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Morgan Dreadlocke

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Everything posted by Morgan Dreadlocke

  1. If they be holdin' a "if ye can carry it, ye can keep it " contest ya'll come get me, ya hear.
  2. /\ Mr Toads wild ride. Everything come to a stop near the end where ya gets run over by the train an the creepy little devils be lookin' out bunches 'o holes at 'cha < Local bobcat made off wi' some feathered food last night. Time ta set the traps out. 7 days ta the "Beyond the edge" party. Bring on the pizza! \/ Ever loose yer cookies on a ride?
  3. /\Havin' a wee bit 'o green in me blood I'll be goin' wi' the version whats easiest ta pronounce. Chewin' yer tongue off tryin' ta speak words wot ain't gots any vowels be mind bogglin' > Cruise ship? Naw , too much like a floatin' prison. \/ Ever try learnin' yer ancestral language(s)? Suceed?
  4. /\ Too close ta the top 'o a ridge line fer a flagpole. Lightnin' strikes a plenty around here <Finishin' up me baldric an haversack fer the "Over the edge " party in Phx next fortnight. Not documentable but very practical an inexpensive. \/ What be goin' on at a typical public pyrate party?
  5. An what governments be fundin' the fundamentalism? Lets see, Iran has oil contracts wi' France, Russia an China, three permanet members 'o the UN Security Counsil. These three be the same whats financing the conflict in Sudan, opposin' any resolution to it. Now tell me, what political connections would those three countries be havin' in the US?
  6. \/ Just a few 'o the many- A two cylinder engine from an old washin' machine, five sheets 'o eyuclyptus burl veener and about two tons O' exotic cactus specimins wi' a little bit 'o frost damage. < Crikey, plumb tuckered out today. \/ Speakin' 'o gold mines , any connections between pirates an pannin'?
  7. /\ hidin' an disguisin' be the "C" in SCA. Been known ta hack up big roasts ta make steaks that don't look store bought. < Big time packrat an hoarder 'o odd materials fer crafty work. \/ Does ye ever go dumpster divin' fer supplies?
  8. It's bein' sold ta China. Unconstrained by any environmental concerns they be free ta expand oil consumin' industries and, under the flak screen produced by left wing agendists, are free ta rape the north of Africa. Strange how the news media be reportin' every casualty, military or civilian in Iraq, yet is silent on the millions what be slaughtered in Sudan simply cause they be livin' on the oil fields. The very same UN members who be opposin' US intervention in Iraq be the same that are feedin' in the oil trough in Africa. Therefore ye can side wi' the pubbies an be responsible fer Iraq, or ye can side wi' the crats an be supportin' genocide in Sudan. If ye be a consumer there ain't no middle ground. If ye be thinkin' either side be free 'o oil influence ya need ta be educatin' yerself on 21st century oil grabbin'. It be a choice o' pickin' up a shytey turd by the cleanest end The question ye should be worryin' about be- what you gonna do when the UN decides ta divy up US oil fields in Ca/Tx/Ak? Your political canadate gonna side wi' you an yer interests or sell you out ta the highest bidder?
  9. PLANT SHADE TREES!!! Keep the entrance fees reasonable. Possibly offer a discount season pass as in, 1 weekend -$10 , six weekends- $30. PLANT SHADE TREES!!! Make sure yer paid entertainment isn't repeatin' itself on half a dozen stages simultaineously. People wants ta see variety, not multiple versions 'o Drunken Sailor. PLANT SHADE TREES!!! How 'bout a couple 'o weekends stayin' open till bout 10:00pm. If the moonlight be too bright the bellydancin' people can be hidin' under the PLANTED SHADE TREES!!!
  10. Just picked up "Blackbeard" from the Mal-wart $5.50 bargain bucket. A 2006 2 part mini series of 169 minutes. Was entertainin'. Has a trailor at the beginnin' fer a remake 'o "Mysterious Island" starrin' Patrick Stewart. I'd not be puttin' much faith in the plot as it looked like a Hollywierded version of the Craig/Lom 60's version. Seemed like an awful lot of pirates fer 1860's. Come ta think of it there be another version 'o Mysterious island. This one made the rounds 'bout 1975ish wi' Jaws. Starred Omar Sharrif as Nemo. I'd be lyin' if I said it stank cause it wern't even that good.
  11. I ain't watchin' a movie in a theater wi' out me popcorn and coke. Just ain't adoin' it. Never thought I'd be askin' this - Wot's a box 'o Depends run?
  12. /\ No scared kiddies but we did have the SWAT van lookin' at a fighter practise one afternoon. Strange ,they did nae want ta play < Figgers the best award ye can get is when the 2007 recreaters crowds around yer piraty 1720 keyster fer photos. \/ Pass the question\/
  13. /\ Nay , but tis somthin' I would dearly love ta try. < Rememberin' the city 'o Long Beach an all that is no more. The cyclone racer at the Pike, Bob's hobby shop, hunereds 'o oil derriks on Signal Hill, Aye even Marineland way off ta the west. Twas good livin' then. \/ Does yer old town keep its flavor or has it been lost wi' the years?
  14. Another Long Beacher checkin' in. Spent many a summer at the LB model boat shop makin' ships that was always a bit more piratey than the instructors be likin'. Prolly crossed the path 'o Billy Bones though neither of us would be knowin' it. Sneakin' in ta the Marine Stadium ta watch the drag boats every Memorial day an collectin' starfish ta boil up an sell ta the tourists might be the plantin' 'o the seeds. They got a good waterin' durin' a 2 year tour of East Anglia. A few years playin' in the SCA but too much polytics and brownnosin' fer me tastes. Decided ta build me own ship about a year ago and stumbled through the pub lookin' fer plans and information. No real intent ta go piratey at the time but hey, if yous gonna build a pirate ship might as well do the rest right too.
  15. /\ Strummin' and Hummin'. Every thursday night at the Picture Rocks Community Center. It be a run what ya brung open mic session. <Gusty winds an sun in the desert. Too gusty ta be BBQin' tonight. Can't even be hangin' the laundry right now. \/ Crash stories?
  16. 'Bout ten year ago me son gave me a grand upset in the eway things was ta be. In me youth I had a fair hand in anything that floats rolls flys or has parts ta be assembled. I figgered that at four year of age it be time to introduce the kid ta things I's found most satisfing. On a three day weekend we visited all manner of hobby related areas. Every flyin' field, boat pond, garage railroad, slot car or r/c car track was thoughly investigated. Hobby shops was scouted out until I thought the kidbe ready ta bust. Then I asks him, "What is it ya be wantin' fer yer birthday"? His eyes get big round as a bdinner plate an he starts ta fidget. He's realizin' that Dad's gonna cut loose wi' the big bucks an his little brain is in termoil. He says, "Dad". I says, "yes" He says, "Dad". "I'm listening", says I. He says, "Dad" I says, "SPEAK BOY"! He says, "Dad---- I want a hamster"
  17. /\ Aye, sometimes I even be departin' from honesty too < I thinks i'll spin one in dat longer random topic thread thats passed away. Tis true I be swearin' it. \/Speakin 'o yarn, wot could a piraty soul be usin' several pounds 'o raw cotton fer?
  18. /\ Specific to task- Write and fly control line aircraft, left. Play guitar and fly r/c aircraft , right. Type- closest finger to keyboard. < Thinks Black and Decker power tools has the worst ergonomics, defying use by either left or right handed people. Ya should not have to remove yer thumb from the grip ta turn a tool on. \/ Good question, passin' it on.\/
  19. /\RHJ, An uncle who taught me to imagineer and build whatever I be needin' in this world. Also a gymnastics coach not willin' ta accept just good enough. /\RCJ, Once shaved me beard an stash, left me hat off an applied fer the job I already had. It went over well. /\CA, Confidence. If a woman has the confidence to be who she be tis better than tryin' ta be what she's not. < Overtime tomorrow. The lean weeks 'o winter be over. \/Longest time ye ever worked?
  20. /\ I carries a yellow pad 'o paper fer ideas EVERYWHERE. < Heh heh heh, I've earned evil status now. \/ Has ye ever made good on an idea?
  21. Harris hawks. They looks like a red tail but lives in family groups. Its not unusual ta see 4 or 5 within a hundred yard radius. Noisy critters when they be all lined up across the chicken coop hopin' fer roof failure
  22. /\Aye. If ye ever get ta the Red Bull aviation museum in Austria, check out me handiwork in the DC-6 interior. Commin' up on 30 year a'wearin' cabinet makers hands an still enjoyin' it. < After spendin' 5 year in aircraft interiors i'll not be flyin' again. Pigskined designers, double checked by pigskinned engineers, an the ok'ed prints still be off by several inches Ya, tell me again how a 24"sink fits nicely in an 18" cabinet \/ Necessety bein' the mother of invention, has ye ever see a wooden baldric buckle?
  23. Gettin' closer. Ya'll be reservin' a table nears the pizza bar fer ald Morgan. Ther'll be Hob ta pay iffins I can't find no victuals after travilin' a hunerd mile. Be there a cover charge at this dive? Should I be bringin' me six string?
  24. Well I can't be sayin' fer Oliver Twist, but as the British agent in "Around the world in 80 days", He be soundin' every bit as Long John Silver. Same accent, same shifty eyes, different costume.
  25. /\ Neither. Don't be likin' the taste. < Bring on the food! (blessed wi' the metabolism of a freight train) \/ Potc3 parties planned?
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