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Everything posted by BLACK JACK SHALAQ

  1. Once a witty lass named MacGregor, Had all her young ship mates to beg her. To wear somethun' pink, but she said with a wink. "If ya's want ta see that you must bed her"! >>>>>>>> Knawed into da TP holder<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< The ships listin' heavy ta da port side... Black Jack
  2. Ryann, EXCELLENT! LMAO! HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR!! :) Black Jack
  3. Thar once was a Lass named McCrumb. Who like to get slapped on her bum. She'd smile through her tears. Between spanks n' cold beers. Then she wanted spanked more for my fun! >>>> Chewed into da stall post<<<<<<<<< By Neptunes pike! I'm a sick SOB, ain't I? :) Black Jack
  4. Rosalinda Ye naughty lassie! LOL....Hey, That's not me though. Too much hair on the lads head n' not enough else whars. Nice dig on Ol' Black Jack though, I like it! :) Black Jack
  5. There once was a Captn' named Weaver. Who got a tattoo by her beaver. And when it was done, she showed Mad Maudlin McCrumb. And they worked up each other in fever! Could be interestin', :) Black Jack
  6. Ryann lassie, Ol' Black Jack wears BLACK or nuttin' at all (just like Johnny Cash). And then it's HAIR....Lot's of it. I think I'll even chase da queers away (I'm NOT sayin' I wants them ta hang around either)! At least me tattoos on me back are nice n' warm. Black Jack
  7. Hey puddin'..... You KNOW what I like!!! "I be one of those Bad things that happen ta GOOD people" Black Jack
  8. I kin do that proper! Just keep in mind that if we're surrounded n' back to back....I don't wanna hear ya complainin' that I make ya itch! Black Jack
  9. Rue, Only me IMPORTANT extrimitie is long enough ta shave me back. But alas, me willie ain't got a hand ta hold da razor. Only one winkin' eye! Black Jack
  10. Hmmmmm. Look's like Ol' Black Jack is gonna have a clean n' well scratched back. At last look 65% of me cyber mates say I'll make a good mop! That means I kin cut out me Saturday nite bathes! Har har! That's gotta be one BIG bucket though.... Black Jack
  11. ....Hmmmmm....What ta do???
  12. Hmmmmm. Good question thar mate. But as long as Crowe n' his croonies blow the hell outta them frenchies, I'll be content wit a few "ARRR mate" n' "Let's splice the main brace" or somethun like that. Black Jack
  13. El Pirata, Hopes ya fair well n' things work out mate. Black Jack
  14. (QUOTE) I will not submit to a raving horndog. Captn' Weaver my lass, Yes you WILL!
  15. Pirates got chunky stuff floatin' around in thar grog.....a slice o lime n' ice! And Yaks can't hold thar liquor...even da kilted ones. I know that's true cuz I saws it on Mr. Rogers neighborhood. Dancin' wit da devil in da pale moonlight, Black Jack
  16. ok maddy, when's it my turn to flog the fuck outa ya? or do other delightful things to then monstrous nipples,etc? will your young little master let me play with you? you have seen my con personnae.think I can subjugate you? or will your 'master' object? who knows? Hey Captn', Ol' Black Jack could stand a bit o' dat action! You'll wear yer self out tryin' ta break me down.....Then I'll be my turn ta hear you whimper! Dancin' wit da devil in da pale moonlight, Black Jack
  17. Maudlin, I told ya that gettin' slapped tis' easy. The knowin' when ta duck is the rub!
  18. El Pirata , Hell brother, Conquest is soooo awsome. Check it out. We had the DVD for over a year and Ol' black jack still can't get past the "Native Girls" scene. It without a doubt stiffins' the ol main mast!
  19. El Pirata , Hell brother, Conquest is soooo awsome. Check it out. We had the DVD for over a year and Ol' black jack still can't get past the "Native Girls" scene. It without a doubt stiffins' the ol main mast!
  20. well.... Black Jack, I've been around,just busy with work so I can't read most of the posts.but I throw a word in here n there. thanx fer carin ya big cutie Oh gosh....>blushin'< She called me a Big Cutie!!!
  21. Hmmmmm...Sound like that one needs ta go to sub commitee.
  22. Possibly a bong wit rum in da bottom of it.
  23. Yanks wit cranks under thar kilts, Reminds me of a poem me pappy said he courted me mum wit..... "Yank my crank n' stow my gear! Don't turn yer head lass or it's goin' in yer ear"! It went somethun like that anyway, Black Jack
  24. Hells Bells, If yer lookin' fer another cat (or two or three). We got probably 15 or 20 of the lil' rodents out here on the farm. The milk barn is full of em'. But we ain't got any mice, rats, moles, or chipmunks. We have a few pidgeons left cuz da cats ain't figured out how ta scale a slate roof...yet. Thar fun ta when they chace the chickens around. Yes, yes, Ol' Black Jack also farms too. Black Jack
  25. El Pirata, That's cause me ships doctor put me on a heavy dose of Paxil CR. Take two of thoses babies a day n' you could kick me wife n' f*** my dog n' I wouldn't care. Lifes Good wit da lil' yellow pill, :) Black Jack
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