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Everything posted by BLACK JACK SHALAQ
Ol' Black Jack's gonna have ta bow out mate. We gotta busy bust winter here. BJS
Yo Scupper! We gots a waterin' hole up here in Ohio (pronounced Ohi-ya' fer us natives here), Called "The Buzzards Roost". The name fits it too....a real dive but it's packed all da time! It's had all kinds of different owners but it's been thar since Ol' Black Jack twas' a snot nosed lad! anyways, I'm partial to "The Deep Six" or "The Long Nine " or "The Gunner's Daughter" or "The Tot o' Rot " or "Puddle Pyrate" or "Pond Guppy" or "Bilge Bucket" or "Rudder Rot" or " The Cove n' Careened. And finally "Da Black Spot". BJS "The Haver Sack" "Pewter Mug" "Splice da Main Brace" "Ol' Drunken Salt" "Dry Dock" "Tangled Riggin' " "Pyrates Berth" :) BJS
Yo Scupper! We gots a waterin' hole up here in Ohio (pronounced Ohi-ya' fer us natives here), Called "The Buzzards Roost". The name fits it too....a real dive but it's packed all da time! It's had all kinds of different owners but it's been thar since Ol' Black Jack twas' a snot nosed lad! anyways, I'm partial to "The Deep Six" or "The Long Nine " or "The Gunner's Daughter" or "The Tot o' Rot " or "Puddle Pyrate" or "Pond Guppy" or "Bilge Bucket" or "Rudder Rot" or " The Cove n' Careened. And finally "Da Black Spot". BJS
Hey Mate! I got da same problem here. My lil' computer nippers showed me once how ta use my new digital camera and expected my to catch up to all of it in ten minutes....>NOT< ! BJS
Here's lookin' at ya's! Happy B-Day!...>hic<! BJS
ssshhhhhh! Black Jack's still out n' sawin' logs n' holdn' his head . But for Black Jack's crew to you folks, I want to say, HAPPY NEW YEARS to ya's n' yer's! Especially to , SCUPPER n' CAPTN' WEAVER n' MAD MAUD McCRUMB. Oh yes, n' Royaliste,Tales Of The Seven Seas, Mad Mab, El Pirata., n' Rue. And anybody else I missed! Black Jacks First Mate in life, Shanghia Sooz :)
ROTDLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Do they know ye well or wot, Black Jack?????? Love that shirt.....now, iffen ye pleaz, would ye tell me whar that shirt came from. I truly be want'n one!! Thar maybe somethun to it....I think I'm okay, and it's the world that needs medicatin'. But, it's a nice tee shirt anyway. My wife said fer ya to check out www.hottopics.com
YO HO SASSY LASSIE, If yer land locked in Kansas...Build a prairie scooner!
You didn't get a boarding axe did you? EP....I think he did! - Sooz
Ol' Black Jack got a tee shirt from his son's that states " HEAVILY MEDICATED FOR YOUR PROTECTION" . And a new brass lock fer his liquor cabinet n' alot of liquor from his mates at MEDINA SUPPLY REDI-MIX Co.. I bought him his OWN digital camera. Now he kin take nakit pictures of me n' put em' on da net....NOT! I LOVE that scallywag! First Mate "Shanghia Sooz"
Aw, Ya don't need that crabby ol' gruff! Yer a pirate! Take what ya can, n' give nuthin' back!
Part 2 "Shallow Tom" brought us even wit da heathins' who fired the first shots, I yelled," Just a few yards more lads, then we'll give 'em the hell that we brought"! And through the fog n' da spray I got a good look, of the vessel who caught us wit our breeches on the hook. Thru me spyglass I could see it's Captn' whar he'd stand. He twas' barkin' out orders wit cutlass in hand. He wore a heavy red coat all trimmed in white n' sported a burley white beard n' he looked ready ta fight! We came into range n' I gave "Mr. Nubb's" the order, ta fire our cannon's n' stand ready ta board 'er! Our first volley fired all at once. Our ship swayed n' she shuttered. Our shots went thru thar hull n' masts as if they were butter. Our second volley drew blood as the fires broke out. My lads swung from the riggin' while givin' a shout. My lads heeded my order to board er' n' take all that she's got. And bring me thar Captn' then to get the hell out! They said not another word but went right for loot. They left nutthin', not even a dead officers boots! >>>>>>>>>More to follow as soon as I get a cold brew<<<<<<<<< BLS >>>>>>>Sorry folks..Ol'Black Jack kinda past out last nite<<<<<<<< Let's see...whar was I ?? Oh yeah,I remember..... Me crew picked the ship clean only the bilge rats were left. When it comes ta theivin' my lads were da best! They brought the ships captn' n' threw him at me feet. I yelled "You may have fired first, but the day belongs to me"! I laughed n' said "Captn' yer coat of bright red makes a good target, n' yer snowy white beard tis' a bit singed from the powder burns on it"! The ol' duff looked up at me n' scowled wit hate on his tounge and said " Black Jack tis' Christmas show mercy n' quarter for some". I said " Captn' yer nuts! YOU fired first! I'll show quarter to yer loot n' YOU I'll kill first! Later Christmas evening we stowed away our plunder n' secured all the cannons n' shot down under. I remembered the look on the face of that old crank as swabbie Miguel had him walk da plank. My crew heard me exclaim as he went outta sight, " Merry Christmas to us n' to white beard GOOD NITE"! MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL MY CYBER BUDS OUT THAR!!! :) BJS
A fine B-day wish to capt Emerald Shaunassy
BLACK JACK SHALAQ replied to Scupper's topic in Scuttlebutt
THANK YOU PUDDIN'! AND THE SAME TO YOU n' ALL OF YOU FINE PIRATES OUT THAR! Black Jack Shalaq :angry: Shanghai Sooz Gunner's Mate Chad Swabbie Lukas Swabbie Travis
Part 2 "Shallow Tom" brought us even wit da heathins' who fired the first shots, I yelled," Just a few yards more lads, then we'll give 'em the hell that we brought"! And through the fog n' da spray I got a good look, of the vessel who caught us wit our breeches on the hook. Thru me spyglass I could see it's Captn' whar he'd stand. He twas' barkin' out orders wit cutlass in hand. He wore a heavy red coat all trimmed in white n' sported a burley white beard n' he looked ready ta fight! We came into range n' I gave "Mr. Nubb's" the order, ta fire our cannon's n' stand ready ta board 'er! Our first volley fired all at once. Our ship swayed n' she shuttered. Our shots went thru thar hull n' masts as if they were butter. Our second volley drew blood as the fires broke out. My lads swung from the riggin' while givin' a shout. My lads heeded my order to board er' n' take all that she's got. And bring me thar Captn' then to get the hell out! They said not another word but went right for loot. They left nutthin', not even a dead officers boots! >>>>>>>>>More to follow as soon as I get a cold brew<<<<<<<<< BLS
Twas' the nite before Chistmas n' all below deck. Not a swabbie could move cuz thar liver's were wrecked. Thar hammocks were hung from da main beams in lines, so they don't puke on each other when they felt like they be dyin'. With me first mate "Sooz" naked n' Black Jack hard as a rock. Settled to me state room to bury my c***! When out over the bow thar sounded such a roar. I thought it twas' a salvo of cannon shot crashin' thru da floor. I jumped to me feet n' left "Sooz" smiling all wet n' warm. Put on me boots n' buckled me sword. Away to da helm I stumbled n' tripped. To find "Shallow Tom" me helmsman with the ships wheel in good grip. I hollard "What da hell Tom"? As he turned against the wind. He said " Look out Captn', another rounds comin' in"! We heard the whine n' the crash as the ball hit the deck, that knocked out my hot tub that I won in a bet. I sprung to my feet n' yelled " enough of this bit! Helmsman , bring 'er about n' we'll give them some of thar own sh**"! I yelled " General Quarters! n' bring our cannons to bear"! "300 yards dead to starboard, I see the bastards, THERE"! Our cannon walls flung open n' the gunner's daughters came out. Roped n' knotted, 20 starboard "long nines", doubled charged n' stout. I yelled below to " Gunner's mate Nubbs" to make his fire true. He bellowed back "Stop yer whinnin' mate, we know what ta do"! ................I'm hungry...I'll finish this after supper................. BJS
Went out to da Walmart n' got ton's of lites n' stuff ta hang on the ol' girl. If Ol' Black Jack kin keep the ol' ladys cat outta the tree I might have it trimmed by Christmas (the tree I mean, not da cat). Got plenty of Bud Lite left ta do the job too. Ahhhhh! Life's good! BURRRRRRRRRP! BELCH! MERRY CHRISTMAS ONE n' ALL (you too Kanasta, ya lil' wart) Captn' Black Jack Shalaq First Mate Shanghia Sooz Gunner's Mate Pfc. Chad (USMC) Swabbie Lukas Swabbie Travis
Happy Birhtday mate.
looking to start a gathering in Northeast
BLACK JACK SHALAQ replied to Scupper's topic in Scuttlebutt
Me thinks EP is down in Va. So the central area could be.....St. Croix? or Aruba maybe. Or Guantanimo,Cuba...(just kiddin'). BJS -
looking to start a gathering in Northeast
BLACK JACK SHALAQ replied to Scupper's topic in Scuttlebutt
Scupper Ol' Matey, Shanghai Sooz n' Ol' Black jack will be thar, Um.......When n' Whar? BJS PS> how about, Marblehead or Port clinton , Ohio?....just a thought5. -
Happy birthday Lassie....Here's mud in yer eye!
>>Black Jack draws a heavy sigh<<
BLACK JACK SHALAQ replied to BLACK JACK SHALAQ's topic in Scuttlebutt
um....ah.....YUP! -
>>Black Jack draws a heavy sigh<<
BLACK JACK SHALAQ replied to BLACK JACK SHALAQ's topic in Scuttlebutt
Ah....um....NO!....NO NO NO NO NO NONO NO NO NO -
BLACK JACK SHALAQ replied to BLACK JACK SHALAQ's topic in Scuttlebutt
I was thinking Walt Whitman meself. But that's an insult to the memory of a great poet. I agree there are still too many ways for GW to screw this up yet. QUOTE; I agree there are still too many ways for GW to screw this up yet. >>>Sigh<<<. I promised Stynky that I would behave when it came to politics on this post . >>>>as Black Jack Bites a hole thur his tongue<<<< OUCH! >>>> Black Jack even sits on his hands so he can't type<<<< Ya see Stynky....I'm stickin' to our bargain!! Black Jack