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Everything posted by BLACK JACK SHALAQ

  1. My favorite pirate movie is a porn movie called "Conquest" Oh yeah baby!!!
  2. "Spaced Invaders" Was an absolutly stupid movie that I Laughed at endlessly. That lil' green guy wit da Jack Nicolson impersonation was funny with a good gin drunk going... Well.....You asked!!! Black Jack
  3. El Pirata, I be " LONE DRINKER"! Imagine dat!
  4. Darkmalkin, Thank you....
  5. Rosalinda, I've done that a few times...The air bags really work! Brusies heal, Black Jack
  6. El Pirata, I just don't know what it is. I have this incurable desire to be myself. Must be another one of me many talents.....maybe... Black Jack
  7. El Pirata, Brother, you seem ta be the only one in here wit the sense not to take me seriously. Amazing, Black Jack
  8. El Pirata, Aw Dude! But I luved da Chicken ala king wit gobs of tabasco! MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM !!! But they NEVER packed enough T.P. ya know !?! Black Jack
  9. El Pirata, You guessed er' Chester! Thar nasty, orny, smelly creatures. I threw the kilt in for the sake of disgust....er...discussion. Yer move brother! Black Jack
  10. If'n ye be be mentioning them ye fergot ugly, lazy and disrespectful.... Jeepers Wally! Ouch!...Stop it Beaver! Man, Don't ya just feel the love in here?
  11. It twas' I...Black Jack Shalaq. And being that I ain't got any hair (on me head that it), Red Hair will do just fine! The step child part may be a rub, Black Jack
  12. Hee Hee n' Har Har! Any takers? Black Jack
  13. Black Jack doesn't do "Cheez Whiz". It gives him da scoots. The cheese spread in our MRE's did the same thing...El Pirata, remember those? Anyway, a nice salsa dip wit my opossum makes ol' black jack all warm inside. Works in a pinch buckwheat, Black Jack
  14. Hell fire Captn', Whar the devil you been? Ain't seen ya around lately. Ya learn anything new ta use on me? The ships doctor took my cast off n' took da stitches out from our last meetin'. I'm all healed up, so give me a call, Black Jack
  15. Rosalinda, Ain't it cool when things get outta hand like this? Gettin' confused but grinnin', Black jack
  16. Dickosfortuna, First off mister, I may not be wrapped too tight from time to time but I'm far from foolish. Second off, I've probably spent more time on a rollin' deck in my life time than you have scratchin' yer a** so i'm NOT a land lubber. Third off, My post wasn't meant to be serious. HUMOR! HUMOR, was my intent. And finally, I always pack my lunch! One of Uncle Sam's Midguided Children, Black Jack
  17. One day Uncle Sam's Midguided Child will learn... El Pirata, One would think that, wouldn't they? Black Jack
  18. yeah ...Sounds nasty don't it? Actually it goes good wit chocolat milk n' soda crackers! Oh Yeah!
  19. Thar evil n' cantankerous n' hard nosed just like pyrates. I should know cause I are one! Ya can't keep a jar head down! Black Jack
  20. Thank you! And it's been a GREAT beggers nite. My swabs went out amongst the unknowing population n' robbed em' blind of all thar goodies. The best part is that Ol' black Jack gets his 25% first! AHHHH! Tis' good to be captn', Black Jack
  21. And I like opossom rare (the other white meat). So on me B-day if ya would run over a opossom, just put a candle it's ears n' wipe it's a** n put it on me plate. I'd be a happy birthday boy! :) YUM YUM! Black Jack
  22. It weren't me this time El Pirata. Ol' Black Jack's been a good bad boy. Black jack
  23. Yes, but, Bruce Willis' immortal "Yippie-Ki-Yay-MF'er" has a certain appeal to it. Yes but Johnny Depp gettin' slapped n' ponderin' if he deserved it or not was right up my alley (cuz I get that alot)! It's a talent, Black jack
  24. Well lassie, Ol' Black Jack has no problems tellin' the world that he's a crusty ol' salt on his B-day cuz I lived life to excess n' loved everyminute of it. It's 17 April ,1958 n' I LOVE chocolate and RED meat if anyone wants ta humor me. PS. My life did suck in Southern Beruit n' Desert storm though. Black Jack
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