smells so good.
  3. Curious George to me wee little lad...... Happy Memories for me Heart.
  4. It is alot of Fun. And I am looking forward to getting together with the girls tonight for a bit. I hope she is better soon. You may want to burn a green or brown candle to St. Francis and also possibly Diana. If you do, say a prayer for her to get better. I know that may sound strange, but it usually works.
  5. I am sorry your dog is sick Lily. I hope the poor thing is feeling better soon. As for dance class, I belong to a belly dance troupe. So, aye, I belly dance. And I am going to soon be looking in to Celtic dance as well. I am excited cause I found out some one who actually teaches it in the area.
  6. Dear Hester, I am terribly sorry for your troubles today. I know how awful it is to have a bad hair cut, but since my hair is now long and way down me mid back I rarely get it cut or trimmed any more. Aye, you just may need that extra valium. Mayhaps if you took a nice relaxing bubble bath that would ease some of your stress away. I hope your day gets better. Consider yourself Hugged.
  7. Why do the advertise so many commercial on children's dvd's and you have to watch them or it won't play the movie? And of all the commercial's why do they put one on about Pirating dvd"s?
  8. Slightly burnt toast with butter and peach jam, peach yogurt I shared with my cat, Pandora. Sitting on the couch reading story books to me wee lad. Ah, what memories are made of. Dorian Stacy (she is soon due for her next wee one to hatch)
  9. Oriental Sunrise.....(a cassette tape that a very good friend made me a long time ago) The music is absolutely wonderful to listen to.
  10. Mmmm, Toast slightly burnt with butter and peach jam....and peach yogurt......hehehe, actually I am sharing my yogurt with Pandora me spoiled brat cat. Ahh, but she is so adorable I can't resist her beggin'.
  11. Having a nice hot cup of coffee. And looking forward to dance class tonight with the troupe......WhooHooo...should be lots of fun.
  12. 1) One thing you ate today left over chicken and rice 2) One thing you saw today (big or small) our outside cat, Miss Lucy (short for Lucia) 3) Name of a person you spoke to Dorian 4) Name of a person you thought of but didn't see me Dad
  13. Aye, Good to Have Ye Aboard. Ye should find many a friendly face here at the Pub. Blessing to you!!
  14. The week has been long and tis only Tuesday. I am enjoying the pitter-patter sound of rain. I am content at the moment.
  15. There is a difference between happiness and wisdom: he that thinks himself the happiest man is really so; but he that thinks himself the wisest is generally the greatest fool. Francis Bacon
  16. The pitter-patter sound of rain as it gently falls from the sky.
  17. What Wonderful Pictures. Maeve you look totally Awesome. I can't wait to see more photos. Thanks for posting them William. Absolutley Fantastic!
  18. Ahh, poor Lily. I am sorry you are hurtin' so bad. If I was there I would give you a massage that would ease your pain and discomfort. Hope you feel better dear.
  19. Aye, please do join us. There is plenty to go around. There is always more than enough on the Kate.
  20. the duplicitous Cardinal Richelieu
  21. Exhausted! The wee lad has worn me out today. He is now in bed. Time for Mommy and Daddy to have a drink. Hmmm, now what shall I have....Disaronno on the rocks me thinks.
  22. Your rat tail is all the fashion now. I prefer a bushy plume, carried straight up. You are Siamese and your ancestors lived in trees. Mine lived in palaces. It has been suggested to me that I am a bit of a snob. How true! I prefer to be. Raymond Chandler 1888-1959, American Author
  23. Well, Captain, ye did it again. You got me cravin' Bacon. So may I offer this dish to any who would like to share? Tartiflette With Melted Cheese, Bacon And Thyme
  24. Now you got me hungry for bacon again.
  25. You Poor Dear. I am sorry that you are so starved. How about a nice casserole with green beans, chicken, cheese and mushroom soup poured over top? Will that help you stave off starvation for a bit?
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