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Morgan Dreadlocke

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Everything posted by Morgan Dreadlocke

  1. Toad's ride is gone? Bummer.
  2. Picked up a pair 'o LOSERS at the used store today. The first was "Pirates of Treasure Island" wi' Lance Hendrikson as Long John Silver. It stole a couple 'o plot elements and the characters a'from T.I. then completely trashed the story. The other was "Cross Bones". A cursed dead pirate kills of a bunch of reality tv contestants. It was a low budget slasher flick wi' no class, no acting, little plot and seriously blew chunks.
  3. I've found a one pound steel coffee can works well for solders. A little silver added will harden up the mix A standard propane/butane torch will produce enough heat wi'out meltin' yer can.
  4. A long time ago, in a world before SCA there be a hobby called, "plastic model buildin". One company involved in this scandalous takeover of the country's youth was know as the Aurora Plastics Co. 1950 ta '70 was their glory years, then, fallin' on changin' times they was sold ta a larger corp entity who ignored the market and the assets (molds an copyrights) was sold off around '77. The company acquirin' most 'o the booty (Monogram) shipped the molds via train to their location. Along the route (as the legend goes) the train wrecks and many of the molds are lost . Monogram later scraps many others as being obsolete. The actual tally remains unknown to this day. Around 6-7 year ago a relative of the original founders, and his grandson, attempts to restart/rebuild the Aurora legacy. As I recall , the grandson has a bout wi' some sort 'o cancer an the whole project falls apart. Several blokes on another board I frequents loses their preordered deposits an much evil tidin's is placed on the Lost Aurora Products Company. Fast forward a few year an they've appeared again. Aurora Plastics Corp The claim is being made that some molds, an duplicates of others was not sold. This be of interest to us pyratey folk as they be advertising the release of the old Aurora Captain Kidd and Blackbeard Kits. These has not seen daylight fer many years an is thought by many as proof that Monogram does not have the molds. If APC or LAPCO or A-corp or whatever they has ta call themselves now, has the molds, I be interested. Due to the past history of the company I'll NOT be preorderin'. I'll get mine from the local hobby shop thank ye. So heads up, keep yer good eye peeled, and buyer beware. Accordin' to their website they may also have access to the silver, black, blue, red and gold knights in armour molds, possibly even the never released green knight. But don't be believein' it till ya sees it on the rack.
  5. Trivia fer the Elders? Crikey, I thoughts Billy Joel was new stuff. I feels older than dert now "Special Island" was a phrase out of Bali Hai from the R&H musical South Pacific FYI.
  6. I loves a good conspiracy Hasn't been a good one since Aussie Bloke dissappeared few year back
  7. Man, I could read into that SOO many ways
  8. Seems some blogger has discovered a Y2K bug error in NASA's raw data used fer calculations. :angry:
  9. 1.Picking just one would be hard. Would like to see everything from an execution around 33 AD, to examining an upper floor window from a grassy knoll. Why? Just because I could would be reason enough fer me. 2. Can't change history, but would try to fill in important blank spots. 3. Insight fer the future. 4. Only wi' those willin' ta listen. Mission Lad, T'was done already. They called it "A Sound Of Thunder". Had Ben Kingsley in it. Stunk.
  10. Found it in the $5.50 bargain bucket a few month ago. Wasn't too bad fer noise an entertainment iffins ye had a project goin' at the same time. Near the end is a rather bad gizzard thrust, which even noncombat mundanes will recognize as an underarm miss. Right at the end ya can be seein' the reflection 'o the cranes rotating safety beacon in the ships riggin.
  11. I wishes the person who devised BMI all manner of ill will. Life insurance companies will give ya the shaft too even though ya be far fitter than their baseline average. Crikey, I gots a 39.5 BMI
  12. Well that's a better response than wot I got 10 year ago fer the same post on another board. Problem is if ye wants or needs an SUV ye can get one fer a resonable price. Ya can't get a 60 mpg car less'n ya makes it yerself.
  13. One 'o the biggest hurdles is convincin' the general public that more horsepower is not the answer. 60 mpg is attainable NOW with decades old technology. No not wi' magnets on the fuel lines an 2 oz 'o acetone per gallon or any 'o that bogus dark arts engineerin' crap. An honest, simple, long stroke, small displacement engine could do it NOW! Would you be willin' ta buy a car that went 0-75 in say, 20 seconds? Would ya be willin' ta give up all the extra electrical an chrome goodies ta save weight? What would ya trade fer better mileage?
  14. After a little searchin' the price fer a solar conversion be @$20,000. Thats after rebates and tax incentives. A system this size will eliminate a $100 a month electric bill. Longevity in the Arizona sun? I'd need ta see proof of at least 20 year before even considerin'.
  15. Neither. If ye be within' arms reach, yer elbows be flexin' the wrong way
  16. That's easy. Git that Decrappio punk ta quit bitchin' on tv
  17. I gots no qualms against walkin' if a place be too creepy
  18. Two places come ta mind- The first be Toya, Texas. Just north of the freeway in the west Texas desert is all manner 'o old red brick houses an factories. There's still people livin' there but no business' that I could see. Wierd place. The second was a ghost town near the Cal/Az border. Was goin' ta the Great Desert War in Bouse. The map given showed the path passin the Vicksburg truck stop then backtrackin' 20 miles ta the northeast ta a crossroads then backtrackin' again ta the northwest toward Bouse. Well the map at the truckstop showed a secondary road from the truckstop ta the crossroads savin' about 30 miles. The shortcut turned out ta be the worst paved road I'd ever traveled. Straight as an arrow an potholed like it been used as a gunnery target fer A-10's. At the crossroads was an old deserted town. It was far enough from the freeway not ta be stripped, signs still up an windows not all busted out. Not a soul or car in sight. No electricity, no trash, no sign of any human activity fer years Looked like a 50's monster flick scene where the plague had wiped out the town. Extremely creepy.
  19. /\If I was alot smaller an lighter I'd be goin' ta Bonneville ta join the Buell 130 club. I does have a couple 'o time slips from Lion's Drag Strip though. Modern cars has become too refined an finicky. Ya can't change anything wi'out upsettin' a hoard 'o gov mandated safety an emissions devices. Not fun anymore < Have ta fix the AC on the truck today. Ya would not believe the amount 'o wires connected ta this thing \/Modyfyin' the question- Would ye like ta be a hot rodder?
  20. Several groups I be involved with are dedicated ta model airplane building in the style of the 50's an 60's. The Vintage Stunt Championships been happenin' in Tucson fer @20 year now. Ya gets more points fer a pre '52 design and an ignition (points an condenser) engine. The '52 stunt pattern be used an all modern safety rules be enforced. It's a HOOT cause a lot of the original designers, World and National champions attend. The Senior Pattern Flyers Assoc recreates R/C class 3 aircraft of the 50's thru the 70's. Most of the early 60's designs had to deal wi' the short commings of primitive radios. A Taurus wi' the original K/B .45 and an 8 channel reed system was a slow, jerky, (an world champion fer several year) airplane. Wi' a modern engine an a proportional radio, a few changes ta incidences an thrust line, it's like flyin' sumthin' outta Star Wars I don't think any of 'em fetch ya extra points fer dressin' the part
  21. /\The wife painted a hallway bright General Lee orange. At night when the lights be on, it looks like the hallway be on fire <Just finished rubbin' out the lacquer on the Buell parts. Then puttin' the experience 'o usin' the wife's machine ta sew up a seat cover. \/ Does yer hobbies an skills thereof overlap frequently?
  22. /\ The wasted year between high school an the military. Aye, that an me last wrasslin' match in '96. Heerd the fat lady sing her guts out durin' that match. <Watchin' the smoke risin' up from behind Kitt Peak all week. Sure could use an inch 'o rain right now. \/Does ye get righteous weather durin' the summer?
  23. Hmmm, sounds like the hull took a fall onta sumthin' sharp. If the hole be jagged with pieces of the old material still in it, could ye not saturate the area wi' resin, an pull the old pieces back inta rough alignment wi' a buttonhooked wire? Then scuff up the area over the hole an crack wi' 80 grit paper an laminate a 3-4" strip 'o glass cloth over the length 'o the repair. If ye be needin' pressure from the inside 'o the hull try deflatin' a kids pool ball an stuffin' it up through the hole. Inflate it just enough ta hold things where they be needed then glass the 'ell out of it. Yer local hobby shop might be stockin' a product called "Nomex". It be honeycombed glass in several thicknesses. Cut a piece longer than yer repair and as wide as can be pushed up throught the hole. Butter it up wi' resin, shove it up in there, then pull it back tight against the hull till the resin kicks. Yer cockpit problem might be from too little support under the cockpit floor. If the hull be all glass ya could shoot foam under the floor ta shore up all the flex. If there's any wood in the hull the foam will rot it out so be checkin' it out good before hand. I fears tryin' ta separate the hull from the deck would be akin ta tryin' ta patch a tyre by cuttin' the sidewall from the tread. Little hope of reassembly. Keep us posted an good luck wi' the project.
  24. Could ya be describin' the damage ye be tryin' ta repair?
  25. An here I were hopin' this be a thread on "The Crimson Pirate". Oh well. Run them guns out smartly. Look lively now
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