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Everything posted by BLACK JACK SHALAQ
Hear too ya pack of heel hounds! Ya thought the post board twas' nice n' quiet while Ol' Black Jack was keeled over with the rot, did ya's? Well I'm here's ta tell ya's that yer all wrong! Black Jack is under full sail n' can't wait ta get me three sheets in da wind (if ya know what I means). This old sea dog is raisin' his leg high! So if ya feel's somethun warm n' wet runnin' down da back of yer neck......It be just lil' ol' me! :angry: Twice as ornry n' full of piss n' vinegar ! Black Jack Shalaq
Yer a proud pappy mate, I kin tell. Enjoy every second when dar small cuz they'll be real people before ya knows it, then thar gone. A voice of fatherhood past, Black Jack
How about..."Flat Duck under a truck"?....Just a thought. Firin' from da hip, Black Jack
I named me liquor cabinet "Sea Slut" after me mudda! You kin use it if ya got a hankerin' ta..... Black Jack
El Pirata, Yer stars n' stripes figure head warms me black heart lad! I'd be proud ta take on the Kings ship o' the line wit her plowin' head first inta harms way! Good form mate, Good form!! :) :angry: Black Jack Shalaq
I Got Your Back" I am a small and precious child, my dads been sent to fight... The only place I'll see his face, is in my dreams at night. He will be gone too many days For my young mind to keep track. I may be sad, but I am proud. My daddy's got your back. I am a caring mother. My son has gone to war... My mind is filled with worries that I have never known before Everyday I try to keep my thoughts from turning black. I may be scared, but I am proud. My son has got your back. I am a strong and loving wife, with a husband soon to go. There are times I'm terrified in a way most never know. I bite my lip, and force a smile as I watch my husband pack... My heart may break, but I am proud. My husbands got your back... I am a soldier... Serving Proudly, standing tall. I fight for freedom, yours and mine by answering this call. I do my job while knowing, the thanks it sometimes lacks. Say a prayer that I'll come home. It's me who's got your back. A friend of mine sent me this poem. Ol' Black Jack ain't much in to that mushy stuff , but this kinda hit close to home. Black Jack
El Pirata ol' mate, Do you stay up all night thinkin' this stuff up? You cut Ol' Black Jack up! Black Jack
Thar showin' up on my side of the tracks.....
Help this old cyber dummy out. What's ya tryin' ta tell me mate?
Taday be me oldest son's 20th birthday. He's stationed in Iraq right now, if yous guys yell loud enough maybe the "Devil dog" kin here us! "HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHAD"!!!! :) "SEMPER FI" HOORAH! HOORAH! HOORAH! "I LOVE YOU n' DAMN PROUD of YOU n' YER MATES" YER OL' PAPPY, Gny. Sgt. BLACK JACK SHALAQ retired
Saturday Night Drinkin and Wenchin
BLACK JACK SHALAQ replied to Cap'n Knifehand Ken's topic in Scuttlebutt
Taday be me oldest son's 20th birthday. He's stationed in Iraq right now, if yous guys yell loud enough maybe the "Devil dog" kin here us! "HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHAD"!!!! "SEMPER FI" HOORAH! HOORAH! HOORAH! "I LOVE YOU n' DAMN PROUD of YOU n' YER MATES" :) YER OL' PAPPY, Gny. Sgt. BLACK JACK SHALAQ retired -
Saturday Night Drinkin and Wenchin
BLACK JACK SHALAQ replied to Cap'n Knifehand Ken's topic in Scuttlebutt
ANT'S ? I hopes yer gonna use fire ant's....They tickle! -
Ol' Black Jack uses ANGEL FIRE as a website...It's easy n' FREE!
Saturday Night Drinkin and Wenchin
BLACK JACK SHALAQ replied to Cap'n Knifehand Ken's topic in Scuttlebutt
Captn' Weaver Lass, Whatever ya do's so late into the evenin' must be EVIL! Ol' Black Jack likes the prospect of the dark side of da harbor. Itchin' ta show ya's me etchin's, Ol' Black Jack -
Awhhh Schuckin's >BLUSHIN"< :) Ol' Black Jack
Saturday Night Drinkin and Wenchin
BLACK JACK SHALAQ replied to Cap'n Knifehand Ken's topic in Scuttlebutt
Nay lassies! Not horse shoes...I be UP fer a tractor tire toss! Oh Yeah!!! And as far as me etchins go.......yer right! So, tell Ol' Black Jack more 'bout the short rope n' da Roman burger part like, who does what ta who n' whar does it go, n' is Mazzoll oil still involved in this? Black Jack -
Saturday Night Drinkin and Wenchin
BLACK JACK SHALAQ replied to Cap'n Knifehand Ken's topic in Scuttlebutt
I be a persistant cuss too lass. I'm still waitin'ta lock horns wit ya's! Black Jack -
I got another tattoo on me right arm of a pirate Calvin n' Hobbes wit my sons names on da side. Just as soon as I figure out how to use this blasted digital camera I get ya some better pic's. And fer the lassies I'll wear me Incredible Hulk skivies! OH YEAH! Black Jack
Aye lassie! They be me favorite " Sponge Bob Square Pants" Skivies! They go wit me everywhar! HAR HAR HAR! Shanghi Sooz got em' fer me :) Black Jack
Saturday Night Drinkin and Wenchin
BLACK JACK SHALAQ replied to Cap'n Knifehand Ken's topic in Scuttlebutt
Yo Ho n' Geezzzz it's ccccold out here Captn'. Me main mast is still proud n' dressed but turnin' purple lassie! Whar are ya's?? Waitin' fer some action..... Black Jack Shalaq -
Your Image Needa to be on a website, get the image's URL and then click the IMG button on pst reply area. Then paste your URL into the Text box...Yeah...Arrrr!
Black Jack's Back. Arrrrrrr! Bad camera...sorry. I'm not finished wit it yet. Thar's gonna be a back round eventually. Just as soon as I figuer out what I want. All I know right now is that it'll be GLORIOUS! Black Jack
Saturday Night Drinkin and Wenchin
BLACK JACK SHALAQ replied to Cap'n Knifehand Ken's topic in Scuttlebutt
Aye lassie, I sees yer point with the pistols n' such. So Ol' Black Jack will meet ya on yer terms. Mazolla Sumo wrasslin' sounds........interestin' enough.I'll be armed with nuthin' but me....Hog leg! I hopes the oil will be warm n' yer all sweaty! Har Har Har!! And what kinda Captn' can't find the North Coast?? I know whar it's at! I'll be the one with the eye patch n' main mast & a BIG grin! :) Black Jack Shalaq PS. Did you say somethun 'bout a short rope n' a Roman burger? Well, bring them too, Okay?