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Morgan Dreadlocke

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Everything posted by Morgan Dreadlocke

  1. Here be mockups #1 an 2. #1 was fer figgerin' out basic shapes an sizes fer the plywood panels. #2 was ta see iffins the shape was ta be appealin' ta th' eye. 1/6th actual size, 24"over th' deck length. Full scale 12' long, 6" draft, an 12" freeboard at design load. Still debatin'w'meself wether twill be a proper sailin' vessel w' centerboard, sheets an the hassel o' learnin' ta sail, Or, the much more practical route o' being a two masted piraty lookin'rowboat
  2. /\ One 'o the biggest drawbacks ta motorcyclin'. < Found cheap straw hat blanks at Michaels crafts. $1.50. They be on the small side. Cheap enough ta experiments on befores abutcherin' the real deal. \/Pirates ever use big walkin' sticks?
  3. /\ Currently tis workin' on plans fer me ship. The 1/6th scale mockup seems ta be workin' smartly. Pics soon. <Headcold, blowin' weeds, an 8 hours 'o grindin' soapstone fer the boss. Me sinuses feels like a demolition derby. \/ Does ya think a right proper piratyship needs ta be actually sailed? Most 'o the mud puddles around here wouldn't let ya hold course fer more than 10 seconds. Would oarlocks an a (whispering) trolling motor be an acceptable substitute iffins she still looks the part?
  4. I casts me vote fer Torin Thatcher. 'E plays the evil Pendragon in "Jack the Giant Killer", the Master of arms in "The Black Shield of Falworth" an the best cinemagrafic first mate ever in "The Crimson Pirate". Next
  5. Iffin's ya could addlib some piraty lyrics to it, "Touch and Go", by Emerson Lake n Powell is a fine ditty. "Calypso", by Johnny Denver is a good one but bloody hard ta sing. Anything wi' a wailin' set 'o pipes I'd give me ear to.
  6. /\ Nope. We live so far out in the hills that any light draws in the Illegals an other riffraff. < Listnin' ta the wind ahowlin'. \/ Best kick arse rock n roll album ever? (Live Rust :) )
  7. You sets the date lass an ald Morgan will plan aroundst it.
  8. /\ Coke. Its the real thing. < Wonderin' if any piraty people plannin' ta hit the Az renn faire? \/ Be it real, artificial ,or cuttin' yer own this year?
  9. /\Sharp edges, Lassie. A cutlass never hang fires. < (< Buell is made by Harley Davidson) Only the engines, lad. The rest be assembled from a conglomeration 'o parts via foreign ports. Much like a good crewe :) \/Watchin' any pirate movies today? Whar be me manners? I thank ye RCJ. I goes ta be lookin now.
  10. /\ Oklahoma. Showboats a close runnerup. I does a fair renditsion 'o Old Man River. <Was thinkin' the best pirate bike would be that collection 'o parts called "Buell". \/ Lookin' fer untrimmed felt hat cores, blanks or whatever they be called. Best place?
  11. '06 was a restin' an preparing year. 03/04/05 was awasted workin' fer an aerospace company bound ta put itself under. We was "leaned" in every possible direction when all we needed was a proper set 'o prints wi measures that jived wi the parts. After 2 years no days off, no parts, no plans, an 20-30 hrs OT every week I says scrooze this. Raises a hopefull pint ta '07
  12. /\Currently no. In the past- Left foot, both knees, pelvis, sternum, ribs front and back an a nice divot in the side 'o me skull. 'bout 5 years active SCA, so busted fingers don't count. < Wishin' I could type faster so's me posts not be out 'o place. \/ What motorcycle would a proper pirate be ridin?
  13. /\Edward Woodward an George C Scott wanderin' thru the streets 'o London on Christmass morn. <Installin' some Markley medium light strings on the git. The lights 'ave no umph. \/ Fish- Fried, baked, broiled, bbqed?
  14. /\ A pair 'o boots what fits these things I gots fer feet. 12 H means yer barefoot a far longer time than ya wants ta be. < Observin' all me desert greenery what bit the dust last night. Bottomed out at 24 F. \/Hobbies ya can persue whilst piratin'?
  15. /\ Wild javalina on the north 40 fer veggies. Nothin' else left. < :Lookin' smartly hard fer the 'lectric blanket control. 29 an the glass still be fallin' . \/ Motorcycles?
  16. An Image like that makes the movie time frame most profoundly after the voyages 'o Magellan. The world be not as it were before. Crikey, me printer be devoid 'o squid juice
  17. /\ PIZZA!!! < Really glad didnae half tae answer that bone breakin question \/ Harry Chapin Or Gordon Lightfoot?
  18. The propane be fer burning the soft wood out of the carriages. The wire wheel eats out the ash leavin' an aged knarly lookin' finish. I'd not try any firing on these. Too many differin' materials an questionable glues. ABS to PVC glue look like cheap water based contact cement. Durham's Rock Hard Water Putty makes sum fine fillets an fills some voids in the fittin's, but there be no great strength in it. Me thinks the design be fine fer carbide or hairspray or whatever IFFINS the materials be all o' one product. These be fine fer ornamentin' me ship what ain't yet.
  19. Good eye Harbour Master. They be indeed Alfybet plastics. Gots 'em at the Home Despot Johnny. Various fittin's n diameters. 2x4's fer the carriage. Ya gots ta buy pipe in 10' lengths so's ya might as well build 4. Got about $150 in em including paint, propane fer agin, pool acid fer etchin', a wire wheel and a cheepie engraver ta texture the trunnion caps. The acid takes off the galvinizin' so's the metals can rust proper. Didn't do squat fer eatin' off the lettering on the caps . had ta use the engraver fer that. 'Tis a fun project, not ta be afraid of.
  20. /\Seen the big black triangles goin' 'ome one night. 'Bout a mile long they was, wid a small starlike light in each corner. Blotted out the stars behind 'em as they went. <Still wonderin' what the bloody 'ell I seen. \/Ever see sumthin' ya could nae explain?
  21. What good be advanc'd edukasion iffins the buggerin' instructor don't even know what a bleedin' parrot weighs? Me kids got scrawny parakeets weigh'n more than 50 grams. 'Ow much work be the cotton doin? All of it Lass. The rest 'o them questions, well --- Money ar rum Lass, nuttin' fer free
  22. Yellow on Black, Matey. It be makin' a half millenium jump afrom 1230 wood to 1730 silk soon.
  23. Angelica, Big Marie, Pudgy and in the back is Bad Bad Leroy Brown. Now to builds me a ship worthy 'o such cargo.
  24. Gordon Lightfoot, Seven Island Suite. Wants to try this one at a bluegrass open mic tomorrow night.
  25. Tonight be a marvelous concoction of ingeneous design. Ya takes the old turkey karkass an boils it fer a couple 'o hours. Fish out the bones an add a heap 'o onions, celery, s'hrooms an enough taters ta fill the pot. Add one or two tins of cream O' favorite soup, then ya boils it fer a few more hours. Pour the finished mess o'er a pile 'o biscuits an chow down till ya look like a rum barrel
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