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Morgan Dreadlocke

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Everything posted by Morgan Dreadlocke

  1. Trust Terraserver a be makin' a liar of ya. Parkin' ta the east o' the pool used ta be free. I'd count on feedin' a meter there. Parkin' to the west 'o the pool is hidden behind a large apartment complex. It be a pay lot. The little postage stamp parkin lot by the store be almost empty. Long Beach pier and area
  2. Sorry Lass, I thought ye was speakin' 'o the old Belmont pier parkin' lot between the grocery store an the dive shop if they still be there. I doesn't think I ever seen an open space in there
  3. /\ Aye, but the trail be mighty short when the name researched be Brown. Right next ta Smith and Jones it be. < Preparin' ta join a fighter practise tonight. 1st time in 20 year. \/ Pass the question\/
  4. There be a huge parkin' lot just east 'o the Olympic pool. It's well within walkin' distance to the pier.
  5. Lindberg models be jumpin' on the pirate craze by reintroducin' a series 'o pirate pistols. Around $20 each at the local hobby shop. Picked up the blunderbus fer me daughters' kit. The plastic be very thin almost as in a vacuformed kit so go easy on the cement. Scale wise the buss is kinda sad. The too short rifle stock on a pistol seems wierd an the 3/16"ramrod has ta go. So , I's cut off the top 'o the stock, added a ball finial , shoved in a piece 'o 1/2 pvc fer a barrel an shot the whole thing full 'o insulation foam fer rigidity. It'll work fer the kids but I's perty sure I'd be snickerin' iffins I sees one at the renn faire www.lindberg-models.com if ye be wantin' ta look. Seems like every company wat ever produced a plastic model ship is rereleasing them as "Pirate ships". An interestin' model 'o the Turtle rev war sub be available in resin fer @$70. If it was wood an larger than 3" I'd fork over the loot
  6. My seat was so lousy it be hard ta tell wot I was seein' most 'o the time. Bootstrap Bill's costume had wot might have been gaps showing light colored skin. Kinda like his dark barnacle suit had splits a half an inch wide in places. Wot was it I be seein? Don't sit in the corners, it be nae good fer this movie.
  7. Don't be makin' me invoke the five day wait clause
  8. /\ Last blind date be 27 year ago. Now I's married ta her. < If it works, don't be questionin' it. \/ Date horror stories?
  9. Courtesy of our "most favored tradin' partner", lead based paints be makin' there way inta yer kids invironment. Feels kinda sad ta put Thomas the Tank Engine inta the hazardous waste bin
  10. 51 year ago, Paddy McDoo joined the military. On his first day 'o basic trainin' he was issued a comb. On the second day they shaves off all his hair. On the third day Paddy gets issued a toothbrush. On the fourth day the base dentist yanks most 'o Paddy's teeth. On the fifth day Paddy gets issued a jock strap. Yep, the military has been searchin' fer Paddy McDoo 51 years now.
  11. 'M'e , Ta be feastin' on all the goodies ya'll be bringin'.
  12. /\ Ahh the ocean. There be a time when it was not illegal ta camp out on the beach. The roar of the surf at midnight will be hauntin' ya decades after ya first hears it. < Bring on the heat Makes old abused joints feel better \/ Can ye work in the heat? Or just ly around like a corpse?
  13. Couple 'o hundred pages n pictures of information at www.lutesandguitars.co.uk Stunning closeup photos of ornate rosettes
  14. At only 1100 lbs it ain't much of a tank. (pssst, C'mon ya'll. Lets go Donk tippin' )
  15. /\ That would be A&W root beer. Never could tolerate anything made wi' or tastin' o' rye. < After readin' this thread i's now of a mind ta go spin the platter loaded wi' Dickey Dale vinyl. UP THE GOLDEN BEAR! \/ Best current day beach fer beach combin'?
  16. (Holds a blank sheet 'o parchment against a furrowed brow) I see's the future. Twisted it be, an warped as an irish rodents mind. Ta cast the POTC spell over those too tender ta be seein' PG13 be the intent. I forsees a cartoon, a mixin' of I, II an III, seen from view 's as yet unpondered. Ya everyones thinkin' it, I'm just sayin' it- It's title be- "POTC III 1/2 Ragetti an Pintel saves the world"
  17. Be checkin' yer toothpaste now. I smells the tip of an iceberg when it comes ta findin' how much toxic waste is bein' sold back ta the world. Few year ago I sent the wife ta buy a bag of lava rock fer the fish pond filter. She come back wi' a bag 'o reddish ornamantal rock imported from China. Wasn't gonna work in the filter so's we used it as ornamental rock in the garden. Come the first rain the stuff up an floated away. Wasn't rock at all but some sort of dyed plastic residue. Me thinks their industrial revolution be out of control
  18. /\ That would be a private 737BBJ owned by a cruise line heiress. Penguin aire we called it cause we figgered it was never gonna get off the ground. <Lookin at wife's dead car in the driveway. Somehow she tore out the motor mounts, which let the engine drop onta the halfshaft wi predictable results. \/ Deepest repair ye ever did on a motor vehicle?
  19. Yer pain and frustration be understood. Did private aircraft interiors fer 5 year. Bout went nuts workin' 80-90 hours a week, wi most 'o that spent waitin fer flawed engineerin' an wrong parts ta be delivered. Scroo dat noise
  20. A'lookin' at Jack's resume it be apparent that he ain't captain material. 1. Has to sell his soul ta get a ship. 2. Mutinied upon after 2 year. 3. 10 year wi'out a ship at the start of #1. 4. Almost mutinied upon at the start of #2. 5. Finding fault wi' his own work in the multiple Jack desert scene in #3. 6. Sullied an unusual would not be his feelin's after a'wipin Kraken snot on MY shirt.
  21. "The Sword and the Rose" 1953 Richard Todd, Glynis Johns. A Disney costume fest NOT to be confused with 85's "The Rose and the Sword"
  22. If there be an Oscar fer the most wasted use of a character , this be a good candidate
  23. I has seen a cartoon version many year ago. I think 'Wind in the Willows" has several film versions. Not much in Disneyland that couldnae be tied to a movie
  24. Mixed emotions on this one. The loose ends from II be tied enough ta finish the trilogy. I did not be likin' the writin' fer the characters this time around. Gov Swann and Norrington was a cast away like two Star Trek first commercial security geek fatalities. Jack seemed lost fer most of the film servin' only ta be a focus point fer others ta work off of. Bad guys must be off'd properly- Beckett's fate needed ta be far more painful ta balance my scales. Perhaps consequences of sittin' in the front row, extreme right side, makeup seemed bad. The pirate lord convention looked ta be a bunch 'o Caesar Romero Joker wannabe's. Had expected Mr Richards part ta be a silly spouffy affair He would have been better served ta play one 'o the pirate lords. He fit, they didn't. Sword fightin' was unimpressive. I'll not comment on the final battle as my perch in the corner saw not much more than closeups 'o flyin' splinters. High points- Barbossa shows why he IS captain! I'll see it again from a better seat next week an I'll be buyin' the DVD but I could not recommend it ta a nonpiraty friend. Now git arf yer arse an go see it so's we don't have ta be grovelin' ta Spiderman fans
  25. Mayhaps a travelin' faire circuit could be arranged. Start the season wi three weekends at Port's 'o Call, then move down the coast line. A weekend at Huntington pier, Newport Beach, San Clemente State Park ect. There used to be several small boating /fishing establishments in the salt swamps just north of PCH. Maybe even raid on Camp Pendelton Take advantage of each sites particulars to keep the program from gettin' stale.
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