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Morgan Dreadlocke

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Everything posted by Morgan Dreadlocke

  1. This be the greater Tucson area... plus 60 fathoms 'o water.  First on paper 8"x12", then old rotted linen 3'x3'. Coming soon on 6'x6' canvass.IMG_20191224_0001.jpg.4afa5c054eeb2b2c682c7213d5d7d15b.jpg

    PXL_20230514_235339645[1380] (2).jpg

    1. Picaroon Lagoon

      Picaroon Lagoon

      This is incredible (and incredibly inspiring), thanks for sharing! I can’t wait to see the canvas one! 

    2. Morgan Dreadlocke

      Morgan Dreadlocke

      Ye be welcome. Tis me purpose in life to make stuff, Sometimes serious, sometimes WAAY tongue in cheek☠️

      fork shooter.jpg

  2. Aye it were. Have since obtained another copy which has the right movie on the disc. 2 years? Crikey. Been busy ; )
  3. Caveat emptor! Picked up the newly rereleased DVD, "The Buccaneers" 1958 from Barnes and Noble. The artwork on the disc is correct, however the movie encrypted on it is some avant guarde psuedosex documentary named "Women, Art, Revolution" from 2010. Oliver Films stock number 0F356, bar code 8 87090 03560.
  4. Contrary to rumours, Gordon Lightfoot is alive and well.

  5. 30-35 at night. Got 'bout 3" of much needed gentle rain over several nights an 2 nights 'o hurricane force winds in the valley of Avra. The AZRF site should be well greened up by next week. The Estrella war site will be a bog.
  6. Treasure Island Kids; The Pirates of Treasure Island. Starrin' Randy Quaid. Tis tough ta even think on it wi'out heavin' supper overboard. Makes the Adam West "Batman the Movie" pirates look good.
  7. Looks like the last forum upgrade has granted the crewe new topic postin' priviliges. Stand up an make yer presence knowne.
  8. Yer welcome Sir. I gots a memory liken a steel trap, rusty an illegal in 37 states
  9. The Princess and the Pirate. 1940ish with Bob Hope as the tattooed victim and Walter Brennan as the crazy old man, Virginia Mayo and Victor McLaughlin as "The Hook".
  10. 110% correct. Anyone here being FORCED to listen to right wing hate radio? Anyone been FORCED to attend a Tea Party? Now flip side that coin. Are you willing to let the government(any government) decide what propaganda you WILL listen too? . If the Tea Parties be evil then let them be hung by their own devices. A government actively sponsoring sensorship/suppression/demonization of a political entity/ideological group of citizens. No its not WW2 Germany but I still hear Goebbels laughing.
  11. The description states "white metal". I don't think the hammer or frizzen could possibly be functional made from this. Theres also a hairpin steel spring looking to hold the frizzen closed to the priming pan. It appears to be molded into the lock instead of being a separate piece. Not bein' a gunner this would be a laymans observation- nonfunctional display piece.
  12. I hates them bloody aluminium soda cans wi' the little flipper tab thats snags mustache hairs.
  13. Will be interestin' ta see how the script writers deal with Vernes' twisted timeline.
  14. Welcome lass. Tis the custom fer new souls ta buy a round fer the house. As ye be one'o them filthy rich Captain types, make mine a double
  15. Cruisin' through the 2nd hand book store an sawr a photo of an early 19th century diving suit. 1822-27 or somewheres thereabouts. Went searchin' this morn and found an online photo- http://www.dreamstime.com/stock-image-diving-suit-in-early-age-image9525721 Crikey, a HA JIM suit!
  16. There be hollow paper mache' balls at Michaels craft stores. Bout tunahalf inch dia fer around a buck. Theys brown kraft paper over a thin blown plastic liner.
  17. So Sad. That kid was surrounded by speculators, handlers, manipulators, parasites and enablers his whole life. A Jim Carrey Truman show gone bad.
  18. Keepin' a weather eye on the Baboquivari mountains. Fires up around 20 sq miles now, can see the glow afrom the roof. Smoky as all getout in the valley
  19. $2.29 in town where the throat cuttin' be. $2.39 along the freeway and outskirts. Last month some "backyard inventor" blew up his vehicle wi' an improper water splitter injector
  20. Uttered by both Captain Vallo and Prof Prudence.
  21. That be page 42 of "Pirates, Terror on the high seas from the Caribbean to the South China Sea" David Cordingly consulting editor.
  22. There was a transition wench between Seymour an Elvira. She went by the name 'o Moona Lisa. Wayne- get out!
  23. Larry SEYMOUR Vincent checked out in the mid 70's. Stomach cancer I thinks. Bummer , he was good. Ya gots ta be good when ya ends yer show with- "Have a bad evening , Fringies"
  24. T'aint the lowly extremeist right wing cutthroats that put their marks on articles unread.
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