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Morgan Dreadlocke

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Everything posted by Morgan Dreadlocke

  1. Havin' got some rain this winter the wilsflowers be poppin' up soon. We gets a small weedy lookin' vine called Devils Claw what be the most fragrant flower ya ever did smell. It be a thick sweet scent that ye can be detectin' 30 feet away from the flower. On natural rodent repeller- Run to the dollar store an stock up on cheap bubblegum. The varmits eat it an it binds with seeds an grass in their guts an they croak off.
  2. Trav'lin' that road I see's the name "Ald Yeller boot" loomin'
  3. /\ Use ta be. Body surfin' or longboards at Huntington cliffs a zillion year ago < Sinks like a rock so's I's always treadin' water. \/ Ever piss arf the harbour patrol fer bein' out too far?
  4. /\ Mostly it be real people. Strangely a lot of 'em be dead. It doesn't seem ta be botherin' them in a dream. < has been puntin' under the Bridge 'o Sighs as shown in Hesters picture. Have a reccurin' dream of returnin' ta the UK fer a year or two an bein' totally unprepared ta do so. \/ Does ye have any reccurin' dreams?
  5. /\ Hate the illigetimate box 'o sparks. Considers it ta be equal ta the tree 'o knowledge in the garden 'o Eden. Touch it not for it holds empty promises. < Hopes the wifes next sewin' machine don't be needin' any computin' for ta work. \/ Internet addict or just usin' fer information?
  6. /\ 12 H. Findin' something that fits be a blessing. Something comfortable is only a dream < Been known to push the defrag button just ta watch the 'puter do something. \/ Does ye rule yer computer or just hang on fer the ride?
  7. /\ Abalone. Half hour o' beatin' it wi' a rock, 2 hours o' stewin' an it still be tough as a spare tire. < Lots 'o aloes Jacky. Keeps the the wife an humminbirds happy an the mulch pile full. \/ Passin'the question on.\/
  8. Could also be some interpetational problems wi' the word Raven. As a single word it be accepted as "raven, black bird". Spoken as the first of two it could be misconstrued ta be "ravin' " as in village psyco.
  9. /\ Looks down an smiles < 5 hours of runnin' aloes through the shredder. Biggest pile 'o green muck ya ever did see. \/ Would ya rather buy it or make it?
  10. All infamous rogues had 3 names. John Wilkes Booth, Lee Harvey Oswald, Marion Michael Morrison. Could ye not be usin'- John Raven McKay?
  11. Be this a venue where I should be bringin' me wife? Or extra dead pressydents ta be tuckin' inta a dancers ahhh a$$ets?
  12. /\ Has ta be an 8x10 newspaper photo of an SCA practise session. Everything be lookin' knightly except fer Morgan's dark ages sneakers wi' the three white stripes showin' < Freakin' dog ate the seat offen me bike. \/ Yer animals ever be gettin in trouble?
  13. I be keepin' an eye on the site. Does most 'o me readin' here cause its one 'o the few places that loads in under 10 minutes. Me 'puter be on life support, its pacemaker be wored out an no amount 'o upgradin' will ever get a video ta pass thru this areas phone lines
  14. That be workin' Mate. Throw up yer picture.
  15. FDA ain't makin' much noise about what other products might have used this tainted wheat filler. Sure makes ye wonder bout that box 'o crackers callin' yer name from the cupboard.
  16. Form an function not required, just what it be.
  17. /\ in its entirety, never. <Massive algae bloom in the fish pond. Every thing be floatin' an plugged up. Coyotes be eatin' good tonight, bout 40 pounds 'o ded fish ta get rid of. \/ Exercise or stretch?
  18. I think it be a casting used by ?jewelers? fer producing ahhh charm bracelet trinkets? The top left flake is indeed an inverted penguin as may be the others. The cone on the bottom be where molten metal is poured inta the mold. The stubby cutoff branches on the lower be penguins whats been removed. Wild guess. Next.
  19. /\ Livin on the edge 'o Saguaro National Park we gets ALL of 'em Seriously, We've had bobcats in the chicken pen, mountain lions at the fish pond, javalina every freakin place, harris hawks hoot owls an bats all passin through. Me little truck got run over by deer one mornin' < Too hot too quick. Rattlesnakes are out an movin'. Be keepin' a pointed shovel at every door. \/Any dangerous critters ?
  20. 'Bout 30 year ago I figgered iffins I didn't know why peein' on me shoes was so funny mayhaps I shouldn't be drinkin'.
  21. Fair winds be to those who is a goin'. Jacky, mayhaps someone in the center 'o the universe be settin' up a Pyracy Pub POTC3 movie raid? Someplace where they be acceptin' cash on the barrelhead
  22. Spent 2 years in East Anglia UK wi' the USAF. Was too young ta be enjoyin' it then (a no culture city kid). Twas a different world bein' where many things be centuries old as opposed to growin' up where few things be older than 50 years. Been tourist shoppin' in Mexico a few times. Don't be drinkin' the water < About ta give this 'puter the off the porch upgrade. The same wi' AOL. Tired of gettin cutoff every 20 minutes while on a 6 hour download Be ye technology challenged or software impared?
  23. I has returned my invite with regrets. I has not the computin' power to open the attachment.
  24. How the bloody 'ell does ye get the ticket attachment to open?
  25. Weatherlysquareriggers.com gives a date of 1751 for 4 French vessels of the Xebec/Poleacre type. Has a couple of line drawings and pics of working models.
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