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Red Cat Jenny

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Everything posted by Red Cat Jenny

  1. No wooooonder you cook so much! lol :angry:
  2. Come now Jack, wit that smile ye gots?
  3. Aye.. an EOPC! (equal opportunity pirate calendar) sounds goode to me! I'll take one copy please :angry:
  4. Whee! Jack's drunk! and apparently having...fun! goode for you Jack! :angry:
  5. Red Cat fishes in her pockets an pulls out 'nother stub o candle. "Long as there be no powder magazine down ere I suppose a lil more light would reveal what be glowin so.. see ye any barrels?" :angry: She's squeezin up an arount th others crowded in the stair as she be a bit shorter than they..poppin out here an there like a mouse tryin to get a look at the cheese ahead.
  6. Greatly flatterin words Blackfoot! Those an shiny things get a big smile from the Cat! :angry: Tis goode to have ye among us agin!
  7. Welcome to th pub!! I'll be havin a vodka n cranberry thanks lass! :angry:
  8. RedCat drops to her knees alongside Chloe raising a small cloud of the dust wot covers everythin. She leans in ta help brush away th debris and looks around fer the whole picture. "Chloe ye be a genious! " she shouts rather unexpectedly.. even for herself...
  9. Ha! I listened to a very unusually merry El Al pilot yesterday off on his way for a holiday! Everyone made me laugh yesterday. Listening to my doggie snore and the tea kettle..
  10. Aye Lass! Happiest o birthdays to ye! Why.. you look so....yooung! Have fun! Act silly Be immature flirt accept all giftys eat too much cake! laugh a lot pass out at the end of the day with a big grin on!
  11. Aye...hmmm now let's see.....
  12. looking out for the
  13. ^ AAgh! *thud*....uh ...almost < Can't wait for spring and summer!! Just about 3 months to go! V Favorite season?
  14. Yes yes! 12 months of pirates! Male version! WOOT!!
  15. T'wasnt that kind of laugh..
  16. Oh honey is never...never bad..
  17. Mayhap something with hot sauce and fish mmm and some bread to soak in it!
  18. That is the time...my goode man to let go..cast off the lines..and give in to Piracy! Even if it's just through a good book lol!
  19. When a man comes to like a sea life, he is not fit to live on land." -Dr. Samuel Johnson
  20. OOh yes and don't forget Burl Ives, Nat King Cole , Johnny Mathis all the goode stuff!
  21. Jingle Jingle!!
  22. Wow! Very nice! I'm glad I haven't finished all my "kit" shopping yet! I'll be by after the holidays!
  23. The linen coat is very nice! The grey blue is just about the color I'm looking for. I'm about 5'3 and I like the idea of the coat lookin a little big, but is there sizes to fit someone my height?
  24. Those are great thanx fer sharing!!!! We'll be singin thru the new year!
  25. Finally!!!! Huzzah for Patrick!!!!
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