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Morgan Dreadlocke

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Everything posted by Morgan Dreadlocke

  1. Twould be nice if mail order was a viable option out here. Mail be not secure in this local. Too many filchin' fingers o' foreigners filterin' through the boxes
  2. Ya'll be soundin' off if ye finds a copy retail anywheres. T'would be a blessn' ta watch it tuesday night instead 'o wall ta wall riot coverage
  3. A company I used ta work fer tossed out an old blueprint/topo map cabinet. The thing is huge an heavy. Has 10 drawers an inch deep by 36x24". Thinkin' about leavin' out every other drawer an building up the drawer sides to 2". 30 square feet of tool and supply storage - HELL YES!
  4. 3.50 a gallon fer propane in Tucson. Still walkin' bowlegged after a 120 gallon delivery
  5. Theys 54mm blackjohn. That about 2" fer you lubbers out there. Steadyness in the hands be a learned trait. If ald Morgans' butcherd fat fingers can muster it so can yers. There be a fair amount of cheap larger scale practise figgers at any Michaels, Big Lots or Mall Wart. The fun is in learning ta use washes an drybrushin' ta bring out textures an detail. The details on some figgers is jus plain hard on the ---ahhh--- well jus plain hard
  6. 90ish, cloudless, light breeze and (lying on floor clutching knee) changing tomorrow.
  7. Within a period of three days, those pirates who had boarded the ship and opened the cargo container with its gritty sand-like contents, all developed strange health complications, to include serious skin burns and loss of hair. And within two weeks, sixteen of the pirates subsequently died, either on the ship or on shore. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- That be a quote from a cybership wot might have one gunnel wetter than the other. Pack yer tricorne full 'o foil or not, could be the worlds biggest dirty bomb complete wi' glow in the dark pirates. There be too many sites usin' rumor as fact or unnamed sources and annoyemus tips ta pull much fact out of it. Black ops mis an disinfo don't make it any easier on the common folk ta connect the dots.
  8. Picked up a VHS copy last weekend. Not too keen on Flynn's attempts at piratical speech. Razil Bathbone as a french pirate was a hoot. I hope they fixes the plot hole whereby the 200,000 pieces 'o eight gets tellyported onta the ship while the Spanish pirates gets blowed ta 'ell
  9. /\Half a bottle of Nyquil followed by a quart of hot very salty chicken soup. < Bad mistake today. Was shoppin' fer new git strings an played a demo 12 off the rack. Severe G.A.S. attack followed. I knows where me next spare 1/2G be headed. \/ Next toy ye be plannin' ta acquire?
  10. The amount of casting detail is amazing. This is the face of the kneeling pirate, all 3/16" of it Paint 'em while yer young. Eyesight is all downhill after 45 LOL.
  11. The Legend 'O Sleepy Hollow as narrated by Boris Karloff.
  12. Even wi' a slow computer it don't take but a few minutes to look up who be in charge of a campaigns finances. That bein' said, I wonders about the mental processes 'o a candidate who hires one o' the co-owners of a bailed out bank ta be his financial chairperson??? The policies forced upon the banks by the Fruit 'o the Oak and their hired lackey lawyer is disturbin' ta say the least. The fact said person is still recievin' funds from them, and the fact that the first pig in poke bailout plan required 20% of any profits ta be distrubuted ta said organization (and its ilk) is just plain wrong. Questions need be asked. Any who smells 'o hog grease need not be on the side 'o those doin' the questionin'. Note: After any interview, debate, or press conference there has been a flood of revisions ta the Wiki. Ya can draw yer own conclusions on that. Ya need facts, stick wi' sources wot cannae be altered ta suit the whims 'o the radical wings. Observation: While the left is goin' full out smearin' the right, there be scant attention paid ta the lefts assault on the left. Ya ain't heerd an evil word about that pirate "Cankles" in months. Tis this part 'o a grand rope-a-dope scheme? Let the right vent all its wrath upon the extreme far left candidate then the left plants a technicality ta replace him wi' a -- less radical left substitute?
  13. Just like I left 'em years ago- These be Phoenix Miniatures. Think they be a UK outfit.
  14. That be a damn good price Pew! I paid about $20 a head fer 54mm pirates back in the late 70's. Theys stuffed in a moldy box somewheres. (must go find).
  15. Murky waters copywrite lawrs be. I's seen many a version 'o Fiddlers Green as writted by JC, yet the basic framework can be found a decade before in a '59 Burl Ives tune- Wrap Me Up In My Tarpaulin Jacket and Say A Poor Buffer Lies Low; and Six Stalwart Lancers Shall Carry Me carry Me With Steps Solemn, Mournful And Slow. I's seen other works copied word fer word with nary a hint of acknowledgment fer an earlier version or the original PD source an carryin' a big cw warnin' as well Tweeks yer gizzard it does!
  16. Eatin' popcorn an watchin' the train wreck in progress. There's a body bleedin' profusely in tha ditch missin an arm. Congress has arrived an is applyin' a tourniquet. They can't find a pulse so theys applyin' leeches ta the body till they fills up wi blood. Then they attaches the leeches ta the arm an squeezes them. They ain't figgered out that the tourniquet should be on the body and not on the lost arm Ya' ll is watchin' the biggest pirate heist in history. Pass the pork.
  17. Somewheres around 350 souls on board now. This heare forum at the Pub would be used more often iffins new topics could be started. (Hint hint)
  18. A bunch 'o Blackmore's Night stuff an me own slaughtered attempts ta recreate it
  19. There be another set 'o Somali pirates wot ain't gettin' off so easy. Seems they snagged an Irannian freighter out of China, headin' fer Germany. Cargo is supposed ta be several thousand tons 'o iron ore and technical parts. Reports is that several 'o the pirates have died from strange burns an hair loss. http://www.longwarjournal.org/archives/200...urrounds_hi.php
  20. I remembers makin' model airplane glue by dissolvin' celluloid in solvent. The planes themselves was laboriously crafted from balsa wood, old apple crates, silk scraps and painted wi' a most foul smellin' paint called (hehe) "dope". Bein' successful at flyin' R/c aircraft meant ya came home wi' a repairable pile of busted sticks, dead 67 volt batteries an a busted cr tube or two. This ya rebuilt while watchin' Bill Burrid, Art Linkletter an Red Skelton on a 10 year old telly sportin' a coathanger fer an antenna. Me skateboard had metal wheels and twas still legal ta ride ANYWHERE. The "Crewcut" was the hairstyle 'o choice and many a night was spent campin' on the beaches between Bolsa Chica State Park and San Diego--- FREE! Try that now wi'out gettin murdered or arrested. $5 was enough gas fer several hours 'o fun wi' 500 horsepower . Pull inta a gas station an the windows was washed, oil checked, tank filled, an change brought out without you movin' from the seat. Big Daddy was Don Garlitz or Ed Roth. Twas not uncommon ta find both at Lions drag strip. Most radio stations was still broadcastin' in mono so ya had ta mount an aftermarket reverb unit ta get a semi stereo effect. Yer home stereo unit was about 6 feet long and weighed about 150 lbs. Ya could stack up around 5 or 6 records at once and the unit would drop the next one inta place as the last one finished. 78, 45, 33.3 an 12 was the available speeds.( I hears wee ones askin' "Wots a record?")
  21. I sees many elected Captains starrin' inta the hold 'o a founderin' ship. Theys plannin' ta refloat the hull by borin' 700 billion holes in the bottom ta let the water out. Manacles an a vacation ta Devils Island they be deservin' fore any more damage be done. Tea needs be spilt, an quickly.
  22. /\ None yet, too far away. < Attempting to throw together a pirate kareoke booth fer the Holbrook Medieval Fantasy Festival in Sept. \/ Pass the question.
  23. The 4 events be happinin' at once. There be one body performin' on each event at the same time. Yes it is distractin' but thats how its always been. Did ya be hearin' the POTC theme at one point? At least one wee lass had some class
  24. Weird is reading who won what, on the 'puter, 30 minutes before Bob Costas says yer watchin' it live on the telly.
  25. Raises another glass to the Japanese gymnast who performed an impromptu double twisting flop after losing his left grip on the Rings. Dayum dude, that hurt 12,000 miles away
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